I have a few gripes!!!!

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UK Disney Geek
Just my thoughts, not really responding to anyone elses comments -

Mousekeeping coming into your room - most likely and honest mistake, i'm sure it happens a lot. I'm paranoid about this happening so whenever i'm in my room I always lock the door (and use the sign if I know I'm going to try and sleep or relax for a while), which I think is actually recommended you lock your door if you are in your room anyway?.... if nothing else you won't make the same mistake on your next trip.

The bus back to your resort when a park closes is a pain for a lot of people, if I know I don't want to handle the rush to the buses I either leave early or wait an hour or so after park closing before heading to catch the bus, much less stressful. Certainly Port Orleans Riverside (a moderate resort) bus stops are some of the furthest away at MK, AK and MGM, equally as far as the value resorts.... but then they are all pretty close together anyway, since you have spent all day walking around anyway is that extra 200 meters such a big issue? it really shouldn't be for anyone - you have just had the most fantastic day at Walt Disney World!

It is common courtesy to offer a seat to anyone who may appear to be in greater need of a seat when using public transport. Certainly its possible for people to have a condition which may prevent them from doing this, but its not like there is just one person sat next to you when standing on a bus, someone should have offered you their seat, it is highly unlikely that all the people sat next to you have some sort of condition. Certainly you should not judge an individual if they don't offer you their seat.

On a number of occasions I have seen bus drivers refuse to drive away if there is a parent holding a baby who is standing and will wait until someone allows them to sit down. This may or may not be Disney policy or law but anyone who has had any experience with a baby should understand the reasons for this.

I would agree with the point made that others in a group should be more considerate of individuals in the group and choose to wait for the next bus if the current one is clearly standing room only. I saw this happen many times during my trip in May and it didn't seem to be an issue for anyone.


Well-Known Member
The OP really had only 1 gripe but just mistyped I am sure!:lol:

The only problem that I can see is the Ohana meal. Whenever service is not to you liking you should have spoke to a manager and explained the situation and maybe they could've resolved it better. In no case does the customer deserve to be treated rudely however.

All other selfish complaints were just that selfish. 1)Why do I have to walk farther?..... 2)why doesn't anyone get up for me?......3)How could Mousekeeping enter my roomwhile I was naked?

All this situations could have and would have been resolved by actions by the OP. So sorry these are you own fault.


Well-Known Member
As far as the "knock while entering" manouver by mousekeeping, its all a time thing. Think about it, if you had to clean 50 rooms a day, and you knocked and waited for 5 minutes before entering each room, you would be waiting over 2 hours each day. Its all about productivity. If you want to ensure you are not disturbed, then put out the sign.

The closer bus stops for the more expensive resorts are a "perk". I slugged it out with 2 kids going to the values for 4 trips over 3 years. Now I no longer stay in the values

Busses also do strange things at night. When you see empty busses driving somwhere chances are its for a reason. Disney transportaion drivers do not joy ride around in empty busses for the fun of it.

Now, for the offering of seats on a bus.

First off, I am a guy, and I have never - NEVER - when traveling at park closing, sat by myself in a bus seat. In over 10 trips in the last 5 years, I have never had a seat to myself. If I am with my kids, one of them is on my lap (and they are 6 and 8) and if I am not, then I stand and offer my seat to somone with a kid. I used to sometimes wait for the next bus, so I could get a seat because I was tired, but then I would get the "hairy eyeball" and sighs and muttering from people who were standing.

Yes, it is the polite thing to do, and yes I will continue to do it. Most of the time I do get thanked, but it is in no way an entitlement.



Well-Known Member
I read through this whole thread, and it seems to me that the only possible legitimate complaint you have is about Ohana's, and even that I question whether we are getting the entire story. Yes, the busses are packed, but they are packed with people who are all as tired as you. Yes, it's nice when someone offers you a seat (I usually do), but it's not a requirement. Most of us here have experienced riding the busses with small children, and we know what it's like, but it's all part of parenthood, not always magical! As far as the whole mousekeeping incident is concerned, if you don't properly secure the door or at least leave the Do Not Disturb sign out, then you get what you deserve IMO.


Well-Known Member
Gotta agree with everyone that, except for the Ohana incident, can't see any problems here.

I've gotta tell you, you mentioned in your OP that you wanted your daughter's first WDW trip to be "perfect." I believe there is no such thing as a "perfect" WDW trip. Once you accept that, some of these things might not seem so important :).

