I have a few gripes!!!!

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Active Member
That is perfect advice for the OP in each and every instance. Thanks

actually i see no problem with the op comments. Be them good or bad she is entitled to voice her opinion my only issue is with the comments that are more attack then anything else. If you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all seems to be the best piece of advice out there


Account Suspended
Thats why we rent a car and stay off site. Cheaper ( not the car) because we get marriot reward piont so we get hotel cheap but if u cant stand to tke the busses rent a car! And i think your not the only one who has had a long tiring day and whats to sit down. even with the baby doesnt he or she have a stroller or anything to carry her in?


Well-Known Member
actually i see no problem with the op comments. Be them good or bad she is entitled to voice her opinion my only issue is with the comments that are more attack then anything else. If you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all seems to be the best piece of advice out there

I just wish she would have thought of that before she posted. Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
actually i see no problem with the op comments. Be them good or bad she is entitled to voice her opinion my only issue is with the comments that are more attack then anything else. If you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all seems to be the best piece of advice out there

Look at it like this rcapolete....... most posters have had gripes with the OPs gripes and are just voicing their opinions and responding as they see it. If you are gonna open a thread like that ....be prepared for unfavorable reactions.


Well-Known Member
The lady who made this topic has turned me off so bad with her attitude of entitlement I will never offer my seat again to anyone unless they really look like they are about to fall over or something. All along I thought I was being nice.. but I was probably wasting my time by giving my seat up to people like this. I promise you.. never again.


Well-Known Member
The lady who made this topic has turned me off so bad with her attitude of entitlement I will never offer my seat again to anyone unless they really look like they are about to fall over or something. All along I thought I was being nice.. but I was probably wasting my time by giving my seat up to people like this. I promise you.. never again.

By not offering your seat to somebody in need in the future because of someone else's sense of entitlement is just childish.


Well-Known Member
actually i see no problem with the op comments. Be them good or bad she is entitled to voice her opinion my only issue is with the comments that are more attack then anything else. If you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all seems to be the best piece of advice out there

Good advice...maybe you should follow it.

Look...the OP is just whining...as are you. SHE started with the attack...maybe she needs to see just how much of a whiner she sounds like.

You are right...she's entitled to voice her opinion. The great thing about that is so are all the rest of us. So...she can have an opinion, but the rest of us can't? That sounds really fair...

Capt. Salty

New Member
I left a penny one time. And not at Disney. And when I say the service was bad, I'm not talking about just lame. I'm talking about being ignored, not having my order taken, being brought someone elses order, having one person not get their order, another having cold order, and a totally snide attitude. And my group and I were being polite and understanding. The place wasn't busy, this waiter was BAD.

My expectations are very simple. I expect a waiter to be polite and helpful. I expect them to know the menu. I expect them to take my order in a timely fashion. I expect them to get that order right. I expect that IF there is a delay, that they will come and tell me. I expect that they will check to see if my order is okay. And I expect them to make sure that we are attended to if we need something. Nothing unrealistic about that. I don't expect them to entertain me. I don't expect them to immediately take my order and make sure my food is in front of me in less than 30 seconds.

I know lots of waiters as well as restaurant owners. And they all have given me very realistic expectations. And you know what? The best waiters I know all seem to work in DINERS. And they definitely are not getting large tips from anyone because the meals are cheap. But the service is sterling.

And I will disagree, the customer is ALWAYS right, even when they behave badly. It is a waiter's job to do their best and not stoop to anyone's level. There are restaurants and shops who will intentionally send in a BAD CUSTOMER to test their employees. Disney does it, or at least they used to. Bottom line, the customer IS your business. And there is no excuse for bad service. And I think Disney Waiters will find that the new Dining Plan will decrease their tips substantially if they don't perform the type of service guests expect.

If I turn the tables, I know I would never give bad service to anyone no matter how they treat me. ( Though I might WANT to) So when I am given lousy service I don't feel a bit guilty for leaving a poor tip. Tips must be earned, and frankly, earning a decent tip isn't very hard, even in a busy room.

