Injuries at the parks

Rufus T Firefly

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
While in the Indy queue yesterday at DL, a boy in front of me climbed to the top of the queue railing and attempted to sit there. Almost immediately, the boy (about 11-12 yo) went over backwards and banged the back of his head on the bottom railing. Nothing serious mind you, more embarrassment than pain.

But, it made me wonder: Who else has witnessed injuries at the parks caused by someone who insists on doing something unsafe?


Well-Known Member
Hubby saw a teenage boy split his knee open really good...said it was pretty grose actually...((sorry I missed it myself)). This was the result of 2 teenagers chasing each other up and down escalators at the Contemporary. The one tripped and hit his knee on one of the sharp metal steps. Someone in management arrived quickly. Mom was a few minutes behind. When she started to chew out the management my hubby and 2 other witnesses stepped in and informed her what her little angel was doing when he injured himself. It wasn't long and everyone involved disappeared magically, all the blood cleaned up, and everything was as if nothing ever happened. I found humor in the enlightenment of the Mom, tho. LOL!


Premium Member
Just saw a lady slip while coming out of the teacups on Wed. night. She was carrying her daughter and since it was so rainy they cups were a little wet and slippery and she slipped and her daughter ended up hitting her head on the saucer and the mom landed on her bum. It was horrible to watch, but both were okay. You can bet I stepped in and out of my teacup extra carefully.


Active Member
Hubby saw a teenage boy split his knee open really good...said it was pretty grose actually...((sorry I missed it myself)). This was the result of 2 teenagers chasing each other up and down escalators at the Contemporary. The one tripped and hit his knee on one of the sharp metal steps. Someone in management arrived quickly. Mom was a few minutes behind. When she started to chew out the management my hubby and 2 other witnesses stepped in and informed her what her little angel was doing when he injured himself. It wasn't long and everyone involved disappeared magically, all the blood cleaned up, and everything was as if nothing ever happened. I found humor in the enlightenment of the Mom, tho. LOL!

I believe it's Larry the Cable Guy's line: "You can't fix stupid." Disney can give all the warnings they want, but there will always be those who feel the warnings don't apply to them, or that they are somehow immune to accidents.


This actually happened to a family member a few trips ago. She wasn't doing anything unsafe or anything, just funny. She was at the very top of the grand staircase at the grand floridian. We were all waiting for her at the bottom (25 of us) and the first step she took, she missed and tumbled down the entire staircase (summersaults and all), landing with a large thump at the bottom. Everyone in the hotel lobby paused to look.
After Disney came to be sure she was not badly injured, she ended up in a wheelchair for the day and we laughed for hours everytime we looked at her.


Well-Known Member
I've seen the railing drop before. Thats kind of a "serves you right" fall since we all know not to do it just because of that. But on our last visit I was exiting HM going up the moving walk way when an elderly woman in front of me fell backwards. I had no choice but to catch her or the entire line would have dominoed. I don't know what language she was speaking but, I hope she was saying thanks.:shrug:


Premium Member
The Adventureland Marquee near the Crystal Palace

Some teenage girl was talking to her mother and wasn't looking in front of her. Ran right into one of the big posts. Fell on her bottom and bumped her head. Bruised arm and bruised ego, but she was okay.

I still laugh thinking about it. Looked like something from a cartoon or a Three Stooges skit.


Active Member
I injured myself at Typhhon Lagoon when I was about 14. I was trying to move one of the lounge chairs around and instead I ran the chair over my toe. My toe started to bleed pretty good so I started to walk to first aid to get it cleaned up and a bandaid, as I was walking my parents were coming in to see spend some time with my sister and I at TL and my dad ended up taking me to first aid himself. I couldn't believe that I hurt my toe, let alone my parents just get there and have to take their daughter for med care. I of course blamed Disney for having a chair that could do such a thing---NOT!!!!!! :ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL:It was my own fault and that's that!!!:brick:


Well-Known Member
I fell at the Tomorrowland concourse because of a pop bottle lid. Don't ask me how...stuff like that just happens to me. It hurt and I was so red-faced. Now I can look back and laugh (kinda). :eek:


Well-Known Member
I saw an elderly gentleman trip on the curb on main street at The Magic Kingdom.
He fell so hard and fast and he didn't have time to catch himself and fell right on his face.

I was less than 20 feet away from him so I started to move towards him to help, but before I could get near him to help him, 3 castmembers had already arrived on the scene and were tending to his injuries. He had a rather large cut on his face but seemed more embarrased than upset.

