I honestly saw the scariest thing ever while in WDW...

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
That's a great story. I, too, believe in ghosts ( even though I havn't seen one ) and I find the paranormal to be facinating. It just makes sence really... People who are ghosts are people who have decided not to pass on into heaven for certain reasons ( like unfinished buisness ), or maybe they were criminals and hoping to escape purgatory. Its interesting stuff really.


Active Member
Dukeblue1016 I had a very similar experience at WDW except we were staying at the Grand Floridian!

It was late maybe 12-1am in the morning and we were all just falling asleep, I then felt and heard something get up from the other bed (where my sister was sleeping) walk past our bed and stop at the foot of the bed....My mum then said 'whats your sister doing' so I got up to turn the light on and we all heard what sounded like someone run for the door!

We were in one of the corner rooms which have a small corridor and it sounded like whatever it was had run there then it stopped again...I turned all the lights on and went to have a look, turned the corner and NOTHING!! needless to say we were ALL spooked and slept with the light on for the rest of the trip!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Cool story.I for one happen to believe in Ghosts.In this day and age people stereotype others who believe in ghosts or alien life as some guy named"Cletus" that lives in a trailor wearing overalls with a piece of straw hanging out of their mouths.I am well educated(working on my Masters Degree) and have no problem with accepting there are ghosts.You may have been have asleep and might have had a "brain fart" or on the other hand you could have seen a ghost.Energy (which the brain creates) like all energy just doesnt stop or die it transfers so when you die where does the energy go??- Now im not saying that I believe that everyone becomes a ghost(especially the ones with chains around their necks and say BOO) but it is argueable scientifically that is possible for the possiblity of life after death.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Cool story.I for one happen to believe in Ghosts.In this day and age people stereotype others who believe in ghosts or alien life as some guy named"Cletus" that lives in a trailor wearing overalls with a piece of straw hanging out of their mouths.I am well educated(working on my Masters Degree) and have no problem with accepting there are ghosts.You may have been have asleep and might have had a "brain fart" or on the other hand you could have seen a ghost.Energy (which the brain creates) like all energy just doesnt stop or die it transfers so when you die where does the energy go??- Now im not saying that I believe that everyone becomes a ghost(especially the ones with chains around their necks and say BOO) but it is argueable scientifically that is possible for the possiblity of life after death.

Very interesting theory. Many ghost hunters do believe that ghosts are made up of energy. Its also possibly that this energy may "interact" with an alive persons energy, thus making people able to "see" the ghost wearing its attire.


OK, my turn.

My SIL took her life four years ago. About 6 months after it happened, we were TIVOing a show late night one night, and I just happened to wake up while it was taping. I actually think it was a Travel Channel Disney show... Anyway, a few minutes after I woke up and started watching, the channel turned WHILE IT WAS STILL TAPING and started showing a show about a young woman committing suicide. I just stared at the tv. I couldn't believe it. After a while, I stopped the taping, clicked on the TIVO and indeed, the show started with the correct taping then switched to another channel. You could see the channel change during the tape.

The next morning, I told my husband, who of course thought I was absolutely crazy. So, I said, "watch the TIVO." He turned on the show, and sure enough, it showed a few minutes of the show we intended to tape and then switched to the other show. The girl on the show had many features of my SIL as well, making it even more freaky. I can't explain to you how scary that was. I couldn't sleep for several nights.

Additionally, I hear the radio of the couple who used to live in our house all the time. Our house is about 50 years old. Noone died in this house, but they still play their music (at a very audible level) quite regularly. We live in a neighborhood, but around here, lots are around 1/2 acre, so our neighbors are far enough away that I know its not their music I hear. The music comes from the attic, which I refuse to go into.

So, there's my stories. I swear they are true!


Well-Known Member
Very cool story and thread! Generally I like to see evidence before drawing conclusions about things (I'm an engineer) but I can say that I'm willing to accept the possibility of the supernatural.

Hey, people used to think that the world was flat and that the atom was the smallest known building block of matter. It is kind of funny though that after thousands of years there is no definite proof of the existence of ghosts (or aliens, for that matter) ... of course, someone out there might have that evidence and not want to show it ... muahahahahaha


Well, first off, so you'll know where I'm coming from, I'm a Christian. I think it's pretty consistent with some stories and teachings in the Bible that there is "another dimension" that we don't know about yet. You know how Jesus showed up here and there after he came back to life after the crucifixion? Well, some of those places were miles away from each other, and happened even through locked doors. In fact, it is likely Jesus was EVERYWHERE at once, but became visible and invisible in different locations. Wow! This would make the Bible is literally true where it says "Jesus is always with you" - we just don't usually see him.

