I have a few gripes!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Isn't it possible to let someone know you disagree with their post without being rude?:shrug: Some of you need to chill. Big deal....the op had some complaints that most of us would not complain about. To each his own. I really did not get a sense of entitlement from the op as some of you have suggested.
We keep our dnd sign on at ALL times when we are in the room. We have learned our lesson on that one the hard way!
The buses are a pain, especially with kids. That is why we rent a car. But I understand that is not in everyone's budget.
The one time we did not rent a car, I never once had anyone offer their seat to me while I was holding my one year old. I did find this to be annoying. I would not expect a man to give up their seat to just me, but holding a child on a bus is dangerous. And if we KNEW we had to stand, we did wait for the next bus. But there were a couple of times we got to the back of the bus and the last seat had been taken. And by then it was too late to get off.
To the OP....try not to let the rudeness of so many posters bother you. The more time you spend on this site, you will see that it is usually the same group of posters that are rude and you learn to ignore it!

I think it is offensive to dump (or the PC way to put it "vent") on people that are total stangers and don't deserve to be dragged down by tales of woe. I know I don't read this web site for someone to dump on me for something I had absolutely nothing to do with. What has Oprah wrought?

How's that?

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
First of all, I am sorry that you had a bad time but maybe a few thoughts to help you out next time. First, when I receive bad service I say something to the mgr., I realize that they may have a bad day, but if I were having a bad day and gave a customer a bad time, I would not have a job afterwards. Now when it comes to the bus stop, when the park closes sit back and let the throngs of other people make a mad dash to the stop. Wait at least 30 minutes then take a slow walk to the stop, it may have alittle crowd of people but not half the park, and if your child is restless you "have" to have something to keep her occupied. For the room, well, that was your own fault. When ever we are in our room for a nap and they haven't made up the room yet, I stick the sign in the door and lock it in every way. As for the man, there could have been a number of legitimate reasons, but there were even more for him to give up the seat. I always give up my seat, but if there are a number of seats open due to not that many on the bus, I don't need to give up my seat. Now I'm not saying that was the case with you either.


Well-Known Member
First of all, I am sorry that you had a bad time but maybe a few thoughts to help you out next time. First, when I receive bad service I say something to the mgr., I realize that they may have a bad day, but if I were having a bad day and gave a customer a bad time, I would not have a job afterwards. Now when it comes to the bus stop, when the park closes sit back and let the throngs of other people make a mad dash to the stop. Wait at least 30 minutes then take a slow walk to the stop, it may have alittle crowd of people but not half the park, and if your child is restless you "have" to have something to keep her occupied. For the room, well, that was your own fault. When ever we are in our room for a nap and they haven't made up the room yet, I stick the sign in the door and lock it in every way. As for the man, there could have been a number of legitimate reasons, but there were even more for him to give up the seat. I always give up my seat, but if there are a number of seats open due to not that many on the bus, I don't need to give up my seat. Now I'm not saying that was the case with you either.

How do you know this?! It is very very presumptive of you to assume that everyone on the bus had a reason they could or could not give up their seat.

On a positive note, I am sure you will make a fine nanny some day since you are so sensitive:rolleyes: .

Personally I can't see encouraging that kind of whinning. Have a nice day:wave:


it has always been that you can send your packages back to any of the disney resorts, but only concierge level rooms have them delivered directly to the room, all other must pick them up in the gift shop at the resort

we will be going to wdw in january , we stay in value resorts and have always had items delivered to our room,and it says in the latest virgin brochure all resorts have this privelige .

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
we will be going to wdw in january , we stay in value resorts and have always had items delivered to our room,and it says in the latest virgin brochure all resorts have this privelige .

they havent delivered to rooms for a few years. You have to collect from the resort gift shop.


Well-Known Member
we will be going to wdw in january , we stay in value resorts and have always had items delivered to our room,and it says in the latest virgin brochure all resorts have this privelige .

Yep it is offered all the time when we buy stuff and they don't ask where we are staying, just if we are staying on property. Lately we have just made day trips.

I am sooo lucky I have not had any gripes with my WDW vacations! :sohappy:


Active Member
I have been offered a seat the majority of the time if I got stuck standing. If a seat does not get offered right away, usually someone will offer one before we get going too far. I think it is a "wait and see" before someone actually feels they should. I do not mind standing, though, and would not be upset if it did not happen. My husband and I surround my 5 yr old and tell her to hold on tight to the seat rail until we get a seat when people start filing out. I think seat offerring to others is not a right, it is something like opening doors for people or saying excuse me/thank you. Not everyone is the same when it comes to being considerate, but there is a huge majority of the WDW visitors who are.

