I honestly saw the scariest thing ever while in WDW...


Active Member
Sounds like a "shadow person" rather than a ghost. Do a google search on "shadow person" or "shadow people", you'll get lots of strange freaky stuff. My wife saw one in our old house right before we moved to Charlotte. I don't really believe in ghosts generally, but i think there's a natural psychological reason why people see these things. In her case it was the stress of moving, in your case it was probably exhaustion, being away from home, and the excitement of the day and anticipation of the next... it made ya a little loopy. ;)
This one wasn't wearing a top hat was he? Alot of them wear hats, like the one my wife saw.


New Member
Original Poster
No but I get it got Free Dining!


That is really really really freaky. I might just double lock my doors when I go. Thanks for giving me a reason to use the 2 door locks.:lol:

Oh the room was double locked... so be careful...

wheeu.. glad im staying at the pop century!! lol!

Yeah we stayed there the two previous years... never had any encounters... you should be just fine!

I'll bet it was the 1000th ghost who took a wrong turn on the way to the Haunted Mansion.:lol:

hahahahaha that's fantastic!

that was a good story. where you not in a connecting room?


I got another good story (I've told in the chit-chat section before) which is what makes me a little nervous about this type of encounter...

My brother's fiance's Aunt and Uncle (yeah I know, already started off as a he said she said they said we said... I've met these people, been to their house, and seen two actual pieces of evidence). So anywho, her aunt and uncle live in a house that is roughly 250 years old... used to be the town's library... its huge and its very nice, but very old. So, anyway, one year they decided to add an addition to the house... and they have this picture of the house that was painted back when the house was first built, picture painted in black and white and hangs overlooking their dining room table,, again black and white... So, once construction started, all the shutters, doors, and the roof in the picture turned to a shade of green... The morning after construction started they saw it... They weren't surprised cuz they said they'd always hear weird noises they couldn't explain and such though... I've seen the picture... its clearly green, clearly wasn't before... they wouldn't have done it as a joke either, its an antique, and these people aren't like that.

THEN... one morning the two son's were having breakfast and the father yelled down to the one son and asked him to come help him. The son yelled back "as soon as I'm done with breakfast dad" and the other son "Who are you yelling to? Dad's not home." No one was home... The kid swears he heard his father, wasn't in his head.

THEN, their one daughter did a report on the house's history for a high school project and took a picture one night from the front of the house. She was home alone when she went outside to take the picture... I've seen this picture... when it got developed... there's a little girl standing in one of the upstairs windows... no lie, there's a little girl there... no little girls lived in the house anyway plus like I said, no one was home... picture is horrifying...

Finally... one night the Aunt woke up and when she did she saw a woman sitting on the foot of her bed (not a ghostly figure as I described, a woman... as if someone broke in and sat on the bed) and she was just sitting there staring at them... She tried like 10 times to fix her eyes, but she just sat there... tried falling back asleep... So she tried to wake her husband and he wouldn't move... finally she literally hurled him so hard he fell off the bed... when he got up off the floor the woman was gone...

Somehow, this stuff doesn't scare them though... they don't like talking bout it, but when they do they just say "we don't bother them, they don't bother us." It's wicked creepy...


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
:sohappy: ill be at the AS-S in 30 days. ill track him down. Ill tell the shadow person to go back to bed.... we have a long day tomorrow.



Active Member
cool...but kinda creepy story about the supernatural...never experienced such myself... glad to know it didn't ruin your trip

also...just wondering if you're from nc... since i'm a tarheel transplant living in ky now....


New Member
If nothing else, that was a very enjoyable read... :sohappy:
With the 2 mentioned resorts I'm somewhat surprised that they would be haunted at their relatively young age... But didn't I hear something around here about WDW property and Ancient Indian burial grounds??? :eek:

WDW Monorail

Well-Known Member
I belive that there is another logical explanation to this. Although all of you will laugh so hard when you read this, I am a firm believer in these things.
What you saw might have been a person from the future who used time travel to go back in time to our present day.

I know that it sounds strange but in the future, time travel has already been put to use.

Who do you think aliens are? People from the future who have sort of evolved into life forms that have very similar human features but have adapted to suit the enviroment because of global warming, extreme heat, cold,etc.

