If You Could Steal a Ride Vehicle, Which One and Why?


New Member
I would love to have the Monorail!!

It would be great just to ride it and never have to stop for passengers. Pedal to the metal!!! Take small children by the hand. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Re: I would love to have the Monorail!!

Originally posted by goofy47
It would be great just to ride it and never have to stop for passengers. Pedal to the metal!!! Take small children by the hand. :lol:

Balls out straight through the Contemporary! Whoo Hoooooo!



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by RoqueC6
DOOM BUGGIES! They've got a nice hed support area, great sound system, and they're great for overall privacy. I'd love one! Now you've enstowed thoughts of stealing one on my next trip!

Websters dictionary:

Enstowed-....hmm...not in there...

DARN...it must be because it's the abridged version


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: I would love to have the Monorail!!

Originally posted by wild01ride
Balls out straight through the Contemporary! Whoo Hoooooo!


ummm...instead of a curve ball?

Seriously...I wouldn't mind having a monorail, Peter Pan ship, Astro Orbiter car, a teacup to get people sick...and...a DUMBO of course!

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DisneyJedi
If you could steal a ride vehicle, which one would you steal and why? :)

I hope the word "stealing" wasn't meant the way it was written...

My vision is, you don't steal things you like or want...

You buy them... and if this isn't possible... you're out of luck!
In that case you always can start drueling and dreaming of it..

IMO stealing is a lack of respect to other peoples property..

You'd better refraise your question



New Member
My list:
> RnRC
> ToT (drive this thing down the street)
> Monorail
> Spaceship Earth
Probably more, can't think of them right now.


New Member
okay, so my top three would be:

1.) Spaceship Earth: Only if it comes with the speech that comes with the ride :)

2.) Doom buggies: simply stated...doom buggies...

3.) Its not a ride but a Monorail Train Car...mmmmhhhhwwwaaaahhhaaahhhaaaaaaaahhhhaaaaa



New Member
Hmmmmm . . . . . . . Does the Carousel of Progress count? I mean, technically it IS a ride (you revolve, not the stage) . . . . just a thought


Well-Known Member
I'd take the whole freakin' monorail!!! I wouldn't even need the track (it would be nice...but I don't want to be greedy now...)
I could just set it in my back yard and hold one heck of a party! Each car could be a different 'theme'. Or i could have a cotton candy car, a margarita car, a grilling car.....mmm the possibilities are endless.

And in the summer I could camp out in it! Kind of like my own private apartment!

(I wonder if i could install plumbing into it.....:hammer: )

:sohappy: I'm getting excited just thinking about it :sohappy:


New Member
Originally posted by meeko_33785
I would have to say a Doom buggy would be pretty cool. Either that or one of the pirate ships from Peter Pan... or a Dumbo.

I'm totally with you on the pirate ship! Those have been my favorite since I was a munchkin.

Though, if we were talking about a couch, like was previously mentioned, what about those Universe Of Energy vehicles???

I've gotten some great naps on those (no one's ever on the ride so I've stretched out)!!


New Member
Re: Re: If You Could Steal a Ride Vehicle, Which One and Why?

Originally posted by Corrus
I hope the word "stealing" wasn't meant the way it was written...

My vision is, you don't steal things you like or want...

You buy them... and if this isn't possible... you're out of luck!
In that case you always can start drueling and dreaming of it..

IMO stealing is a lack of respect to other peoples property..

You'd better refraise your question


Get over yourself, dude. People like you shouldn't be allowed on the boards.

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