Iasw Song!


New Member
I'll wait till I see it see it hehe. Dont' want to spoil it. I also need to break down and buy a big figment.. I have the opening day limited edition beanie (a friend that was vacationing bought it for me not really knowing what it was lol) but I need a bigger one.

Hey don't look at me that way... I'm 21.. really.

Anyways we're thread drifting...

General Grizz

New Member
There aren't any more "big" 100 dollar Figments!! Figment plushes sold in two sizes from 1999-2002. He is a bit larger than the beanie, which was produced in 1997, I think. There is a new one out now, which is about double the 1999 model. However, I enjoyed it "back in the day" where there were all kinds of Figment plushes - in all shapes and sizes - and of course...the big one!!

I really miss the original. The whole park is totally different...and this whole Project Gemini thing is really making me sick. :hurl: :hurl: :hurl:

Here come the cookies... :hurl:


New Member
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
There aren't any more "big" 100 dollar Figments!! Figment plushes sold in two sizes from 1999-2002. He is a bit larger than the beanie, which was produced in 1997, I think. There is a new one out now, which is about double the 1999 model. However, I enjoyed it "back in the day" where there were all kinds of Figment plushes - in all shapes and sizes - and of course...the big one!!

I really miss the original. The whole park is totally different...and this whole Project Gemini thing is really making me sick. :hurl: :hurl: :hurl:

Here come the cookies... :hurl:

I just want a cuddly one.. I can't afford a 100 dollar figment on a college student's budget. I'm not sure what the whole Project Gemini thing is entailing cause I kinda steared away from that since the whole news came just recently and I've been way too busy with school work and life type thing.. so I missed it.


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by DMC-12
*scratches head*.... Hmmm... wait... thought YOU were Darrel!

:D :p ;)
Umm... no!
I think NOT!
JimmyC of intercot,intercots leader of the anti doll resistance killed our last queen.
But don`t worry figmentmom The force will protect you!:D


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by monorail256
....I havn't read this whole thread.. but its cool that it went from IASM to.. Star Wars..... Is it to late for me to choose a side? Dark Side Please... :D
Well if you read any of the post their really isn`t any dark side,the supposed jedi are the EVIL ones in this situation and I DARTH DARREL am the President of the IASW dolls and doll protectors therefore we are GOOD!:D

General Grizz

New Member
Project Gemini Rumors:

(1) Add a Flik Fun Fair style attraction to the JII.
My Rating: :mad:

Spend the money with the insurance to open the upstairs image works - or for a future ride refurbishment!! Don't build to something that needs improvement, improve what's there first!! Plus, there is a copy at the Disney-MGM studios, for cryin' out loud!

(2) Land, Sea, and Air
My Rating: :(

Rumor has it that the Land and Living seas would be joined together by an air pavilion. Air pavilion is fine, I suppose, but I'd really hate to see three whole pavilions merged into one. Each has its own qualities, I kinda like them more separate, instead of something like Innoventions. Rumor of a Little Mermaid Attraction. THIS IS IT!!!!!!!!! ARGH!

(3) Soarin' Over...


(4) UoE with Monsters Inc
My Rating: :mad:

This really makes me kinda mad - characters storming into EPCOT! I mean, remember the originality? Success today (Haunted Mansion, Pirates, Carousel of Progress, Tiki Birds, Country Bears, Figment, Dreamfinder, Horizons, Kitchen Kabaret, etc. etc. etc.) created that original flavor! While Monsters Inc fans may like it, it really takes away from originality! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!

(5) Wonders of Life with Toy Story Theme
My Rating: :mad:

See above. And also - what do the wonders of life and health have to do with Toy Story, really? There are already Toy Story attractions in Tomorrowland and in MGM...this whole idea to me isd just sickening!!

(6) California Screaming
My rating: :hurl:

Rumor of a California Screaming Attraction. A roller-coaster, lacking the Disney Theme Park essence, that this just makes me....ARRGHHH!!!

(7) Enclosing the American Gardens
My Rating: :(

I like the Candelight outside. Looking at my family under the stars...it's really magical.

Basically, they want to take each pavilion, besides Mission: Space, American Adventure, and Test Track, and find ways to change it. And this may well ruin EPCOT. Well, it already ruined EPCOT Center. It reminds me of the days of Horizons, World of Motion, the Journey into Imagination, the Kitchen Kabaret...



New Member
Okay let me rebute some things hehe (I love arguing... it's one of the reasons my friends say that I'd make a good lawyer).

First may I ask if you have been to DCA?

