I have a Bone to pick

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Well-Known Member
... For a net profit of $14,200,000 in WDW alone. Even if we assume my numbers are inflated by 20%, thats a profit of $11,360,000 each year. Huge cash cow considering what is actually involved.

Yep, easy money.

... Via Napoli in Italy @ Epcot is the first restaurant to have a hidden stroller parking area, which is something that is more that likely going to be popping up in other places around the parks ...

It's nice to hear that Disney is working to adapt the parks better.

We used a stroller with our boys until it was less hassle and more efficient to tour without a stroller.

Magical Dreamer

Well-Known Member
As kids get fatter maybe this will be the next best thing to transport them in the parks...:ROFLOL:



Well-Known Member
As kids get fatter maybe this will be the next best thing to transport them in the parks...:ROFLOL:


However, that kid looks more in shape than most kids today. I'm a teenager, 14, and it just sickens me about how people treat their bodies nowadays. A lot of people say I'm too skinny, (Which, I probably am) but that's only because all the weight I put on I work out and run off.


Active Member
As for ecv's, there is a lot of support for the proposal to ban them from the parks. ECV's are one of the major causes of guest injuries. The people driving them are not safe, and are consistently running into people and objects (damaging Disney property) as well as running over people's feet. Yes, ECV rentals are profit for Disney just like strollers, but Disney is likely to save money from the potential for lawsuits arising when a guest is struck by another guest in an ECV.

I welcome the day that this happens...but I see just as many people suing Disney for not allowing their ECV into the parks...Sort of like that Segway lawsuit a couple years ago. Luckily Disney won that one. Remeber 20 years ago...before ECV's...people just rented wheelchairs.

Love that video a couple years ago of the woman honking her horn in her ECV as she goes nowhere down MSUSA (fireworks ending or end of night w/ everyone trying to get out of the park).


New Member
I confess I got tired of reading on page 6 so I didn't read the whole thread.

That being said. I have a 4 year old and am ambivalent about bringing a stroller. Only because I'm far too lazy to keep pushing it around, finding parking, then getting the stroller back to move to the next park area. We will be using our maya wrap for the times when our child needs a break from walking. When not in use it fits snugly in a backpack with a small medical kit. We aren't packing snacks and only 2 bottles of water. Tickets etc will go into a neck holder with cell phone.
My thought is at some point the cumbersomeness of the stroller will outweigh the benefit from being able to move faster through the park.

I however don't have any judgement about age 7 and higher using strollers through the park. Each family does their own thing.

WARNING: We are taking my elderly mother with her arthritis and generally broken body. She will be in an ecv. Good luck with that- it doesn't stop on a dime for those of you who cut in front of ecvs. :)

Pepper's Ghost

Well-Known Member
In the spirit of this thread, and after checking out a website highlighted in another thread, I thought that this picture had to be posted. :)


Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
I hate it when people PARK their strollers in front of attractions...talk about ruining the aesthetic...makes WDW look like a freaking daycare. I HATE strollers! :fork:(No offense to anybody here who has kids who NEED strollers).


New Member
If it makes you feel better people who park their strollers in unapproved areas have a tendency to return to a missing stroller. My understanding is if a CM has to move your stroller its going to far side of the land you are in. Stroller justice if you will


Well-Known Member
As a 35 year old with no kids I must say strollers don't bother me.I usually don't get mad when bumped by one as generally a apology is uttered.I will say my problem is rude people in general who won't apologize or yell at you to get out of way instead of saying excuse me.


Well-Known Member
When we first went three years ago, we had our DD (7) and DS (5) with us, and wondered if we should rent a stroller for our DS while we were there. The Scottish background in me kicked in (i.e. when I saw how much it was going to cost to rent for 7 days...:eek:), and we decided not to. Best decision. He was fine and loved every minute of being there (not to mention being exhausted when we got back to the hotel every night and sound asleep within minutes of hitting the pillow). I couldn't imagine pushing a kid around the park all day, and then coming back at night and having him/her be full of energy while you are ready to crash from not only all your walking, but from pushing a kid around the park all day too(especially an older one).
The problem is that so many parents turn trips to WDW into this massive thing where everything needs to be perfect. This means they can't have meltdowns or tired kids, so they plop them in the stroller because heaven forbid they actually slow down.

If your kids are little, it's fine to have them in the stroller, but a perfectly healthy 5-year old needs to walk, even if that means your day in the park is shorter than you'd like.


New Member
We just got home from WDW last night, and I have to say there are a LOT of BIG strollers. I don't object to people using strollers -- I just hate the size of them. I especially do not like the space they take up on the WDW buses, even when folded. My kid is 10 now (no stroller), and when he was a toddler, the trend was "the smaller and lighter, the better." I paid a premium for an aluminum stroller that was super light (9 lbs.), folded up very compactly, and could be carried by a strap on the shoulder. I live in NYC, and we could take this stroller on the subway and bus, and never have a problem.