Taking that one step further, the Bible says "where I am going, you will be also", so I think it is extremely possible that part of what Heaven is is another dimension, where we are everywhere, but not usually visible.

Therefore, my theory on things like this is that it isn't necessarily that the "ghost" belongs to the building. I would think it much more likely that the "ghost" belongs to the person. Maybe it was some great great ancestor of yours who loves you and is always with you but you usually don't know it. In your tired, not-too-logical state, you were able to see this person that is usually invisible.

Now that puts a whole new "light" on the ghost experience! I think you should find comfort in the fact that someone who loves you is very close to you. Since you don't know who the ghost was anyway, you might as well take this more pleasant view of things!


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
What about orbs?

I, for one, like to think that photographic orbs are really ghosts and/or energy fields otherwise invisible to the naked eye.


I'll add what I remember of what our friends told us about their ghost...

They live in a very old house in rural Northcentral PA. The wife said that one day she was coming down the steps from upstairs and stopped at the base of the stairs and looked toward the dining room. There she saw a "person" standing near the table bending over as if to read something on the table. She assumed it was her husband, so she said "What are you looking at?" And with that the figure stood upright, turned, and moved quickly toward her. She said that the figure approached her then passed right through her! :eek: I pictured the scene in Ghostbusters where Bill Murray gets "slimed", but she said that didn't happen. LOL It gives me the creeps when I picture what it might have been like.

They also have many tales about other sightings, including one night when a neighbor's child ran home during a sleep over after seeing the figure in their bedroom. The husband then went into the room and basically yelled at the ghost, saying that if he was gonna scare people from the house then he wasn't welcome there. I was told that the sightings became less frequent, though I haven't been there in a couple years. We've been invited to stay for a few days during hunting season, but haven't had the chance yet. I must say I am rather curious though if I might see anything.


Well-Known Member
What about orbs?

I, for one, like to think that photographic orbs are really ghosts and/or energy fields otherwise invisible to the naked eye.

Funny you should say that. A freind of mine who is not a geek or sci-fi nerd has done many years of personal research on ghosts.One of the arguments is that had been proven scientifically is that there is like 12 degrees of the light spectrum but as humans we can only see like 5 or 6ish(dont quote me on this) so there is in a sense a parallel dimension (of light anyway) that we can not see.Some people think that ghosts kind of lurk about if you will in these areas of light that we can not see thats why alot of animals like dogs and cats seem to get spooked by nothing we can see since they see in different degrees or areas of the the light spectrim that we do.

When he was in college he did a research presentation on ghosts and actually made sense in a spooky way.He brought in a radio and turned it on. He then asked the class if they could see the radio waves.He then asked if they could feel the radio waves or even smell them.They of course said no but then he asked them if they could hear the radio.So my point is we might not with human senses be aware of all that is arround us so we cant totally rule out ghosts.


Well-Known Member
Additionally, I hear the radio of the couple who used to live in our house all the time. Our house is about 50 years old. Noone died in this house, but they still play their music (at a very audible level) quite regularly. We live in a neighborhood, but around here, lots are around 1/2 acre, so our neighbors are far enough away that I know its not their music I hear. The music comes from the attic, which I refuse to go into.

So, there's my stories. I swear they are true!

Not discounting anything as I believe in some strange stuff but in this case their might be an explanation that I wonder if you have looked at. You mentioned your house is older, have you located where in the house the radio is coming from? The reason I ask is my sister use to rent an old house and for some reason one of the hear registers would pick up radio and CB signals. Not sure why but it did.

Lynne M

Active Member
What some of you are describing are called hypnagogic hallucinations. They're literally 'waking dreams'. It happens when you're partially awake, but your brain is actually still in a REM state. In other words, you're starting to wake up, but your brain is still dreaming.

Here's an article from Wikipedia:


I've had two of these in my lifetime, and boy, are they unforgettable. Very, very vivid and real. From what I've read, the hallucinations are usually of something monstrous or frightening. I think this might explain the OP's experience, and some of the other sleep-associated experiences.

Of course, it doesn't explain the noises that several wide-awake people hear at the same time, or the people appearing in windows....:confused:

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