I have a Bone to pick

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Well-Known Member
First trip this September with an 2 year old. We plan on early morning, good lunch time naps, back for an afternoon visit and early evening bedtime like usual at home (7:30 or 8pm). We know our limits and dont want to make her life, our lives or the people around us miserable. It is a lot for a 2 year old to take in.

Those skits were awesome!

For a split second I thought about one of those for my parents to use this Sept while Sam and I have a date night... but then, after that split second, I would rather them hang at the resort then put one of those on my child.
We got one last year..without the animal...I put it on her in the parking lot..and took it off and gave it to to Baby Care..no judgement against those who use it but I could not.

We got it because she loves to walk/run everywhere but we just follow her everywhere and she loves the stroller..especially when it is crowded and she is tired.

I never run into people and always pay attention and never stop in the middle of walkways or paths..we also never use Disney bus service and fold the stroller on monorails and boats.

I will use the stroller until she and we feel she does not need it..but at 5 years old and 26 lbs and 36 inches..we are still going to use it.:)


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Active Member
I wasn't complaining about the people that have little kids using strollers. I don't even mind 5 or 6 year olds getting pushed around even though we don't personally use strollers for that age group. Every kid is different but I do think that at some point the kid is just too old to be pushed around. Of course, I've always been one to travel light. Even as babies we took the bare minimum anywhere with us, not just Disney. I had the tiny travel diaper bag from LL Bean which was 6X8 (I think). I also had a really small backpack that would use at times too. I filled either one with exactly one bottle, a pile of diapers, a travel container of wipes, and two changes of clothes. I used the bottles that have the disposable liners in them so I simply packed a few extra liners that took no room and a ziplock bag of formula. Baby stuff is tiny so two changes of clothes really took up no room, especially since we didn't need anything heavy with the heat. This is all we carried no matter where we went: WDW, Hiking, Gettyburg, or just shopping. I never understood being weighed down by all the extra stuff. We put the kids in a backpack when hiking until they could walk on their own and yes, they did use strollers until about 3 1/2 some places but by then the always complained about being treated like a baby and they wanted to walk. We let them and the few times they complained we reminded them that they wanted to walk and when asked if they wanted a stroller the next time they always said no. My kids are independent and nonwhiners and I'm told all the time how well behaved they are. I don't think that indulging your kids is helping them in the long run.


Active Member
Just to brighten everyone's day, I have a little inside news from TDO. Disney is well aware of the issues surrounding strollers and ecv's. They have been looking into a lot of ways to ease congestion around the parks (especially MK) and are cracking down on stroller abuse. Not saying that they are forcing 10 year olds out of a stroller, but CM's have their eyes open for "stroller bullies" and are dealing with them accordingly. As for congestion, they have been opening up the Main Street bypass more frequently and have been reconfiguring areas around the park to better accomodate larger crowds that are "log-jammed" by strollers. Via Napoli in Italy @ Epcot is the first restaurant to have a hidden stroller parking area, which is something that is more that likely going to be popping up in other places around the parks. As for ecv's, there is a lot of support for the proposal to ban them from the parks. ECV's are one of the major causes of guest injuries. The people driving them are not safe, and are consistently running into people and objects (damaging Disney property) as well as running over people's feet. Yes, ECV rentals are profit for Disney just like strollers, but Disney is likely to save money from the potential for lawsuits arising when a guest is struck by another guest in an ECV.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
We went last Thanksgiving and got the sit and stand for our almost 2 year old and a little over a 5 year old...it was fantastic...both can walk and are healthy, but think about how tired your feet are at the end of the day. Then consider that for every step you take they are taking at least 2...I don't think this is promoting laziness by child or parent...

Also, I can't imagine letting my kids walk down MSUSA after the fireworks...I would have them in the stroller to prevent them from getting lost. People aren't looking out for other kids, they are looking for the bus, the last shopping stop, etc...I can only imagine how many kids get separated from their parents if even for a moment or two. I don't want that happening to my family.