On the reverse side, I have been overly generous to those who gave me terrific service. I've had many a disastrous meal saved by a quality waiter who kept his/her cool and made every effort to keep me happy.
And I have to disagree, the customer is NOT always right - ESPECIALLY when that customer is acting like a compete and utter fool! Nobody should have to put up with elitist, entitled attutudes!


Active Member
Look at it like this rcapolete....... most posters have had gripes with the OPs gripes and are just voicing their opinions and responding as they see it. If you are gonna open a thread like that ....be prepared for unfavorable reactions.

I have no problem with people voicing their opinion. It is with the people who have to make snide (sp) remarks regarding the op that is uncalled for. SHe has the right to her opinion as each of us have the right to our opinion, ith that being said there is no reason for some people to be down right rude ( i'm am sure we all read some of the uncalled for remarks that have been made)
On a side note were on the Jersey Shore we have a house in Manahawkin


Active Member
Good advice...maybe you should follow it.

Look...the OP is just whining...as are you. SHE started with the attack...maybe she needs to see just how much of a whiner she sounds like.

You are right...she's entitled to voice her opinion. The great thing about that is so are all the rest of us. So...she can have an opinion, but the rest of us can't? That sounds really fair...
no that is not what i am saying at all. the thing that get's me is that she attacked nobody on this board with her thread yet some people seems to feel it is ok to attack her that it. Please feel free to have you opinion but come on some of the comments that people have been making are a personal attack against her not her opinions and that what i think is uncalled for. And please not for a minute am i whinning in way shape or form and i would love for you to show me where i did in fact whine.


Well-Known Member
You know the saying "the customer is always right" ?

It's NOT true........

sometimes the customer has unrealistic expectations. Sometimes bad service can be attributed to unrealistic expectations also.

Before you leave a penny, try turning the tables for a moment.

Thank You!! :sohappy:


New Member
I have a few gripes, too.

I think the problem here is that a lot of CMs do visit this board, and those comments do insult them. These people have to deal with idiots of every kind every mn. of every day. Your specific problems, though big issues to you, may not always be on the front of their minds. Instead of demanding meat at the last possible minute, why not explain your baby is asleep and could you perhaps get her amount of food now? This way it sounds not like extra, but like it's time to redeem her portion.

Also, not to sound harsh, but you did choose to have your children. The man on the bus didn't force you at gunpoint to procreate, therefore although it would be a *nice* thing to do, standing up, it is not required of him. You did know when you had children that there would be some adjustments. No, it isn't pleasant to hold the baby on the full bus, but it may be something you have to deal with for the 20 mn. ride back to All Stars. I'm sure there were other people with leg pains, or packages, or who didn't feel good who would have also liked a seat.

You know, if I am able, I will always stand to give an elderly person, someone with a child, or someone who looks tired my seat. But there are just some days when I can't even hold my head up and I am tired of people with babies thinking we all owe them something. I'm not saying specifically you- this is something I've generally noticed.

Also, I think what riled people up the most here is that you are obviously someone who is blessed- beautiful kids (I see that adorable avatar!), a family vacation... why not count your blessing instead of making everything sound like the sequel to Hiroshima?
I think it's nice that housekeeping came by TWICE to clean your room. What a clean room!

The Mom

Premium Member
I'm not going to go through and try to separate out all of the personal attacks vs differing opinions. There IS a difference between the two.

I'm not going to belabor the isuue of how many of the problems were due to poor planning/unrealistic expectations vs rudeness on other's behalf. I can see both sides in all of the complaints.

Just remember that there are ways to disagree with the message without rudely attacking the messenger.


New Member
I think the problem here is that a lot of CMs do visit this board, and those comments do insult them. These people have to deal with idiots of every kind every mn. of every day. Your specific problems, though big issues to you, may not always be on the front of their minds.

I would NEVER want to be a server - especially not in Disney. I would not be able to handle the crap they must deal with on a daily basis.

Bottom line - if the experience at Ohana's was that awful, you should have gotten a manager. Since you didn't - just let it go! I'm sure all of the other countless meals you enjoyed at WDW were great!

Let's all think of our POSITIVE experience at Disney. It IS why we keep going back, isn't it????



