Is it time to allow well behave dogs in the resorts?


New Member
In this time and age families travel with their pets but it's a shame that you have to house them somewhere else. Disney should set aside some rooms as pet friendly, say a bldg at Old Key West, Saratoga Springs, or Treehouse Villas, where you could be away from guest who don't like pets. Some of these rooms on the first floor already have a patio with grass. There are thousands of pet friendly restaurants and hotels around the country and we choose those businesses over the ones that are not, surprisingly they are quieter and cleaner. How many times you go to a restaurant and a kid is climbing over the booth, screaming, or if in a hotel they wake you up at 5am from the room above or next door jumping, screaming. Business that have tried this have increased their business and customers keep coming back.


Well-Known Member
The problems are not the pets it is the owners. I can not tell you how many stories I have heard from pet owners who took their pets to a hotel and did not inform housekeeping about their pets "accidents" so they could be cleaned up properly. I am about as far from a germaphobe as you can get but I really do not want to sleep in a bed that someones Chihuahua pinched a loaf on the night before.
As usual the Master beat me to it.
I have seen way too many pet owners who think it's someone else's responsibility to deal with their pet's leftovers. As far as the POR, no. Just love to see the brown surprise right in the middle of those beautiful landscaped gardens. People bringing their animals into the food court. Just what I want is to have a comforter of bedding that smells like someone's two ferrets. It's not fair to coop your pet up all day in the room while you're in the park, and don't even suggest bringing them into the park. Where are they going to be while you're on the ride? Tied to a trash can? No exceptions for a dog that fits in a bag over the Great Dane either. Then you have the dogs that don't get along with others and start fighting, or just barking at the other pets. Yeah, I'm of the opinion that's what they make kennels for. Just because fluffy is your friend, doesn't mean he's mine. I haven't even started on the possibility of people getting bitten. I can't even begin to count all he times people have told me, "oh don't worry, he doesn't bite". My answer was always the same, "He doesn't bite you"!

I think it would be nice if there were say one moderate and one value that did it. Or at least a section, like say one or two bulidings at PORS.
Why not the Poly, Contemporary or the Grand Floridian? Why should we limit pets to only the cheaper resorts? Let's let the deluxe folks have some fun too.
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Well-Known Member
I wouldn't want to see dogs around the resorts, as we are from the UK we don't see our dog for 3 weeks so seeing someone elses makes me miss mine more.:cry: When we stayed at the Portofino (Uni St) we saw dogs around the property (dog friendly hotel I think?).
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Well-Known Member
Nope. I have siblings that have dogs they think are "well behaved" :veryconfuand I totally disagree. Dogs are part of the family. Why would someone want to bring a dog, only to have it locked in a room most of the day (week)? Wouldn't they really rather be at home that someplace strange?
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Club Cooloholic

Well-Known Member
Why not the Poly, Contemporary or the Grand Floridian? Why should we limit pets to only the cheaper resorts? Let's let the deluxe folks have some fun too.

I guess I meant because many mods in particular have several buildings spread out. You could take 2 or 3 buildings at Riverside and they would be seperate enough to not worry about barking etc. Might be harder at contemporary etc. But you do bring to mind say Saratoga perhaps...
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Active Member
where would all these dogs go to the bathroom? i for one do not want to be walking the resort grounds and have to dodge grenades every five steps. As much as people say they will clean up after their dogs there are many who don't. And i wouldn't expect Disney employees to have to clean up around the resorts for the lazy few. Also Disney would end up spending a fortune cleaning rooms and purchasing new carpet, sheets, towels, etc. You know people would clean up #1 with the towels provided by disney. Too much hassle, leave them at home. I am sure some dogs may like a vacation away from their owners as well for a week or so.
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Well-Known Member
As commented repeatedly on the Guest Fails thread. There are people that don't pick up after themselves or their kids so I agree the few bad pet owners would ruin it for the good ones by not picking up after Fido either.
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Well-Known Member
Let me start by saying that I am a super-attached dog mom to our little toy schnauzer and she's a very attached little fur-baby to us. My youngest has major pet allergies which is why we got a non-shedding breed. I'm sensitive to dog smells so I bathe our dog at a minimum once a week (& brush her teeth & comb her skirt..LOL!)). If our dog wasn't barky when people come to our house you'd never know we have a dog. My hubby just returned home from working out of state since mid-January. During that time we took our little dog up to visit with us when the kids & I went. The hotel staff all knew our family including our little dog. Just before he checked out he had a talk with the manager who mentioned how the housekeeping raved about how clean our room always was even with a dog. She told the old man how other people with dogs had totally trashed entire rooms: bedding, mattresses, and carpeting that had to be replaced because it was so soiled...smells that would turn your stomach...doors & cabinets that would be all chewed up. These dogs never went outside. Pet-free hotels are because of those pet owners. It totally peeves me sometimes when we'd like to go rent a cabin at the lake for a weekend, the kind if thing we'd love to do with our dog, but we can't. The rules are there for the folks with crap for judgement, common sense, and responsibility. Not us. The hotel manager my hubby spoke to refunded our pet fee and thanked us.

