I honestly saw the scariest thing ever while in WDW...


New Member
Very interesting theory. Many ghost hunters do believe that ghosts are made up of energy. Its also possibly that this energy may "interact" with an alive persons energy, thus making people able to "see" the ghost wearing its attire.
Yeah, but if I saw Marilyn Monroe's ghost, I would like it to be sans attire. Is there a way to modify the engergy levels to ensure that outcome? :wave:


New Member
Just another story I had about the same closet doors. A few months after the other disturbance happened, my husband had another creepy experience. I was in the other upstairs room where our computer is, doing ebay probably, very late at night. Everyone else is asleep.
We had gone to Stop and Shop earlier and I had bought juice boxes and snacks and left them in the plastic shopping bags upstairs by the closet doors. I didn't hear it happen but my husband told me in the morning that while I was in the other room, the closet door slammed and everything in the bags that were standing up were all knocked over and some things knocked completely out of the bags.

We haven't had any activity that I've noticed in at least 2 years, just talking about it gives me the creeps.


New Member
Dang. viscious circle with that wiki article, it says that they can be brought on by fear, so i fear them but they ar ecaused by fear which scares me more.


Well-Known Member
Well, I guess until all the medalions are put back in the chest (and the blood to be repaid), you're going to be seeing this sort or stuff.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
nope, just dust
do a Google search, orbs have been debunked eight-ways to Sunday

I did. I read about faking orbs, etc. However, it really doesn't explain all the orb photos that we've seen. The photos taken by dust look completely different than the photos with fully focused orbs.

<img src="http://www.lioddities.com/ghost/graphics/debinked/debunked-orbs-starting2-lg.jpg">
<img src="http://www.sjpr.org/Cases/Photographs/Judy&Orbs%20MtPeace%2010-07-00.jpg">


Well-Known Member
That sounds more like a half awake half asleep thing. I have them all the time but they all revolve around spiders and are either slowly lowering down over my face or crawling accross the ceiling. I always sceam jump out of bed and scare the crap out of my wife. We are to the point where she has no sympathy feeling bad for my terrors, instead just is all cranky the next day as she can't get back to sleep as I freaked her out too bad...

But spiders do drop down on your during the night. I can't remember off the top of my head, but if you do some research you will see how many spiders people eat during their sleep in a year. Could be the reason some folks wake up with a bad taste in their mouth.

Do you live in a cedar house? If so move, cedar really attracts spiders. I used to live in one and finally came to love spiders. I don't kill them anymore - I just put them back outside.

Sorry for the drift.

And yes I did sleep with the tv on last night after reading all of this.


New Member
I did. I read about faking orbs, etc. However, it really doesn't explain all the orb photos that we've seen. The photos taken by dust look completely different than the photos with fully focused orbs.

<img src="http://www.lioddities.com/ghost/graphics/debinked/debunked-orbs-starting2-lg.jpg">
<img src="http://www.sjpr.org/Cases/Photographs/Judy&Orbs%20MtPeace%2010-07-00.jpg">

Not sure but if your questioning the orbs because they are in focus on the bottom picture, I'm guessing the apperture may have played a role in the photos depth of field... Spent 15 years in photo labs developing peoples pictures. I have never seen an orb that can't be attributed to dirt, dust or lense flair caused by light or the sun. I have to agree that orbs are a stretch as far as being paranormal... :)

Just curious, do you have any orb examples that don't involve a flash?


Active Member
But spiders do drop down on your during the night. I can't remember off the top of my head, but if you do some research you will see how many spiders people eat during their sleep in a year. Could be the reason some folks wake up with a bad taste in their mouth.
Actually that email was a joke in a magazine article as an example of how gullible people are. It kinda took on a life of its own.


New Member
Come to think of it, I have had ghost experiences.

From time to time throughout my life -- and I'm not kidding around here -- I've felt coins under my pillow. I would grab them and hold them in my hand. But when I looked in my hand, the coins were gone! :eek:

Maybe it's the tooth fairy messing with my head. Maybe they were coins that some Indian had in his pockets when he was buried under my house. Maybe these incidents were to prepare me for being married.

Anybody else haunted by ghost money?


so, you establish on numerous times that the room is pitch black, that you're half-asleep, but yet you can see this thing move about the room--swiftly. So, which is it? Was the room that dark? Was it moving swiftly? You can't have it both ways.

I think you should have had some Rolaids before you went to sleep to combat your bad case of heartburn and indigestion.

Try a better story next time.