The deluxe hotels are "deluxe" due to the perks they offer. I usually stay at the deluxe if I am traveling with my kids...moderates without them because of the longer walks.

To the OP, I think you have the right to your own gripes and don't sweat the fact that you are catching heat for it. :) I would suggest putting a thread like this in trip reports next time, though.:wave:


I have to say when we went with my 84 year old mother last year only one man got up and offered her a seat the entire trip. She's a great lady and doesn't get upset about it. I on the other hand got upset. I don't care about anyone giving up a seat for a lady, I don't beleive in that either. We are all exhausted by the end of the day and nobody wants to give up a seat but I honestly thought either a young lady or man would offer a seat to an elderly person. We did a couple of times wait for the next bus but there were times that my mom just wanted to get back because she was tired. My husband will offer his seat up to an elderly person or a person with an infant. But on the other hand I've been on buses that I was too darn tired to get up myself. So I do understand why sometimes you just can't get up!!! LOL


In this age of equality why does a women have a greater need for a seat?

Coming from a woman, I don't think we do. Nor do I think people holding children necessarily do, either. I am a woman and I give my seat up for pregnant women, elderly or disabled...otherwise I enjoy my lovely bus seat that I waited for :)


Active Member
I think it is offensive to dump (or the PC way to put it "vent") on people that are total stangers and don't deserve to be dragged down by tales of woe. I know I don't read this web site for someone to dump on me for something I had absolutely nothing to do with. What has Oprah wrought?

How's that?

then move along


New Member
Ok, I understand your complaints, but the bus thing bothers me. EVERYONE is exhausted when they leave the parks at night and EVERYONE just wants to sit.

Here are my suggestions:

1. Save the money and go when your child is old enough to walk on their own. Then you can stay at a more expensive resort! Disney could use a few LESS strollers!

2. If your child is getting tired, leave the park early before the buses get too crowded.

3. If you really need to see the fireworks, drive a car to the parks.

4. Wait for the next available bus.

I'm not trying to be rude, I just find this whole thing a little funny. :shrug:


Active Member
I'm sorry, but having a young child does not entitle you to priveleged status. As Pumbas said, it's your job to plan accordingly for travel with a child.

When my children were young, I was pleasantly surprised if someone offered me their seat, and many times I would decline their offer as I was then young and able bodied. But to expect to be offered a seat, I agree with Laura, that's a pretty self-centered attitude.


Active Member
4. My BIGGEST pet peeve of the trip:fork: .....why on earth when you get on a bus, and you are standing there holding a baby, why cant someone of able body (especially a man) get up and offer his seat to you? Why should I stand there struggling to hold on while holding a sleeping baby while a man in his 40's sat there next to his 6 or 7 yr old daughter and wife who sat and talked on his phone "conducting business". Sorry but he acted as if he was someone important....well guess what....in Disney everyone is important and status makes no difference there. Their daughter was small enough she could have sat on moms lap and he could have stood up and offered a seat to anyone else holding a child (as I was not the only one standing with a baby) or to the elderly lady standing. Them doing that small gesture of putting her on a lap and him standing, would have opened 2 seats for people struggling while standing. I am sorry to sound all old fashioned with men should offer their seat but, if I were not holding my daughter, I would stand up and offer my seat to someone who needed it. The entire time there, only ONCE did someone stand up and offer me a seat when I was standing with the baby.

I refuse to Stand on the buses at the end of the night. I will always wait for the next bus, let those who want to stand go ahead of me. I will not give up that seat for someone that has chosen not to wait for the next bus as I just had. So my Question to you is why did you not wait for the next bus :veryconfu


New Member
I always give up my seat to individuals holding kids and elderly individuals, but after reading your post, I am seriously going to reconsider. What a sense of entitlement...

Don't stop giving up your seat. As the mom of two little ones, I can understand was the OP is saying. I really appreciate when someone gives up their seat for me when I am holding our youngest. I want my son and daughter to emulate this type of behavior. I certainly don't feel entitled, but I think it is the decent thing to do. On the other hand, I look fine, but I have MS. So, I try not to judge when people don't give up their seat. :wave:


Active Member
Capt. Salty,

just to avoid confusion, when you stay at a value resort, I don't believe you can have your packages sent back to the resort. they are only available for front of the park pickup.

if this is wrong-let me know:).
You can have your packages sent back to any resort.
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