Oh, and allow me to briefly share a housekeeping incident that is truly housekeeping's fault:

While staying at ASM in 2001, my family went back to our room to take a dip in the pool and relax. Our room was cleaned when we returned (about 2 in the afternoon). My mom and sister were changing in the room (with the DND sign outside as well as the security latch -thank goodness!). My dad was sleeping and I was reading a magazine. No one was talking. Suddenly, without a knock or anything, our door was "opened" (as far as the security latch would allow it - again, thankfully). My sister and mom screamed and covered themselves up, and we said, "There are people in here." The man said something in Spanish, then continued to push the door against the security latch. We yelled, "Please come back!" He muttered something again and left (I looked out the window to verify it was indeed, a CM).

We called housekeeping and they told us they didn't send anyone to the room and didn't know why he did that, gave a half-hearted apology, and that was it.

My mom checked to make sure the DND sign wasn't stolen (um, after she finished dressing) and it was definitely there. Still, the guy didn't even knock (there was no TV on and no one was talking so we would have heard it). After we asked him to leave, he banged the door into the latch again, as if he were mad. Finally, he left, yet we still have no idea why he came (I'm guessing he was dropping off shampoo or something and went to the wrong room...can't think of anything else it could be).

My mom was pretty upset and went to the front desk. They told us we'd get "priority" housekeeping for the rest of our trip (which does not exist, BTW, according to a friend who's a CM at the hotels).

That, my friends, is a housekeeping incident :).

Haven't thought about that in awhile...


New Member
In the 12 years of going to Disney for our family vacations- I have NEVER stood on a bus unless I wanted to. I usually see men falling all over themselves to let women and children have seats on crowded buses.
Since my children are grown now, I often will give up my seat to a child or a mother with a child.

Sometimes it's an attitude of entitlement that puts people off. That man sitting on the bus had every right to continue sitting there, as he got there before you.

Just got back from WDW, and very few people (men included) got up to let women young and old and yes small children in toe to have a seat. I always let someone sit down if im lucky enough to get a seat. You would think the bus driver would make an announcment that there is women with babies standing and if there were any gentlemen that would be kind enough to offer a seat should.

As far as bad service goes I had my share at Liberty Tree Tavern, not a big deal though.


New Member
I always give up my seat to individuals holding kids and elderly individuals, but after reading your post, I am seriously going to reconsider. What a sense of entitlement...

You just give up your seat because it is the right thing to do...period!!! Stop being so judgemental


New Member
Just got back from WDW, and very few people (men included) got up to let women young and old and yes small children in toe to have a seat. I always let someone sit down if im lucky enough to get a seat. You would think the bus driver would make an announcment that there is women with babies standing and if there were any gentlemen that would be kind enough to offer a seat should.

As far as bad service goes I had my share at Liberty Tree Tavern, not a big deal though.

Or the women with the babies could have seen that the bus was full , stood in line and waited for another bus like we always do and let folks that don't mind standing go ahead so they don't have to wait around for another bus if standing on a moving bus is not an issue for them. At park closing sometimes the line is so long that we have waited for one bus then the second fills up that we would be standing so we let the other folks go ahead and we get on the third bus. The worst thing is then there are folks looking at you to give up your seat. We waited 20-30 minutes to get a seat, those wanting to sit down for the trip had every opportunity to do the same. :shrug:
In this age of equality why does a women have a greater need for a seat?

She doesn't. A parent, however, holding a child would appreciate a seat for the ride back to their resort. As a woman, I'd gladly give up my seat to a mother or father holding their child. It's not about gender.

As far as the man on the bus during the aforementioned fateful ride, the fact that he was wearing bathing trunks and had a towel over his shoulder may have something to do with the situation. Perhaps his trunks were still damp and he was embarrassed to get up and offer a moist seat:eek: ?
^no kidding. This thing got ugly fast. I think the OP was just irked by some things, and I know in the past, when I get irked by things that seem huge they are inevitably shown to actually be small instances.
I would hate to see the OP begin to feel unwelcome here to post her opinions. I consider Disney-ites to be like family, and I wouldn't want the OP to not feel comfortable with her posts or threads. I know everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if it isn't something we want to hear, but it can be said a little nicer.
I don't mean to sound like a 'can't we all get along?' kind of gal, but I know that if I was the OP, I would be eating a huge slice of humble pie right now, and would possibly be shy about ever posting again.
I didn't agree with everything in the original post, but there's no need to be cruel.


