Iasw Song!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by jrashadb
No, I've heard it before... Makes me cringe everytime I hear it.

G'mornin' J-rash

Just wanted to let all of the resistance members know that I was watchin' AotC last night and was learning some of Yoda and Anakin's moves...I'm almost at the point where I can move like Yoda...with...TWO lightsabers :lol:



New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
G'mornin' J-rash

Just wanted to let all of the resistance members know that I was watchin' AotC last night and was learning some of Yoda and Anakin's moves...I'm almost at the point where I can move like Yoda...with...TWO lightsabers :lol:

:rolleyes: :p :lol:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
The Story...
First Click here ...then read on!

In the not too distant future... WDI Creates the Next Generation IASW Animatronic dolls...smart...dependable... never break down... a self-sustaining system..Run by the main computer in the Ultildoors "DollNet" is born.

WDI throws the switch on....... DollNet goes live... The Dolls start learning at an incredible rate of speed that WDI never would of predicted. These smart dolls then turn on the humans... Hack into DollNet's mainframe... break into computers around the globe... World domination is what they thirst for... to rid the world of humans......JUDGEMENT DAY.

The Resistance is born shortly there after...they send IASW Resistance Leader, DMC-12, into the past.... to stop the dolls...... to prevent Judgment Day from happening....

Join the Resistance today.... for a better tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DMC-12
The Story...
First Click here ...then read on!

In the not too distant future... WDI Creates the Next Generation IASW Animatronic dolls...smart...dependable... never break down... a self-sustaining system..Run by the main computer in the Ultildoors "DollNet" is born.

WDI throws the switch on....... DollNet goes live... The Dolls start learning at an incredible rate of speed that WDI never would of predicted. These smart dolls then turn on the humans... Hack into DollNet's mainframe... break into computers around the globe... World domination is what they thirst for... to rid the world of humans......JUDGEMENT DAY.

The Resistance is born shortly there after...they send IASW Resistance Leader, DMC-12, into the past.... to stop the dolls...... to prevent Judgment Day from happening....

Join the Resistance today.... for a better tomorrow!

Must be a few recreational chemicals in the water supply out in Chicago!:lol:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by figmentmom
Must be a few recreational chemicals in the water supply out in Chicago!:lol:

nah...just a vivid imagination... and for some reason I had the theme from "T2" stuck in my head. :)...and I was checking out the Terminator 3 web site last week before it went live... came up with the idea :)


Originally posted by DMC-12
nah...just a vivid imagination... and for some reason I had the theme from "T2" stuck in my head. :)...and I was checking out the Terminator 3 web site last week before it went live... came up with the idea :)

*fires up pimped out lightsaber*

Listen... I can only keep up with one cool Sci Fi fantasy at a time and I'm digging this lightsaber... let's stick with this one. :lol:


Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
G'mornin' J-rash

Just wanted to let all of the resistance members know that I was watchin' AotC last night and was learning some of Yoda and Anakin's moves...I'm almost at the point where I can move like Yoda...with...TWO lightsabers :lol:


Sorry I didn't reply right away... it's been along day for me.
Glad you're sharpening your skills. Those dolls don't stand a chance.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :fork:


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by jrashadb
Sorry I didn't reply right away... it's been along day for me.
Glad you're sharpening your skills. Those dolls don't stand a chance.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :fork:
HA! I laugh at your pitiful skills!
You all are NO Match for me! and the rest of the doll protectors! :p

General Grizz

New Member
Er...how about something more business quality? I don't think Lord GrizzlyHall would be too fitting...you're president...are there any others? Maybe Secretary of _____ or somethin'?


Well-Known Member
Umm...Mace Windu...I mean...J-rash...would you do me a favor and take out "Chancellor Grizz" for us...I'm kinda busy in the "all white" room of IASW...thanks


Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Umm...Mace Windu...I mean...J-rash...would you do me a favor and take out "Chancellor Grizz" for us...I'm kinda busy in the "all white" room of IASW...thanks

Yeah... I'll take him out like Master Windu took out Jango Fett. Consider it done. Hate to do it, Grizz, but war is hell.

Nothing can stop us!!! :king:

P.S. All of this can be avoided if you decide to join us Grizz... :cool:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by jrashadb
Yeah... I'll take him out like Master Windu took out Jango Fett. Consider it done. Hate to do it, Grizz, but war is hell.

Nothing can stop us!!! :king:

P.S. All of this can be avoided if you decide to join us Grizz... :cool:

Not a chance, jrash! Grizz is OURS now!:lol:

P.S. Hey, darthdarrel, what's MY title???

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