And it's still going when it's obvious that the OP is long gone by now, she hasn't commented in the last 8 pages or so.
I have continued to read everyones posts but have chosen to stop responding to each of the posts as my original OP was never an attack on anyone on this forum and many of you have chosen to personally attack me. Although most of you have dissagreed with my "gripes" and that is fine as you are entitled to your own opinion but, I do believe that the continued responses against my character are inappropriate and uncalled for. I am sorry if I offended anyone. For all of you who think I am some snobby person who is entitled to more than someone else you have me pegged wrong. I am a very simple person who would give the shirt off her back to anyone and anyone who knows me knows I have a big heart. Just for the record, I too suffer from medical problems but you never saw me use that as an issue for needing a seat on the bus. My issue was for the safety of my child not about me. So for thinking I walk around with an attitude or that I portray myself in a poor manor....shame on you. I not once mad eye contact with the man on the bus, nor did I give him a dirtly look, nor did I carry myself in a manner that made me look as thought I was better than the next person. I am the person you will see talking to everyone on the bus, I am the person who let other people cut me in line if the situation is warranted. I am the person that would stand up even with my child to give my seat to an elderly person or someone else who needs the seat over me. I WAS SIMPLY STATING SOME OBSERVATIONS that I had made on our trip. Also, I can say I would want a perfect trip. There is only one first time when you bring your child. I know it's not realistic to expect a perfect trip but one can hope for one and there NOTHING wrong with that. As for the one post about my husband holding her....well apparently you didnt realize that we had a stoller that was bulky, and bags and it was easier for me to hold her than the other things...and also in the hopes when we did stand that if a seat was offered he would rather I sit than him with the baby. For the record about waiting for the next bus....most of time we got on thinking there were still seats available maybe in the back but, once on realized the bus was fuller than we thought.
So take my orginal post for what it was....just observations. Don't judge me based off of that as it is not fair. Even in this post you do not see me judging any of you and frankly some of you said some pretty nasty things so again if any of you were offeneded....I am sorry