New Member
Perhaps the expectations were a little High ? Its not The Bellagio in Vegas it's Disney :confused:

Sounds to me like dinner was almost over and you let the kid sleep :snore: through it, :shrug: here's a thought wake the kid up feed her and then let her sleep. These resturants no matter what are not 5 star resturants, nor have they ever had 5 star service, were you on the dreaded dining plan? That certainly has ruined the service. We never use the dining plan we use the DDE and get great service. Good service = good tip poor service ? you do the math. (thats a whole thread in itself)

Perhaps the buses are a distance, here's another thought, upgrade your resort next time, :veryconfu You cant honestly say that if you stay at a value resort you should or will get 5 star service, I hate to say it but the world we live in is money based, money talks. Better resort= more oney and suppose (term used loosly) to mean better service. Then again Disney does seem to set the pay scale in The Orlando area so perhaps the best people for the best service are not always willing to work for Disney wages.

I'm sure you remember the bus stops that were closest to the park, stay in one of those resorts, Ive stayed at Pop before and found that the walk to the buse sjust part of the overall walking thing, meaning if you don't want to walk far perhaps Disney isnit the vacation you should choose.

If sitting in a seat on the bus is so important step out of line and wait for the next one, it's really easy to do I do it all the time, I also have seen many do that, or better still if sitting is so very important take a cab, its cheap. I do however always give up my seat, what is unsettling is that I give my seat up before most parents will make there 7 or 8 year old get up, thats just poor parenting and teaching of respect for older people, (watch the flak I take for that comment and the next comments on the demise of respectul children in todays society) I feel that kids today are spoiled rotten, just drive by a High School parking lot and look at the cars and trucks they drive today? (Im sure that will draw some words from spoiled brats parents? no Im not one of those who walked to school uphill both ways so hold the flames)) Now when I go I still give up my seat but I do look for what I deem a deserving person, if they have an attitude or if there are able bodied kids that could get up I still do but feel like slapping the parents in the back of the head like my dad use to do to me, when a women walked in our living room if there were no seats we were expected to give our seat up not asked, try that today with the brats.

That is why sometimes its just easier to wait for another bus or take a cab cause some people are just clueless when it comes to teaching there kids to be courtious and respectful, I can see how some people can just sit there and let a woman stand, although I never will.

Still sounds like the expectations were to high, Just my opinion but I'm sure there would be complaints if they stayed at The Grand Floridian, seems like its one of those "Hey how was your trip?" "It was good but !" just a hunch......:hammer: Just my opinion and you know that opinions are like .......we all have one :D


I dont know if that person had a condition that prevented him from standing but the fact that he had on swim trunks and a towel draped over his shoulder and got off at the water park makes me assume he was able bodied.

And I believe the guidelines for being considered senior is 62...although I am not possitive about that. Thats not to say that a senior isnt capable of offering his or her seat or that they are not entiteled to be given the opprotunity to sit down over a younger person. It is a matter of decency and compassion for others.

Alrighty...after reading all these responses, I've decided to throw in my two cents. And yes I am prepared to be flamed. I agree with what someone said earlier you don't know what is going on with a person just from looking at them. I know this because I live with this everyday. I have problems with my heels, my feet and my ankles (Sever's Disease, planters fasciitis amongst other things) that make it very hard to walk to long distances or stand for long periods of time, and sometimes NEED to sit on the buses. I have diabetes on top of all that, and had quite a few sugar drops and got very weak and shaky(sp?) in the Florida heat and needed to sit. Regardless of that I still got up for someone accompanying a person in a wheelchair, an elderly person or whatever. I just think its silly and as I said know from personal experience you do not know from the outside if someone is "less deserving" of a seat than "you". If I absolutely needed a seat, I waited on a bench for the crowds to die down so I could guarantee my self a seat. It is probably the best thing to do with young kids or babies. It made for a less stressful and more pleasant ride back, for me at least:). I'm glad you enjoyed your vacation after everything though OP, don't let the little things get to you:wave:. I just got back from The World a week ago Friday.

...let the flaming begin:(

Ella's Mommy

Active Member
1. Lock your door(im sure mousekeeping didnt need to see that)
2. Rent a car
3. Speak to a manager when u have bad service

"Problems" solved.:brick:

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