Iasw Song!


First of all... I was just at IASW today. I swung by the Mk today at about 4:30 to check it out. And, I must say with all honesty, that is a creepy ride. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be funny. It's creepy.


Dawn: I looked around for you, but I didn't see you anywhere. I walked around the carousel, went on Peter Pan and IASW and I didn't see you. Did I just miss you, or where you not there? Also, what's all this about you switching sides? That can't be true, can it?

Freak: *lights up his saber* Sorry I'm late. I was away on business ... supervising the weapons inspections and doing a little recon. Things seem to be going a little crazy around here.

Darth DollBoy: If I were you, I'd stop posting fake pictures of resistance members... That looks like a direct violation of the treaty. I'm sure I speak for the Resistance when I say, we'd hate to have to finish something you people started, but we will.

The rest of you Doll Lovers: :rolleyes: What's wrong with you people? Ugh...


New Member
I can't remember the Holiday version of It's a Small wold in Florida.... someone remind me?

I just got back from spending a day at Disneyland yesterday (I'll post a full trip report if anyone is interested when I finish writing my personal statment night. I don't have pictures... but when my friend email sme the pictures he took I'll post som eof them.. I have a picture of me in a dumbo ride vehicle ;) and I have a picture in front of Sleeping Beauty's castle :))

Anyways ... IASW Holiday is... interesting. I swear those dolls scared me, and those SONGS... that song is stuck in my head still... ACKS!!

I must say though that the facelift that was given the outside of IASW here is nice. The white and gold looks MUCH better then the pastels... But then I heard a story from a friend who was in the ride when it was under rehab and you wouldn't BELIEVE how they treat those children.. tying them up so only their eyes are show... it's barbaric!!

Okay ... I'm done .. :) ... ciao


New Member
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
Resistance Members - do you really ride IASW?

Ha! It shows where your true heart lies, doesn't it?? HMMM?? :animwink:

*rolls her eyes* Just cause we ride it doesn't mean we think it's not evil. It's one of those traditional things.. you HAVE to ride it. And it does look pretty for christmas :) :).

(hehe you guys would be jealous if I told you what our longest wait was and for what attraction. *giggles insanely*) Lets just say we are VERY VERY good at using the fast pass system...)

Anyways the fact that I ride the ride each and everytime and am sometimes even drawn in by the dolls does not remove the fact that I am aware they are evil and that their plan is to get me to do their evil bidding.

Granted the IASW dolls at DL are less evil because they are the originals and they are more rooted to Walt's true purpose (;))... hehe... don't you just LOVE me.


Originally posted by grizzlyhall
Resistance Members - do you really ride IASW?

Ha! It shows where your true heart lies, doesn't it?? HMMM?? :animwink:

You doll Lovers don't get it, do you?
God, no. I hate that ride and the dolls in it with the white hot hatred of a thousand suns... I got in line to try to find Dawn. I went on the ride to remind myself of how creepy it is. I haven't been on it in a while. Plus... I was scouting. Jan. 2 is just around the corner.

General Grizz

New Member
Ah, I gotcha. That makes sense...whoops, I didn't think about getting out of line... :lookaroun

Meanwhile, I am going to imagine animatronic dolls eating frogs and go against world peace and make cults and and...yeah... :rolleyes:

:lol: :lol: :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
Ah, I gotcha. That makes sense...whoops, I didn't think about getting out of line... :lookaroun

Meanwhile, I am going to imagine animatronic dolls eating frogs and go against world peace and make cults and and...yeah... :rolleyes:

:lol: :lol: :lookaroun

No you're not!! That's what members of the Resistance do!


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by jrashadb
You doll Lovers don't get it, do you?
God, no. I hate that ride and the dolls in it with the white hot hatred of a thousand suns... I got in line to try to find Dawn. I went on the ride to remind myself of how creepy it is. I haven't been on it in a while. Plus... I was scouting. Jan. 2 is just around the corner.
Why were you looking for Dawn? She`s on our side now!:sohappy: :D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DMC-12
Cult?:confused: :veryconfu :rolleyes:

Grizz...you need some serious psychological help...NUFF SAID

J-Rash...*lights amethyst saber and clashes J-rash's* Did I get some cool stuff yesterday...I'll take a pic and post it tomorrow... (Darth...you'll like it too...even though it doesn't have to do with children-eating dolls)

Ang...The IASW in WDW doesn't have a "holiday version" (although...it may have and I missed it because I was all teary eyed by seeing that poor frog)


New Member
Hey Grizz, never underestimate evil's deceptive powers...

Ever watch Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail?

An unspeakable evil dwelled within a cave. When all the Knights got there, what did they find...


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New Member
The Rabbit and the Dolls are the Same

An innocent Rabbit, from a distance maybe, but get too close and...


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New Member
Yes, rabbits are nice to look at from a safe distance, but just as the knights underestimated them, if you underestimate the dolls... a grizzly death awaits (pun was intented).:lol:


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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by spider-man
Yes, rabbits are nice to look at from a safe distance, but just as the knights underestimated them, if you underestimate the dolls... a grizzly death awaits (pun was intented).:lol:



New Member
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
That's right, Freak. Taking advice from a guy who believes an Animatronic doll ate a toad. Riiiight...:rolleyes:

Know thyself.

Grizz, another Example... watch or read WestWorld. Them Dolls can turn on ya in a heartbeat. :lol:

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