Please don't attack me for saying this but you can laugh all you want.
I'm used to it.


Well-Known Member
My brother's fiance's Aunt and Uncle (yeah I know, already started off as a he said she said they said we said... I've met these people, been to their house, and seen two actual pieces of evidence). So anywho, her aunt and uncle live in a house that is roughly 250 years old... used to be the town's library... its huge and its very nice, but very old. So, anyway, one year they decided to add an addition to the house... and they have this picture of the house that was painted back when the house was first built, picture painted in black and white and hangs overlooking their dining room table,, again black and white... So, once construction started, all the shutters, doors, and the roof in the picture turned to a shade of green... The morning after construction started they saw it... They weren't surprised cuz they said they'd always hear weird noises they couldn't explain and such though... I've seen the picture... its clearly green, clearly wasn't before... they wouldn't have done it as a joke either, its an antique, and these people aren't like that.

THEN... one morning the two son's were having breakfast and the father yelled down to the one son and asked him to come help him. The son yelled back "as soon as I'm done with breakfast dad" and the other son "Who are you yelling to? Dad's not home." No one was home... The kid swears he heard his father, wasn't in his head.

THEN, their one daughter did a report on the house's history for a high school project and took a picture one night from the front of the house. She was home alone when she went outside to take the picture... I've seen this picture... when it got developed... there's a little girl standing in one of the upstairs windows... no lie, there's a little girl there... no little girls lived in the house anyway plus like I said, no one was home... picture is horrifying...

Finally... one night the Aunt woke up and when she did she saw a woman sitting on the foot of her bed (not a ghostly figure as I described, a woman... as if someone broke in and sat on the bed) and she was just sitting there staring at them... She tried like 10 times to fix her eyes, but she just sat there... tried falling back asleep... So she tried to wake her husband and he wouldn't move... finally she literally hurled him so hard he fell off the bed... when he got up off the floor the woman was gone...

Somehow, this stuff doesn't scare them though... they don't like talking bout it, but when they do they just say "we don't bother them, they don't bother us." It's wicked creepy...
We have friends who lost a daughter to CF 4 years ago. After the funeral they had a get-together back at the house for family and friends. In one of the pictures that was taken that day, you can clearly see the daughter in the bedrrom window....


New Member
Original Poster
cool...but kinda creepy story about the supernatural...never experienced such myself... glad to know it didn't ruin your trip

also...just wondering if you're from nc... since i'm a tarheel transplant living in ky now....

Nah, born in raised in Boston... I think when the Dukies won back to back 91 and 92 I was just becoming a NCAA basketball fan... so I jumped on the bandwagon at age 7... but I've stuck with them even though like everyone hates them... and one of my best friend's goes to Duke so I visited for a weekend and got to see a game in Cameron... oh my lord... best experience of my life so far...

We have friends who lost a daughter to CF 4 years ago. After the funeral they had a get-together back at the house for family and friends. In one of the pictures that was taken that day, you can clearly see the daughter in the bedrrom window....

That is wicked creepy...


Active Member
Please don't attack me for saying this but you can laugh all you want.
I'm used to it.
I think its a really interesting idea. I don't believe it because its not falsible and violates occam's razor, but i think you have the beginnings of one heck of a science fiction story.


Very strange for me to see this post. I was at Coronado Springs last week, we have a six month old who gets up sometimes still during the night. Well, I slept on the bed that you could see the big mirror outside the bathroom from and I prayed and prayed every night that I would not encounter anything in that mirror. I NEVER look in mirrors when the lights are out, it freaks me out totally. So when my son would wake up, and I would have to get out of bed and go to the playpen against the wall, I would keep my eyes closed tightly, so I didn't even have to look. Then after I would get him quiet, it would take me forever to fall back asleep because of that darn mirror. Obviously I do believe, I had an encounter in college with a ouija board, and it is something I will never forget as long as I live.


New Member
Original Poster
I belive that there is another logical explanation to this. Although all of you will laugh so hard when you read this, I am a firm believer in these things.
What you saw might have been a person from the future who used time travel to go back in time to our present day.

I know that it sounds strange but in the future, time travel has already been put to use.

Who do you think aliens are? People from the future who have sort of evolved into life forms that have very similar human features but have adapted to suit the enviroment because of global warming, extreme heat, cold,etc.