Yes, actually you can have it both ways. My father recently passed, and my family and I were camping in our camper-about 3 weeks after he passed-and yes it was pitch dark, so dark I could barely see my husband in the bed next to me. Anyway, I saw a shadow move around in the camper. No one was up, and it freaked my right out because I thought someone had gotten into our camper. Anyway, I sat up ready to yell, when the shadow turned around and came into view-it was my dad. I was wide awake, not dreaming or sleepwalking. I saw it. So yes you can see shadows move in the dark. Just my 2 cents.:wave:


I read about faking orbs, etc. However, it really doesn't explain all the orb photos that we've seen. The photos taken by dust look completely different than the photos with fully focused orbs.
Last year, we were at rehearsals for a show we were doing at our local theatre, and in one of our breaks we were bored, and decided to try the whole "light as a feather..." thing.
I happened to have my camera and took some photos while it was happening, and there are orbs in that picture and in a photo I took of the girl we lifted afterwards. Kinda weird, I've never had orby photo before....

Let me see if I can find them....

.......ok so I just found the photos, but there don't seem to be orbs in them anymore. Curiouser and curiouser.....maybe it's coz they're on the PC now and when we spotted them we were looking on the Digital Camera screen (and no it wasn't dirt!) hmmm weird....
I had a experience about 14 years ago I will never forget. I wouldnt say it was a ghost but something i couldnt explain. I was about 8 months pregnant with my first child and had one of those middle of the night cravings for an ICEE (was the only thing I ever craved) so Hubby and I were on our way to the convenience store (I didnt like staying in the house alone). It was about 2 am and we live in the swamps which at that time of the night is pretty creepy. As we were on the stretch of road where there arent any houses I saw a little boy standing on the side of the road he might have been about 2-3 years old he was dressed in blue jean coveralls, I starred through the passenger side window as we passed by he was smiling. I turned my head and watched him until I could no longer see him then it hit me omg this little boy is all alone here I yelled for my husband to stop and told him what I had just seen and wanted him to turn the car around to go back. Well after he gave me that okay your crazy look for a few seconds he saw how serious I was and turned the car around and drove back we stopped on the road got out and looked and didnt see anything.
Everyone I tell this story too says I fell asleep and this was a dream but my husband and I were having a conversation while this happened so I was awake.


Well-Known Member
They are definitly half dream things as I have forced them to dissapear sometimes and they fade away if I am more awake than asleep. Othertimes, I freak out bad and hit the ground running. There have been a few times where what I saw on the ceiling was real but 99.44% of the time, I am dreaming it. I mean there are times where I have woken up and the ceiling is crawling with stuff, completely covered so they are definitly not real. Not saying a real one won't drop down on me but most are dreams. Have you ever seen the movie Serpent and the Rainbow? That seen with Bill Pullman in the casket with the spider freaks me the hell out...

On a side note, I found out recently my sister has the same spider dream issues.

But spiders do drop down on your during the night. I can't remember off the top of my head, but if you do some research you will see how many spiders people eat during their sleep in a year. Could be the reason some folks wake up with a bad taste in their mouth.

Do you live in a cedar house? If so move, cedar really attracts spiders. I used to live in one and finally came to love spiders. I don't kill them anymore - I just put them back outside.

Sorry for the drift.

And yes I did sleep with the tv on last night after reading all of this.


Well-Known Member
LYNNE M said:
What some of you are describing are called hypnagogic hallucinations. They're literally 'waking dreams'. It happens when you're partially awake, but your brain is actually still in a REM state. In other words, you're starting to wake up, but your brain is still dreaming.

Here's an article from Wikipedia:


I've had two of these in my lifetime, and boy, are they unforgettable. Very, very vivid and real. From what I've read, the hallucinations are usually of something monstrous or frightening. I think this might explain the OP's experience, and some of the other sleep-associated experiences.

Of course, it doesn't explain the noises that several wide-awake people hear at the same time, or the people appearing in windows....

This is what I was describing earlier. Thanks for the link. :)


Therefore, my theory on things like this is that it isn't necessarily that the "ghost" belongs to the building. I would think it much more likely that the "ghost" belongs to the person. Maybe it was some great great ancestor of yours who loves you and is always with you but you usually don't know it. In your tired, not-too-logical state, you were able to see this person that is usually invisible.
I completely agree with this. I have researched a lot about this subject and spoken to "experts" and have been told that everyone really has the capability to receive these "messages", but most people concious mind blocks it. When you are relaxing your mind your subconcious takes over and you may be more receptive. Interesting stuff. I am enjoying this thread.:wave:

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