I successfully stoped a group of line cutters!!!


Those that are younger are seen not to have as much knowledge as those that are older. When in general this is not always the case. So there is a distaste for the younger generation.

sorry to reply to various things all at once...but I think you'll find that the first part of your quote is the total opposite of the genral case.

The second sentence however I can work with. The older generations think they always know best because of this knowledge, and that is what's wrong with them, they usually know best, not always, sometimes it pays to listen to those younger.


New Member
To those who are not bothered by line-cutters, can you please post your picture as your avatar? I’m going to WDW in December and just want to know what you look like in case I feel the need to be rude, impatient, and inconsiderate and cut in line. :rolleyes:


Active Member
Its a belief I have, and have had. Not just in disney but in the world in general. Those that are younger are seen not to have as much knowledge as those that are older. When in general this is not always the case. So there is a distaste for the younger generation. Its always been there. Just look at the movie "The Graduate", im sure you've heard of it
Though this does happen, that has nothing to do with line cutting. So far all you've done is had a temper tantrum about things being unfair when they actually are, sorry to break it to you. Its ok you'll grow out of it. :wave:


Well-Known Member
To those who are not bothered by line-cutters, can you please post your picture as your avatar? I’m going to WDW in December and just want to know what you look like in case I feel the need to be rude, impatient, and inconsiderate and cut in line. :rolleyes:


Wishes 1971

I think if you add up all the times I've been to WDW over the years, the number of times I've had someone cut in front of me would not even add up to three. And you had it happen three times in one visit? Maybe it happens and I just don't notice it. I'm curious though, if you add up the time that those three line cuts delayed you from getting to the ride, do you think the time was significant?

Not much at all....The time doesn't bother me, it's the lack of consideration and respect for others that gets me.....

I've also learned in life, you pick your battles......I may be frustrated by the circumstances, but while we're not an "easy" family to get around, I'm not going to escalate the situation to a conforntation.....

I'll take this to an extreme.....BUT, you hear all the stories of parents and coaches fighting, etc. and you just never know the reaction you'll get from a complete stranger when emotions escalate.....


Active Member
If someone ever tries to stop me from meeting my party ALREADY in line, I would probably laugh at them and keep going.

Its something that happens and you deal with it. Is 10 people going in front of you going to ruin your vacation???? If so then maybe you don't need to go on vacations where they're large masses of people then.

I think your actions of making a scene out it is worse than the people "line jumping"

I promised myself I would not do this...but...That's very smug of you. On the flip side of that arguement though, Is waiting your turn to get on the ride going to ruin your vacation? If I'm standing in line waiting while you are out enjoying yourself and someone from your group is farther ahead, why do you feel entitled to go ahead of everyone else? It would bother me if you push by me and yes I would say something to you. I am tired of the people who think that rules and common courtesy only apply to others. If that's the case, and I believe your example bears this out, then it would be ok for me to stop you physically. After all if you want to ignore rules and common courtesy isn't that the chance you take?

I really don't understand how people can think that any of this is ok. Sure it may mean only a few more minutes in line, but those are MY minutes. Why should I relenquish my happiness so that rude people can feel better about themselves by putting one over on the stupid rule followers. What the hell happened to manners?

DISCLAIMER: I am not advocating violence, merely using that example to show what could happen when people believe rules only apply to others.


New Member
I just returned from my vacation at the world. There were alot of tour groups there. The kids in these groups follow whoever has the flag. One morning at HS, we were waiting in line to enter the park and the tour guide went to the front of the line to stand with a few kids (3 or 4) next thing we know a few more do it then a group of about 10 try it. Finally the women behind them says enough you need to get in the end of line like everyone else. They stand there and say they do not understand why they cant meet up with the rest of their group. If you have experienced these tour groups you will understand that they can be rude and will take over a line or do whatever they want because I have seen it.
Not all the groups are like this but most of them are.