Please don't attack me for saying this but you can laugh all you want.
I'm used to it.

I think its a really interesting idea. I don't believe it because its not falsible and violates occam's razor, but i think you have the beginnings of one heck of a science fiction story.

I agree with CoffeeJedi... but let me say this...

I think it was probably some absolutely gorgeous chick who has unfortunately passed... and while in Heaven she saw me all over the place (cuz its heaven, and obviously I make one heck of a heaven for any gorgeous female...) and so she came to seek me out... and thats why she was in bed... but I scared her off... poor thing...

Well, I just got my one-way ticket out of heaven with that...


New Member
Duke, how hard was your heart pounding? :eek:
I had a similar situation many years ago and one thing I will never forget is how freaking weird I felt. The adreneline was flying. My heart was nearly shooting out of my chest. Clearly the scariest feeling I have ever had...

My (now) wife use to tell me odd things had happened in her house on occassion. I guess her house was like a hospital about 100 years ago or something. Anyway, never gave it much thought. Thought it was just stories...

Until one night when I went to leave her house to come home. It was real late and I shut all the lights out as I made my way out of the house. As I came down the stairs from the second floor and into the living room, there was what appeared to be a figure standing by the window. I'm getting chicken skin just typing this...

I sprinted for the front door which was about 10 feet from where this figure was standing and out of my peripheral felt as if the figure watched me go by....

I locked the door behind me and jumped in my car. I did all I could to look up at the window but there was nothing there. I then thought maybe I should make sure my wife is ok, but decided the best way to deal with this is to blame it on myself as just my imagination screwing with me... Never saw it again and not sure I ever even told her for fear of spooking her in her own house.

I do remember how numb and cold I felt and have never felt that way ever in my life... The mind, oh it's peculiar... :D


Well-Known Member
It's pitch black in the room, no TV on,

Now its pitch black as I said, and I'm half asleep,

Again, I was half asleep

very very very dim in the lights...

so I look at the window, look around the room, no light is getting in anywhere, no shadows, room is pitch black,

so I sit up in bed and as I do the figure steps back... but it moves back swiftly... and its a lot like if I sat up and there was light shining in and it just changed positions as my perspective changed... so I feel relieved, its just light... so I lay back down, except the figure doesn't come closer... it stays put further away from me now... if it was light having shifted away from me... it would have shifted back...
so, you establish on numerous times that the room is pitch black, that you're half-asleep, but yet you can see this thing move about the room--swiftly. So, which is it? Was the room that dark? Was it moving swiftly? You can't have it both ways.

I think you should have had some Rolaids before you went to sleep to combat your bad case of heartburn and indigestion.

Try a better story next time.


New Member
Original Poster
Obviously I do believe, I had an encounter in college with a ouija board, and it is something I will never forget as long as I live.

care to elaborate???

Also, mirrors in the dark are some of the scariest objects out there... like (here's something to be proud of) I guarentee you I ______ faster than anyone else... hahahahahaha... take a second to let that sink in before I continue... my freshman year of college we'd play Madden and I'd be like "right back, gotta ________" and then I'd be back in like 8 seconds... and they'd be that "how???" and they actually started timing me... hahahahhaha... again, take another second... you did just read something that stupid...

good? ready to go? Okay... so anyways, sometimes since I only need seconds, I just go in the bathroom, don't close the door, don't turn on the lights, but then the door always closes and I freakout cuz its pitch black in there and I HATE mirrors in the dark... AHHHHHHHHHHHHH i seriously freak out... I'm glad i'm not the only one!


New Member
Original Poster
so, you establish on numerous times that the room is pitch black, that you're half-asleep, but yet you can see this thing move about the room--swiftly. So, which is it? Was the room that dark? Was it moving swiftly? You can't have it both ways.

I think you should have had some Rolaids before you went to sleep to combat your bad case of heartburn and indigestion.

Try a better story next time.

wow... chill out buddy... no need, NO NEED at all for that... really...

Ya know when its dark but your eyes adjust so you can see everything in the room??? Yeah, that had not happened yet... so I was just trying to paint a picture of a completely dark room, but I could still see outlines of few objects, one of which was a light shaded ghostly figure...

Sorry I'm not the best story-teller, apparently I have to be Stephen King...

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