Is attendance really down at WDW this or…


Well-Known Member
When comments like" opportunity to do more with less " that's reality in the everyday workforce.
Too bad its not the reality in the federal government. That is the very reason Disney and the everyday workforce is looking for "opportunities to do more with less".


Well-Known Member
external factors like covid maybe... but I don't look for every excuse in the book to blame for the less attendance trends... if they want to know why, they just need to look at some of their decisions made (or not made) in just the last 5 years or so.

So what's the excuse for Universal's revenue decreasing some 10%? Apparently their business is suffering far more than Disney's. Is their management just more inept?


Well-Known Member
I do find the moral self-patting victory lap on disney to be quite strange by a lot of people here, especially when the competition (and nearly every company of almost every sector) is experiencing the same thing.

The economy was juiced and extremely inflationary and now have been purposely cooled off with unemployment purposely increased to ease inflation.

Did Disney raise prices to unsustainable and extreme heights? Yes, but so did literally every other company, and it’s reached a breaking point for pretty much everyone. I don’t know why we’re pretending to be surprised?


Premium Member
Did Disney raise prices to unsustainable and extreme heights? Yes, but so did literally every other company, and it’s reached a breaking point for pretty much everyone. I don’t know why we’re pretending to be surprised?
raising prices isn't the problem if they continue to offer the same value and quality...but...therein lies some of the biggest complaints by many.


Active Member
Genie was rolled out during the pandemic and benefited greatly from the revenge travel phenomenon. Now that revenge travel is basically over and inflation is at historic levels, the average family can no longer afford an expensive vacation. Disney will not lower ticket prices, but they might adjust Genie prices down in an attempt to make guests overall visit cheaper. I would also expect plenty of resort discounts and Florida resident discounts, to try and prop things up through this slow down. In the end, Disney will be just fine.
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