I was amazed at how fast castmembers responded.
Good job !!!


Well-Known Member
I fell out of a Sea Raycer once. It was my own fault. I was following too close in the wake of MK1. I was zig-zagging, trying to catch waves and I just hit the wrong way. I bumped my elbow but the raycer just shut off so I was able to swim back to it. Those guys on the real speedboats came over and checked on me and I said I was fine. It was quite funny actually.
I got run over by an ECV in an elevator at AKL once and fell right on the ground...dang i hit the ground hard. Sad part is that Mr.ECV didn't give a crap, he said it was my own dang fault that he plowed me over as i was trying to exit.


Well-Known Member
While in the Indy queue yesterday at DL, a boy in front of me climbed to the top of the queue railing and attempted to sit there. Almost immediately, the boy (about 11-12 yo) went over backwards and banged the back of his head on the bottom railing. Nothing serious mind you, more embarrassment than pain.

But, it made me wonder: Who else has witnessed injuries at the parks caused by someone who insists on doing something unsafe?

My favorite was watching individuals climb the giant red Lego in DL's Downtown Disney. That is just asking for an lawsuit.


Well-Known Member
We were walking out of the gift shop after riding Tower of Terror and a rather large teenager fell flat on her stomach right in front of us. It was kind of funny but I felt sorry for her because her friends were laughing. She was OK but it took her a few minutes to get up.


New Member
on my family trip to the world in oct, of 2007-it had just quite raining. as we headed up to get on the train. at the station right by bigthunder mountian. mind you . this silly kid thought it would be cute to stick there leg in between the railing. (which is wood polls , narrow wood too) the conducter or the train guy told them not to , unles they wanted to get stuck. so moments later the train comes , and the kid couldnt get his leg unstuck... so the cm tryed everything fianally they got it unstuck. after that the cm was no longer happy !..


New Member
I believe it's Larry the Cable Guy's line: "You can't fix stupid." Disney can give all the warnings they want, but there will always be those who feel the warnings don't apply to them, or that they are somehow immune to accidents.
sorry wrong blue collar guy its ron white:slurp:


When I was a CM there was a CM in fantisyland who held on to the skyway bucket and fell in from of Dumbo. It was so sad he was 68 as I remember and after that they pretty much closed that ride. Of the 5 years I worked there its the only time I can recall that some one was actually airlifted from the rear of the MK. Another funny incient was when I was in MGM in line for the anamation and I witnessed a rather large lady eating outside what is now playhouse Disney and the chair she was sitting on just totally colapsed. I know it shouldnt be funny but to watch her taking a bite of something and then it colapsses was so funny. BTW the management response was SO QUICK it made my head spin. she was OK in the end.


Well-Known Member
When I was a CM there was a CM in fantisyland who held on to the skyway bucket and fell in from of Dumbo. It was so sad he was 68 as I remember and after that they pretty much closed that ride. Of the 5 years I worked there its the only time I can recall that some one was actually airlifted from the rear of the MK. Another funny incient was when I was in MGM in line for the anamation and I witnessed a rather large lady eating outside what is now playhouse Disney and the chair she was sitting on just totally colapsed. I know it shouldnt be funny but to watch her taking a bite of something and then it colapsses was so funny. BTW the management response was SO QUICK it made my head spin. she was OK in the end.

1st I am not sure if you meant he fell in front of Dumbo or fell into Dumbo :shrug:
The other thing is I thought Skyway was closed due to a person being electrocuted not goofing off.
The thing about your post that disturbs me though is after you talk about someone being airlifted out of MK,you say "Another funny incident":eek: what was so funny about the first incident??


New Member
One time, were were getting off Stupid Judy (Ellen's Universe of Energy). There was a gentleman in the handicapped section in his own wheelchair. It was one of the high backed ones with the little joystick on the one handle to control it. Anyway, he was backing up down the ramp to get off the ride and all of a sudden, we see him slowly tipping backwards. By the time anyone got to him, he had already flipped all the way over. I felt so bad for him. My Dad and a billion others rushed over to lift his chair. He was ok, thank goodness!
Also, hahaha, this was sooo funny. My Mom and I were getting off Space Mtn. We got off the moving walkway, and I don;t know what happened, but she just started tripping all over. It took a while of stumbling, but she finally hit the ground. I helped her up, laughing all the way.:ROFLOL:
BTW, no one came to her rescue.

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