Rumor Inside Out to Replace Journey into Imagination with Figment?


Well-Known Member
This would be great, but alas I don't think we will see it. They would rather stick to retreading tried and true stories with "big name" actors for their movies. Heck, the Kingdom Keeper book series has done really well, but they never made a movie of that. There will always be people in the company that love certain characters, storylines, and ideas, but it takes buy in at a much higher level and across the board to make a multimillion dollar budget movie. Its sad but true. Its where the industry is today.
Kingdom Keepers is part of the problem in that it treats park-original characters as evil disposable robot minions for "real Disney characters" like the animated Disney villains.


Well-Known Member
The only way I could see Inside Out being added to the Pavillion would to have a few different experiences keeping a ride centered around the imagination with Figment and Dreamfinder and then another attraction focused on emotions and senses and how they can affect a persons ideas and dreams. However if an attraction/ experience including Bing Bong were to be created I wouldn't be mad about it.


Well-Known Member
How much of the original ride was cut off?? Wasn’t it much longer?
A decent chunk, about 30%.

Post refurb:

Current (only show scenes changed):

Credit goes to
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New Member
If it would replace the wonders of life pavilion
I think that would be better, of course I want it to go back to its original attractions but that’s wishful thinking. I love figment so anything that would replace that would just be sad! I do love inside out thought!


Well-Known Member
I think Inside out and Imagination could mesh with each other really well...though figuring out the specifics has been a challenge. Currently working on a's hoping I beat an announcement lol. If I do figure it out I'll definitely post it here.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Give Figment the boot and change Imagination Pavilion to Emotion Pavilion with Inside Out. Problem solved
I hate to say it but I have to agree. If Disney won't restore imagination to its former glory, and they wont, just bulldoze it and start over. I don't want inside out imagination, so make inside out into its own thing. At least then I don't have to walk into the remnants of a major beloved attraction for me all the time. Sure I'll still compare it to what was there originally but at least it wont feel like a generic shoehorned attraction like frozen then. Hopefully.


Well-Known Member
My friend's family just got back from their WDW trip. Their daughter having never been to WDW before fell in love with Figment and proceeded to buy a plush and shirt immediately after exiting the attraction. These were her only attraction specific souvenirs. She's a little old, IMO to be toting a plush around but supposedly it never leaves her side.

Does merch have any sway in determining things?

Interesting that you should mention. The gift shop at Imagination when I stopped by in December had actually not a whole lot of Figment stuff; at least, not much compared to what used to be. Lots and lots of Pixar (and Star Wars, IIRC), and even a bank of DVC-branded merch.

Same could be said for some other attraction-based shops I used to enjoy visiting. It's a little unnerving. Great that people are still snatching up Figment stuff, but I always wonder if the whole concept is getting pushed out.

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