I successfully stoped a group of line cutters!!!


Active Member
In my land Ned = non educated delinquent.


Most clever, but incorrect. We do not have chavs in Wisconsin.


I just love LilWalt's theory of line evolution. The stronger/bigger you are the further up the line you can go. Let the ninjas, bodybuilders and tough guys all line up in front all the way down to the 4 year old girl at the end of the line. So you'd push your way through until someone "tried" to stop you and then there will be trouble? Nice attitude to have... very Disney. I'm sure that's the attitude BigWalt had when he created this world.


Well-Known Member
If someone ever tries to stop me from meeting my party ALREADY in line, I would probably laugh at them and keep going.

You should have gotten in line with them, then. Be glad you didn't encounter me when I worked for Six Flags, because that was something I did not tolerate. If I saw someone cut in the line, (s)he was informed that (s)he would not be riding. If (s)he argued with me, then I would have security remove him/her from the park. Unlike Disney, Six Flags DOES have signs that say you must enter the line with your entire party or you have to go to the back of the line.

Its something that happens and you deal with it. Is 10 people going in front of you going to ruin your vacation???? If so then maybe you don't need to go on vacations where they're large masses of people then.

Maybe people like you should follow the rules. Just because there's a large mass of people doesn't mean the rules should go out the window.

I think your actions of making a scene out it is worse than the people "line jumping"

Politely informing someone that they are cutting in line is not making a scene. Being argumentative about it is. The only proper thing to do is to inform a CM. If nothing is done then go to Guest Relations (or write a letter when you get home). At no time should anyone aggressively confront another guest.

And contrary to what has been said, allowing someone to line jump is passive-aggressive behavior. The definition of the term encompasses a lot of behaviors, of which everyone displays. It only becomes a disorder when several of the behaviors are engaged. Even procrastination is considered a passive-agressive behavior.


Active Member
I just love LilWalt's theory of line evolution. The stronger/bigger you are the further up the line you can go. Let the ninjas, bodybuilders and tough guys all line up in front all the way down to the 4 year old girl at the end of the line. So you'd push your way through until someone "tried" to stop you and then there will be trouble? Nice attitude to have... very Disney. I'm sure that's the attitude BigWalt had when he created this world.

At what point did I say any of this??? I never once mentioned anything to do with any of this nor did I ever mention violence anywhere in any of my post. I wouldn't care if it was a couple of twelve year olds doing it or if it was the Olympic Bodybuilding team. Who it is makes 0 difference to me.

You people just don't get it or maybe its me being a nice guy and not understanding why you get mad about it.

I HAVE NEVER DONE IT, but it has happened to me and I never thought twice about moving so the people could walk by and meet their group or family.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
At what point did I say any of this??? I never once mentioned anything to do with any of this nor did I ever mention violence anywhere in any of my post. I wouldn't care if it was a couple of twelve year olds doing it or if it was the Olympic Bodybuilding team. Who it is makes 0 difference to me.

You people just don't get it or maybe its me being a nice guy and not understanding why you get mad about it.

I HAVE NEVER DONE IT, but it has happened to me and I never thought twice about moving so the people could walk by and meet their group or family.

I get what you are saying bro, I do. But because you are that person who does not let it get to them or mind it, does not make it right when it comes time for you to feel the need to do it.


You people just don't get it or maybe its me being a nice guy and not understanding why you get mad about it.

I HAVE NEVER DONE IT, but it has happened to me and I never thought twice about moving so the people could walk by and meet their group or family.

But you DID say that you would not be opposed to doing it, and that you would laugh at the people you were victimizing as you did it, clearly indicating that it would not bother your conscience in the least. None of which would be possible for a "nice guy".

If that's not what you meant, please clarify and I'll withdraw my criticism. But it is what you said.


Active Member
I guess not because I personally don't have a problem with and never actually thought about it till yesterday when I started reading this post.

Not sure how it would make me feel. I guess if/when it happens I'll let you know how I feel.


I've never done the so called "line jumping" but if for some reason I need to then I wouldn't laugh all the way there, I just laugh at the person trying to stop me.

I don't see the relevance of the distinction. Why is the person trying to stop you more deserving of ridicule than anyone else you're cutting?


How could a pretty lady like you ever have to wait at the bar? Don't you know that all you have to do is smile pretty and a drink miraculously appears?

Now, now. Haven't you been paying attention to this thread? We're supposed to be insulting and yelling at each other. Let's just tone down the civility a little, shall we? Sheesh!


Its line jumping if for a given guest their actual wait time is changed in-queue by someone going in front of them that wasn't there previously, regardless of the reason. If they couldn't get to the line in time to join with their friends then they will have to wait the same amount of time as everyone else entering the line at that point in time, or make there friends come back to meet them in the back of the line.

The example with kids already in line and the restroom is not line jumping, because whether or not the kids had to go or not, the wait time for those behind them would remain unchanged. However, the example with the kids having to go prior to lining up and them sending dad or whoever to join and hold a spot for them is line jumping.

If part of a group wants to join the remainder further up in line it is jumping, because it will extend the wait time of everyone behind the in-line group because the joining group was never there, unlike in the first kids situation.

Another way to think about it would be if Disney had a way of accurately, in real time, tracking how long the wait to the ride would be. Every rider entering the queue would be given a contract stating that the advertised time would have to be adhered to. Anything that would cause the actual wait time to not match the advertised should be considered line jumping.

And while this complaint is often made against "brazilian tour groups", I do believe it has some degree of merit because I have experienced it myself first hand on more than one occasion. Carrying a backpack and physically blocking the path of jumpers generally works for me.

You're dead right... People evaluate the wait time when they join the line, anything that extends that time is thus unjust. It's why I think fastpass is a perfectly acceptable idea provided the standby waits are posted accurately.The line can look short, but if the wait time is right (to allow for fastpass return), people have no grounds to gripe about being overtaken by returning fastpass people.

I use being 6"2 and solidly built to my advantage and simply block the path as required. I often face backwards in the line as well to assist with seeing it coming, and to talk to my party.
At the risk of causing an international incident, culture has a lot to do with it. In some countries you are conditioned to push in, or lose out. In the UK we are told to wait your turn, which trust me works just fine when everyone does it.

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