Flik's Fun Fair type attraction is NOT just a Honey I Shrunk the Audience thing.. it has kiddie attractions like bumper cars and the sorts. It's GREAT for little kids which is good because Epcot NEEDS more things for little kids to do (which is the idea behind this I'm sure).

Soaring: GREAT ride. It's amazing.. kinda disappointed that WDW gets a copy because people make a big fuss when DL gets copied rides but it will be a great addition to the WS.

Screaming: You sure? I mean I love the ride but I don't see it fiting ANYWhere in Epcot... so I doubt they really would put it there.

UoE with Monster's Inc? Ummmmmmmmm that makes no sense to me

Ditto WoL with Toy Story Theme.. where are those rumors coming from?

Enclosed American Garden? Only if they bring back Blast! lol cause in a dark theatre it looks absolutely AMAZING.

General Grizz

New Member
It would be themed to what is at HISTK now, not the rides. There's no room for THAT...plus they may as well update HISTKids with Flik...because it's pointless having two!! EPCOT doesn't need more kid things, it needs more family things... ;) Disney is not about KIDS... Hehe :)

These are general rumors, posted from various areas.

General Grizz

New Member
Here's what I mean by that Kids comment:

The Walt material was indeed designed as something that could be a SHARED experience between people of all age groups and even backgrounds, making it VERY family friendly. Modern entertainment (including much of Disney) is becoming more specialized and fragmented, with everything geared toward a specific "target market" age group. These type of things often have little to no appeal to anyone outside of the "target" age group, making anyone but the "target" age group feel "marginalized"

But Walt always said he was NOT making "kiddie" pictures. He even disliked the "Midget Autopia" at Disneyland because families couldn't SHARE the experience together and eventually got rid of it.
- David S.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by darthdarrel
Well if you read any of the post their really isn`t any dark side,the supposed jedi are the EVIL ones in this situation and I DARTH DARREL am the President of the IASW dolls and doll protectors therefore we are GOOD!:D



There is a 'Kids in the Hall' skit... where its like a evil magican and his helper... and everytime the magican does a trick... or a joke... he says "Evil!" I have to see if I can find it online.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
Why are IASW dolls evil?

Cause they chant that evil "song" over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over .......

....trying to brainwash the innocent.

General Grizz

New Member
Are you saying "and over"

over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over .......

....trying to brainwash me?? :animwink: :D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DMC-12
Cause they chant that evil "song" over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over .......

....trying to brainwash the innocent.

You've more than succeeded in making your point!:lol: :animwink: ;) :lol::lol:

BTW, that is starting to look like binary code to me...:lol: :lol:


New Member
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
How is singing a truly inspiring song over again brainwashing the innocent anyways?

Cause it's annoying and gets stuck in your head and won't go away. It's all part of the brainwashing.

General Grizz

New Member

It's a small world, after all!
It's a small world, after all!
It's a small world, after all!
It's a small, small world!

It's a world of laughter, a world of tears
It's a world of hopes and a world of fears
There's so much that we share that it's time we're aware
It's a small world after all!

It's a small world, after all!
It's a small world, after all!
It's a small world, after all!
It's a small, small world!

There is just one moon in one golden sun
And a smile means friendship to everyone
Though the moutains divide and the oceans are wide
It's a small world after all!

It's a small world, after all!
It's a small world, after all!
It's a small world, after all!
It's a small, small world!

It's a small world, after all!
It's a small world, after all!
It's a small world, after all!
It's a small, small world!

It's a small world, after all!
It's a small world, after all!
It's a small world, after all!
It's a small, small world!

It's a small world, after all!
It's a small world, after all!
It's a small world, after all!
It's a small, small world!

It's a small world, after all!
It's a small world, after all!
It's a small world, after all!
It's a small, small world!

It's a small world, after all!
It's a small world, after all!
It's a small world, after all!
It's a small, small world!

It's a small world, after all!
It's a small world, after all!
It's a small world, after all!
It's a small, small world!

It's a small world, after all!
It's a small world, after all!
It's a small world, after all!
It's a small, small world!

It's a small world, after all!
It's a small world, after all!
It's a small world, after all!
It's a small, small world!

It's a small world, after all!
It's a small world, after all!
It's a small world, after all!
It's a small, small world!


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by Angelique
Cause it's annoying and gets stuck in your head and won't go away. It's all part of the brainwashing.

Angelique ,

I would like to make you "Ambassador Angelique" of the IASW Evil Doll Resistance :)

Do you accept the job? ...please.. *makes a puppy dog eyes face* :)

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