People who are not used to using public transportation, and keep their strollers in their cars to use at the mall, get a rude awakening when they get to the World. Their folding strollers aren't so easy to use anymore. They have to manage the kid(s) and the stroller and their bags on the bus/monorail, and inconvenience others. I know I would feel terrible if I were the one causing problems for others.

But I would never take my expensive stroller on vacation. I wouldn't want it to get damaged going through checked baggage on any flight. So before we traveled somewhere, I picked up a $20 folding stroller at ToysRUs that I would throw away when I got home. Cheaper than renting, easy to carry on and off the bus/monorail, and much lighter. True, they can't recline, but toddlers can still nap in them. And they don't take up the space on the bus of 2 people. Thank goodness the Disney shopping carts -- I mean strollers -- can't leave the parks, because then we would really be in trouble! I wonder how much money Disney would make if they sold cheap strollers at the rental area and in the resort gift shops? (Of course they wouldn't be as cheap as at ToysRUs!) I bet a lot of people would ditch their giant strollers in lieu of the smaller ones.

But for now, until the trend shifts back to "smaller is better," I guess we are going to have to just deal with this.


Well-Known Member
The fact that so many people focus on what other people are doing while on vacation is amusing to me....who cares if someone uses a stroller for their child that YOU think should not be in one? Who cares if someone is using an ECV and YOU do not think they should be in one...you do not know their situation and even if they use it because they are overweight and it easier..WHO CARES? how is it hurting you? when I am on vacation or anywhere for that matter..I focus on me and my family and what we are doing..I could care less what others are doing.

I also would never teach or allow my daughter to criticize others when she has no clue who they are or their reason for anything..it is not her place.

Enjoy YOUR life and quit worrying about other peoples and you may just have a better time.



A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
I'd be willing to make the following offer- anyone who wants to pay for my family of four vacation to WDW can dictate whether or not I use a stroller....

Pepper's Ghost

Well-Known Member
lol i like how she's looking right at you when you took this. I wonder how embarrassed she is..? :lol:

Ahhh, I can't take credit for this picture. :D I saw it on website referenced in another topic. I think the website was called peopleofdisneyparks.com or something like that. That was the only stroller pic on the site, but it was so fitting that I had to post it here. :)

Pepper's Ghost

Well-Known Member
I'd be willing to make the following offer- anyone who wants to pay for my family of four vacation to WDW can dictate whether or not I use a stroller....

This isn't about dictating whether or not you have the right to use a stroller. If you need a stroller, it's fine with probably most people who have commented in this thread. However, the point of this thread is how rude and selfish some people are when using them, and the fact that some people push around older kids in them when it's not a necessity. It makes it more difficult for everyone else because of the congestion all of the strollers cause. Many of the people in this thread who are commenting on it have used them for their younger kids, but people just shouldn't baby their kids after a certain point... especially when it causes grief for others.

In my opinion this thread is really a rant on how people choose the easy way in raising their kids in general these days rather than a rant on strollers. I agree with almost everything said in this thread so far.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
This isn't about dictating whether or not you have the right to use a stroller. If you need a stroller, it's fine with probably most people who have commented in this thread. However, the point of this thread is how rude and selfish some people are when using them, and the fact that some people push around older kids in them when it's not a necessity. It makes it more difficult for everyone else because of the congestion all of the strollers cause. Many of the people in this thread who are commenting on it have used them for their younger kids, but people just shouldn't baby their kids after a certain point... especially when it causes grief for others.

In my opinion this thread is really a rant on how people choose the easy way in raising their kids in general these days rather than a rant on strollers. I agree with almost everything said in this thread so far.

Unfortunately, people aren't making these two arguments separately....


Well-Known Member
This isn't about dictating whether or not you have the right to use a stroller. If you need a stroller, it's fine with probably most people who have commented in this thread. However, the point of this thread is how rude and selfish some people are when using them, and the fact that some people push around older kids in them when it's not a necessity. It makes it more difficult for everyone else because of the congestion all of the strollers cause. Many of the people in this thread who are commenting on it have used them for their younger kids, but people just shouldn't baby their kids after a certain point... especially when it causes grief for others.

In my opinion this thread is really a rant on how people choose the easy way in raising their kids in general these days rather than a rant on strollers. I agree with almost everything said in this thread so far.
Who are we to tell people how to raise their kids?

We have no idea why certain kids are in strollers or people are in ECVS..and it is not our place to care.

If people would mind their own buisness concerning how people live their lives then the world would be a better place especially over trivial things like a child using a stroller or a person using an ECV.

Unless someone rams into you or hurts you with a stroller...a stroller should not cause grief for anyone...if you are going to a Disney park..there will be strollers..many of them.

this whole thread amazes me..:lol:
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