Everyone is talking about what it was like when they were kids at WDW...the crowds are insane now compared to what they were back in the day. You probably weren't waiting in line at hour or two at a time for a week at 4 different parks...we only really had MK at the time so you can't really compare the two.

Lastly, strollers suck, but it's part of life at WDW. And if people wouldn't stop walking in the middle of the street it's pretty likely that they wouldn't have strollers running into them from behind. If you need to stop move to the side, find a bench and get the heck out of the way.

This thread was started not because a 2 or 3 year old child needing a stroller is in question. It was started because of the 8,9,10 & older kids using strollers. Maybe you should have read it first before you put in your opinion.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
We got one last year..without the animal...I put it on her in the parking lot..and took it off and gave it to to Baby Care..no judgement against those who use it but I could not.

We got it because she loves to walk/run everywhere but we just follow her everywhere and she loves the stroller..especially when it is crowded and she is tired.

I never run into people and always pay attention and never stop in the middle of walkways or paths..we also never use Disney bus service and fold the stroller on monorails and boats.

I will use the stroller until she and we feel she does not need it..but at 5 years old and 26 lbs and 36 inches..we are still going to use it.:)
Sam and I are very conscious of other people when we have our daughter in her Bob or buggy at the grocery store etc. We will use Disney Bus, monorail and boat service with a stroller but I am the type that will practice folding up that thing a hundred times to maximize efficiency. :D

I know they make things cramped on all transportation, but somethings you just have to do. All I can do is try and make it as pleasant for others and us as possible.

Oh, my parents are so nervous about taking her for a night. I dont think they will try much. They saw her dart off the other day while we were at the store and I could see the panic in their face. They arent that "quick" and as much as we preach not to run away, she is 2 after all.

Dads 2 Boys

Well-Known Member
When my sons where 6 and 9, we didn't use a stroller. We had a great time and went to all the parks. 5 days and no melt downs. When my kids where 8 & 11, NO stroller. We went to all the parks 6 days plus waterparks DTD, Disney Quest, no mid day breaks and NO MELT DOWNS. If your kid is 9 they don't belong in a stroller. She is more healthy then you are. If she whines, throws a tantrum and makes you miserable it's not her fault it's yours for not controlling your daughter. My shins and toes have had enough of lazy parents.

When we went in 2007 my kids were also 6 & 9 (almost 7 and 10) and they walked everywhere for 10 days!!!! This included DTD a couple of different times, Blizzard Beach one day and Sea World too with no issues. It made it way more enjoyable for us all. For the times when we got a little tired, we stopped, had a snack or drink, and then continued. Simple.

Kids that are lazy are allowed to be lazy for the most part. Don't blame video games or cable or whatever....blame the parents. It's their job to parent.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Fat kids = lazy parents.

"Put down the Mickey ice cream bar, roll yourself out of the stroller, and WALK. Suck it up junior..."


Well-Known Member
Sam and I are very conscious of other people when we have our daughter in her Bob or buggy at the grocery store etc. We will use Disney Bus, monorail and boat service with a stroller but I am the type that will practice folding up that thing a hundred times to maximize efficiency. :D

I know they make things cramped on all transportation, but somethings you just have to do. All I can do is try and make it as pleasant for others and us as possible.

Oh, my parents are so nervous about taking her for a night. I dont think they will try much. They saw her dart off the other day while we were at the store and I could see the panic in their face. They arent that "quick" and as much as we preach not to run away, she is 2 after all.
Maggie is fast as all hell..:ROFLOL:and she knows when to stop and all but sometimes a 5 year old just wants to run and see how fast mommy and daddy can go..:lol:
Fat kids = lazy parents.

"Put down the Mickey ice cream bar, roll yourself out of the stroller, and WALK. Suck it up junior..."
That is not true...some overweight children do not have lazy parents..some of it is genetics..


New Member
This thread was started not because a 2 or 3 year old child needing a stroller is in question. It was started because of the 8,9,10 & older kids using strollers. Maybe you should have read it first before you put in your opinion.