Also, the new boarding facility at WDW is fabulous! It's absolutely NOT a place to dump the family pet for a week. We boarded our dog there last November and found taking time to visit her something that enhanced our vacation. We looked forward to it! Plus, we knew our girl was close-by receiving excellent care in an amazing accommodation. The single review of Best Friends Pet Care that's posted here is from me. It's very detailed. If you ever gave thought to boarding your pet on-property but wasn't sure, check it out. And if anyone has questions just lemme know. I'll help all I can.
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Well-Known Member
THere are a lot of reasons why not, many have been mentioned here -- allergies, people cleaning up, misbehaving pets, etc.

That being said, it also falls into the simple category of dogs are not permited in hotel rooms WHILE THEIR OWNERS are not there. This is across the board in all hotels everywhere. Sure, people break that rule, but that's not the way it works.

WHen a hotel is pet-friendly, it means WHILE you are there....that means, while your entire family is out at the parks for 10 hours, the dog is NOT permitted to be in your hotel room and still would need to go to the Kennel.

Now -- there is some built-in income for WDW if that were to happen, since they can charge you extra for the pet in the room, and then charge you even more to board the pet during the days while you are in the park.

They're not going to mess with that. Too much to clean up, etc.

Keep in mind, it's also not just YOU that has to deal with the allergies, messes, etc, but also housekeeping where you have the same allergy problems and cleanup problems.

Those of us who have ever taken our dogs on vacations with us where they stay in the hotel room with you also know that NO housekeeping service is offered while you are at the hotel.

It's 100% impractical at WDW.
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I think service dogs have gotten WAY out of control! I have not problem with seeing eye dogs, but Comfort dogs......REALLY????? In this day you can buy one of those things to put on any dog so you can take them with you. A person I know has a little yapper dog that she admits she bought the "service animal" thing for so she could take it with her anywhere she goes. It is time for papers to be needed for some of these animals!
AS a trainer of service dogs, all dogs that are put into service under the ADA must have proper credentials that they are in fact a service dog.
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
AS a trainer of service dogs, all dogs that are put into service under the ADA must have proper credentials that they are in fact a service dog.
Quite true but people are buying service dog vests online and putting them on their untrained family pets so they can take them wherever they please. A business partner of my boss at my day job did this very thing with his dog.
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Absolutely not. What's the point? It's not like the dog or cat would be having a great time in a strange environment while being left alone all day. As far as comparing ill behaved children to animals........I'm not even going to touch that one. At least I don't have to clean (human) feces off my shoes as I do when a pet lover decides not to clean up after his/her animal. (And yes, I have pets and children!)
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New Member
Sometimes we take the dog with us on vacation. But not to Disney World! She would spend the whole day alone in a hotel room. What's the point?

So many head aches (and possibly lawsuits) to worry about.

Disney just put in a fancy kennel. My guess is they want you to use it.

Yeah - the dog would be better off at home in their own environment. Plus, my dog sheds like mad - I'd hate to enter a room where someone elses dog was previously. ick.

But come to think of it, Lowes resorts allows dogs though so it must work for them.
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this is an absolutely wonderful idea! In today's society of personal responsibility, good etiquette, and all around caring for those around you I see nothing that could go wrong.
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Well-Known Member
I am a dog lover- own one, looking to become a 2 dog household in the next 6-8 mos, and volunteered for a couple of years at a local animal shelter - and I say no pets in the hotels.

1. I think it would be cruel to the animal. In most cases- your dog or cat is going to be spending more time alone while at Disney than they would at home. A bored pet is often a destructive pet. Sure, there are lots of pet friendly hotels out there, but in most of these places (i.e. NYC, Miami, Boston, San Fran, etc.) you can often take your pet with you during the day vs. leave them in the hotel- i.e. reducing the odds that your pet will be an issue...which is hardly the case at Disney.
2. A hotel room is unfamiliar territory- meaning your pet is not going to be as comfortable as they would at home with a sitter or in a boarding facility that they know (or with people there around the clock to help them acclimate). A scared dog can also be a destructive dog.
3. You can't expect Mousekeeping to take care of your room if you have a pet in there. That is a stranger entering their territory and even a good well behaved animal might become protective in this new and unfamiliar situation.
4. No matter how much you clean- allergy sufferers could be negatively impacted. I am allergic to dog and cats, but choose to own dogs; however, I suffer ugly allergic reactions if I'm around dander from an unfamiliar animal for too long...i.e. all of the dander left over in the carpet, etc. that cleaning didn't pick up.
5. Disney would have to set aside areas for your animal to "do their business." Even if they adopted a strict clean up after your pet policy- they'd still have to have someone go through now and then to give the area a real cleaning. That means added cost. Plus, not every pet owner is going to follow the rules, so that means unexpected messes. Seriously- even in the best parks, dog parks and other animal friendly areas- there are always people who ruin it for others.
6. A crying child in the middle of the night is one thing, but the odds of hearing barking dogs and meowing cats are pretty high and not something I want on vacation.
7. Your definition of well behaved and my definition of well behaved might be vastly different. I doubt DIsney would want to take chances on this one.

Now if you want to bring your pet and board your animal onsite- that's great! There have been great reviews of that new facility as well. And obviously- service animals are perfectly fine...that should go without saying. I could go on, but you get my point.
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