Well-Known Member
there is just a trigger in us that says "this is enough, if one goes, then antother can, then im never getting on or in" I have actually been cut in front of, and then not get onto PPF bc is it had to go down for repairs, yet the line cutters got to see the whole thing, a wast of 90 mins. never again, just wait your turn( unless you get out of line for you rlittle ones to peee, im cool with that)


New Member
It's just not only line jumping. Their whole attitude is bad. A Brazilian boy was feeling my daughter's butt while we were waiting for the fantasmic show.
A Brazilian girl flipped my daughter off her tube in the lazy river. A group of Brazilian girls dumped our stuff off the lounge chairs and took them at Typhoon Lagoon. I have nothing against the Brazilians...just their actions.:mad:


Well-Known Member
Wow, I go on vacation and this is what I miss.

For all the supporters of allowing people to get closer to the front of the line (no matter how you phrase it) it reminds me of when in grade school we would give "back cuts" to our friends.

I am in line, so I allow you to cut me, then I get to cut you. End result you are now behind me, effectively jumping in front of the rest of the line.

Your entire party should enter the queue at the same time. If during the queue someone has to leave for some reason, then it is acceptable (to me) to allow them to return. But to have a person act as a "place holder" and then at a later time have a number of people join them is just rude and tacky.

As far as youth and age are concerned, I am a very young 40. I had an epiphany of sorts when I was 30 or so. I realized that when I was 20 I looked back at my teens and realized what a dumb a$$ I was then, and I felt pretty smart. When I was 25 I looked back at that 20 year old and realized he was none to smart either. When I was 30 I realized how improved I was over the 25 year old. Thats when I realized that at 35 I would be looking back at how many mistakes I made when I was 30. Since that time I have gone forward with the understanding that chances are, I am still a dumb a$$ from time to time, and maybe, just maybe, I don't know everything.



As far as youth and age are concerned, I am a very young 40. I had an epiphany of sorts when I was 30 or so. I realized that when I was 20 I looked back at my teens and realized what a dumb a$$ I was then, and I felt pretty smart. When I was 25 I looked back at that 20 year old and realized he was none to smart either. When I was 30 I realized how improved I was over the 25 year old. Thats when I realized that at 35 I would be looking back at how many mistakes I made when I was 30. Since that time I have gone forward with the understanding that chances are, I am still a dumb a$$ from time to time, and maybe, just maybe, I don't know everything.

I think we all (or most of us) go through that realization at some point. The only difference is when. I think 30 is about normal - at least I hope so because that's about when it happened for me...


I think we all (or most of us) go through that realization at some point. The only difference is when. I think 30 is about normal - at least I hope so because that's about when it happened for me...

Yep. Read the book, New Passages - Mapping Your Life Across Time, by Gail Sheehy. Explains the concept pretty well.


Well-Known Member
Ummm food pics :shrug:

Vermont and New Hampshire. Could have posted pictures of fair food from the North Haverhill Fair though.

Yea, I do go other places besides WDW - I know it's hard to beleive. :D

No worries though, Ill be in WDW Aug 15 - 22 with ADRs just about every night. Food plcs galore will be posted.



Not very often. Looking back at my post history, I can see that I posted until about Aug 2008. Then I got sick of the ridiculous arguments and name calling and didn't come back until Jan 2010. I've since posted 11 times in the last 7 months. My initial post in this thread was kind of tongue in cheek, but this thread does remind why I left.


Well-Known Member
Not very often. Looking back at my post history, I can see that I posted until about Aug 2008. Then I got sick of the ridiculous arguments and name calling and didn't come back until Jan 2010. I've since posted 11 times in the last 7 months. My initial post in this thread was kind of tongue in cheek, but this thread does remind why I left.

This is a great site. Don't let that foolishness make you leave again. We enjoy the non-argumentative company. :wave:


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Vermont and New Hampshire. Could have posted pictures of fair food from the North Haverhill Fair though.

Yea, I do go other places besides WDW - I know it's hard to beleive. :D

No worries though, Ill be in WDW Aug 15 - 22 with ADRs just about every night. Food plcs galore will be posted.


That is whats up buddy! Can't wait to see!


To those who are not bothered by line-cutters, can you please post your picture as your avatar? I’m going to WDW in December and just want to know what you look like in case I feel the need to be rude, impatient, and inconsiderate and cut in line. :rolleyes:

I wish I could help you out, but I'm going in a couple of weeks, not in December. :lol:

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