Wow...Step the heck off graphite1326! You're pretty rude. I did read the whole thread.

I was providing my input. That's the point of a post right. I was also trying to help another parent when they asked about a stroller for their child.


Well-Known Member
When we were at WDW in 2000, my kids were 6 and 4. The first day we had them in strollers, pushing them all over MK and then Epcot. When we got back to the room at night my wife and I collapsed on the bed while the "darlings" jumped up and down around us whooping it up. :hammer:

Lesson learned.

The next day - no strollers - we made them walk and that night they collapsed on the beds and wife and I enjoyed the quiet and a few drinks. :)


Well-Known Member
Ok, so since this seems to be the "stroller" discussion post. We're going in December of this year. My DD will be nearly 3 (and walking since 8 months old), and we're consider not bringing the stroller with us to the parks. We've got a nice framed backpack for her to jump up in when she gets tired, and she is going to want to walk / run most of the day anyway.

So, my question here to any parents would be, are we insane to think this will work? We're going to bring our umbrella stroller with us, but plan to leave it at the resort until we've decided that our backpack plan is not working. Are we dreaming too big here and should we just bite the bullet and bring the stroller with us on day 1?

You would know better than anyone.

I am going to WDW with my brother and sister-in-law and their kids in October. They are brining a double stroller for their 1 & 3 y/o, but they expect their 3 y/o to be walking most of the time. It is really for the 1 y/o. We did Santas Village in New Hampshire (I know, no where near as large as WDW) earlier this year, and she (the 3 y/o) walked the entire time. But as was said before, all kids are different, and you would know your kids best.



The Epcot Manifesto
This thread was started not because a 2 or 3 year old child needing a stroller is in question. It was started because of the 8,9,10 & older kids using strollers. Maybe you should have read it first before you put in your opinion.
Except for the fact that I, along with a few other people, asked questions about if I needed to bring a stroller for my 2-3 year old child, and folks have been very kind enough to answer my question.


Well-Known Member
it is true...genetics..other medical problems...I know of an 8 year old lil boy who plays football, soccer and is nonstop...eats healthy ..rarely eats junk..no soft drinks...whose overweight parents take him to practices all the time and are always on the go with him..yet the father and his whole family is overweight...and the Dr.said it is genetic...:shrug:

so laugh your @ss off all you want..it is true!:wave:


Well-Known Member
When we were at WDW in 2000, my kids were 6 and 4. The first day we had them in strollers, pushing them all over MK and then Epcot. When we got back to the room at night my wife and I collapsed on the bed while the "darlings" jumped up and down around us whooping it up. :hammer:

Lesson learned.

The next day - no strollers - we made them walk and that night they collapsed on the beds and wife and I enjoyed the quiet and a few drinks. :)

Exactly. a little excercise never hurt any kid.


Well-Known Member
I've notced the "Sherpa" phenomonon you referred to! Personally, I LOVE traveling LIGHT as a feather in the parks and can't stand carrying things around. This makes it easier to be on the go all day!

The only thing I bring in the parks with me are two 3 inch by 4 inch ziploc bags, both of which fit comfortably in a locked velcro or zipper pocket. One holds my AP, Drivers License (in case there is an issue scanning the pass and they need Photo ID backup), and any FP's I aquire during the day. The other holds my car key, a sealed extra contact lens in the unlikely event one falls out, and enough cash for food, snacks, and any souvenirs I may want to "impulse buy". If I buy anything during the day, I send it to package pickup and pick it up on the way out (I love that service, and it's FREE!)

Thats pretty much how I go as well.

I have a cell phone, small camera, my wallet, and glasses.

I have the cell because my 11 y/o carries hers and there are a few rides she does not like, so she will go out the "chicken exit" and wait. I can call her if I can't locate her.

My kids both have small purses they keep their money and 'stuff' in. Aside from that, we are hands free. We also send everything we buy back to the resort.

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