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
^no kidding. This thing got ugly fast. I think the OP was just irked by some things, and I know in the past, when I get irked by things that seem huge they are inevitably shown to actually be small instances.
I would hate to see the OP begin to feel unwelcome here to post her opinions. I consider Disney-ites to be like family, and I wouldn't want the OP to not feel comfortable with her posts or threads. I know everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if it isn't something we want to hear, but it can be said a little nicer.
I don't mean to sound like a 'can't we all get along?' kind of gal, but I know that if I was the OP, I would be eating a huge slice of humble pie right now, and would possibly be shy about ever posting again.
I didn't agree with everything in the original post, but there's no need to be cruel.

Well said, thank you. I suggest we all proceed with a little more tact. Thank you. :wave:


Well-Known Member
In this age of equality why does a women have a greater need for a seat?

You just give up your seat because it is the right thing to do...period!!! Stop being so judgemental

See while I agree that a seat should be offered to a lady.....not every female is a lady! I have been on a bus and have listened to females saying how rude it is that no one gave up a seat for them but at the same time they are cursing and yelling about everything else. I agree with Pumbas! I will always offer my seat for a little child or a older person, but when it comes to ladies we will have to see.....

because .......

*bats eyelashes*

Oh well when you put it that way, would you like a seat ma'lady?:ROFLOL:


You know the saying "the customer is always right" ?

It's NOT true........

sometimes the customer has unrealistic expectations. Sometimes bad service can be attributed to unrealistic expectations also.

Before you leave a penny, try turning the tables for a moment.

I left a penny one time. And not at Disney. And when I say the service was bad, I'm not talking about just lame. I'm talking about being ignored, not having my order taken, being brought someone elses order, having one person not get their order, another having cold order, and a totally snide attitude. And my group and I were being polite and understanding. The place wasn't busy, this waiter was BAD.

My expectations are very simple. I expect a waiter to be polite and helpful. I expect them to know the menu. I expect them to take my order in a timely fashion. I expect them to get that order right. I expect that IF there is a delay, that they will come and tell me. I expect that they will check to see if my order is okay. And I expect them to make sure that we are attended to if we need something. Nothing unrealistic about that. I don't expect them to entertain me. I don't expect them to immediately take my order and make sure my food is in front of me in less than 30 seconds.

I know lots of waiters as well as restaurant owners. And they all have given me very realistic expectations. And you know what? The best waiters I know all seem to work in DINERS. And they definitely are not getting large tips from anyone because the meals are cheap. But the service is sterling.

And I will disagree, the customer is ALWAYS right, even when they behave badly. It is a waiter's job to do their best and not stoop to anyone's level. There are restaurants and shops who will intentionally send in a BAD CUSTOMER to test their employees. Disney does it, or at least they used to. Bottom line, the customer IS your business. And there is no excuse for bad service. And I think Disney Waiters will find that the new Dining Plan will decrease their tips substantially if they don't perform the type of service guests expect.

If I turn the tables, I know I would never give bad service to anyone no matter how they treat me. ( Though I might WANT to) So when I am given lousy service I don't feel a bit guilty for leaving a poor tip. Tips must be earned, and frankly, earning a decent tip isn't very hard, even in a busy room.

On the reverse side, I have been overly generous to those who gave me terrific service. I've had many a disastrous meal saved by a quality waiter who kept his/her cool and made every effort to keep me happy.


Active Member
Isn't it possible to let someone know you disagree with their post without being rude?:shrug: Some of you need to chill. Big deal....the op had some complaints that most of us would not complain about. To each his own. I really did not get a sense of entitlement from the op as some of you have suggested.
We keep our dnd sign on at ALL times when we are in the room. We have learned our lesson on that one the hard way!
The buses are a pain, especially with kids. That is why we rent a car. But I understand that is not in everyone's budget.
The one time we did not rent a car, I never once had anyone offer their seat to me while I was holding my one year old. I did find this to be annoying. I would not expect a man to give up their seat to just me, but holding a child on a bus is dangerous. And if we KNEW we had to stand, we did wait for the next bus. But there were a couple of times we got to the back of the bus and the last seat had been taken. And by then it was too late to get off.
To the OP....try not to let the rudeness of so many posters bother you. The more time you spend on this site, you will see that it is usually the same group of posters that are rude and you learn to ignore it!
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