I have a Bone to pick

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Well-Known Member
The rule in our house was once your started kindergarten there were no more strollers. My daughter was 5 1/2 the first time she went without a stroller. We enjoyed 7 long days in the parks and she was fine. She got to sit down during the rides and meals and we always made time to swim which cooled her off and gave her more energy. The only night that she had any trouble was during MNSSHP. She did fine while at the park but fell asleep during the boat ride back to the Wilderness Campground. My husband carried her back to our camper. Other than that, she was on her own. She had a blast and NO meltdowns. We did buy her a good pair of shoes to wear around the park and didn't allow any cheap flip flops so we didn't have to worry about blisters. Today my daughter is an athletic, healthy, well mannered twelve year old and she looks forward to our next trip there this fall. Now, compare this to another child in her class. This child has NO medical reasons to be in a stoller and I know this because I am close friends with her mother. This child whines to get what she wants and still throws tantrums at age TWELVE and she rides on the back of her younger brother's stroller (who is in second grade). She's in a stroller for a simple trip to the mall! They are two of the most spoiled, ill mannered kids you have ever seen and it's completely because their mother indulges them in every way possible! My daughter refuses to even be near them anymore. I say stop indulging your kids and allow them do what they are capable off. It seems that anymore parents baby their kids FOREVER!

Sorry about going on forever.....It's a sore subject in our house:)

My kids have been out of strollers since before kindergarten. Somthing about putting a kid that goes to school, rides a bike, and runs around in the park in a stroller did not sit right.

When I got divorced, my kids were maybe 6 and 9 and my ex took them to WDW. She got a stroller for them because "it was really hot, and we were trying to move fast" (she was with her family). When my kids got home I asked them how it was. They said they had a good time, but the HATED being in a stroller. They said they could not see anything and "felt like babies"

Kids are remarkable, if you just let them. I would never think of putting my 9 and 11 year old girls in a stoller. In fact I don't think they would WANT to be in a stroller.



New Member
Zurg, First off, thank you for serving. Second; amen. That was probably the post that sums this thread up. Using a stroller does not mean you can tour more, the heat and waiting in line is worse for kids then the walking when it comes to hitting the wall. My 5 and 7 year old walked everywhere last year, they were tired but they loved every minute of the trip.


Le Meh
Premium Member
I would also like to add that its not just the kids fault. In a day and age where we have to have backpacks full of antibacterial wipes, sunscreen, cameras, lenses, tripods, batteries, game systems, cell phones, bottles of water, umbrellas, snacks, changes of clothes, favorite toys, blankies, refillable mugs, etc. etc., I think strollers are used as an excuse not to have to carry said backpack on ones back.

Back in the day when I grew up going to Disney, we applied a sufficient layer of sunscreen prior to leaving the hotel room, drank out of water fountains, and the extra rolls of film went in moms purse. If it rained, we got wet if we could not get under an awning. If we got our hands dirty, we used soap and water in the bathroom. If we got wet, we dried off. If we misbehaved, we didnt get a snack or our favorite pacifying toy to calm us down, we got a swift swat to the hind end.....then all was well with the world.

Just my two cents.


Well-Known Member
I would also like to add that its not just the kids fault. In a day and age where we have to have backpacks full of antibacterial wipes, sunscreen, cameras, lenses, tripods, batteries, game systems, cell phones, bottles of water, umbrellas, snacks, changes of clothes, favorite toys, blankies, refillable mugs, etc. etc., I think strollers are used as an excuse not to have to carry said backpack on ones back.

Back in the day when I grew up going to Disney, we applied a sufficient layer of sunscreen prior to leaving the hotel room, drank out of water fountains, and the extra rolls of film went in moms purse. If it rained, we got wet if we could not get under an awning. If we got our hands dirty, we used soap and water in the bathroom. If we got wet, we dried off. If we misbehaved, we didnt get a snack or our favorite pacifying toy to calm us down, we got a swift swat to the hind end.....then all was well with the world.

Just my two cents.

I really don't want to get into this discussion/debate, but every time I use the line highlighted, my daughter makes me feel like this...



Well-Known Member
Parents need to just stop being pushovers and tell their kids to walk. If they're big enough and have no disabilities or any other thing hindering them from being able to walk like any other kid, then they need to walk.

Granted, they will get tired, like EVERYONE else in the parks who is walking the huge expanse that is WDW. Thats when you -dare I say it- sit down and take a rest!:eek:

Like some other posters on here said, it makes the parents look dumb pushing this huge kid around in a stroller when some of them are big enough to push the parents around.
Of course, thats the parents choice; but it does get annoying when those of us with children small enough to actually need a stroller have to put up with overcrowded stroller parking spaces and buses filled to the gills with strollers. :brick::brick:


Well-Known Member
My daughter is 5 and we will use a stroller for her when we go..

she will walk a lot but there will be times when she will use the stroller and need it..

She is very small...and can barely keep up with me walking in the mall at a slow pace..so for her little legs and for all of us to be able to do a lot more stuff we will use it. We also take many breaks and rest often...

She also tires easily walking so much and her little legs hurt.


Well-Known Member
Yup, in this day and age, kids are as lazy as ever.

I have to blame cable and video games.

Not me - I blame lazy parents. Video games and televisions have turned into babysitters. Parents park their kids in front of them and go on to take care of the more important things in life; themselves.

Face it, in many cases (not all) the stroller is nothing more then another form of a babsitter. You shove Jonny and Jenny into them and that way you don't have to keep up with them in the park. If you have out of control children that do not listen to you and mind, I can totally see why you would want to harness all that disobedience in the form of a stroller. :hurl:


Well-Known Member
How about when you come out of The Land and there is literally a sea of strollers! As for the scooters, on one trip every time we had to catch a bus someone was in a scooter that added between 10-20 minutes to the loading and unloading of the buses. Ugh. I do not begrudge someone who really needs a scooter and I don't doubt there are some people now who can actually go to WDW or elsewhere that couldn't go before. I'm talking about the people in the scooter like the people who push a healthy, capable 10 year old in a stroller. I have a friend who rented a double stroller for her then 10 and 8 year olds. She tried to tell me I should get one for my younger son. What on earth for? She would defend it by saying the kids would get tired. I say, isn't that what walking the parks is for? They have more energy than I do anyway. Why would I want to come back to the hotel at the end of the day with kids who are full of energy? They're supposed to be tired. Or exhausted is more like it. We started going when my youngest was 5. No stroller. I've never been one to baby or over indulge my kids. So many people don't want their kids to "suffer" in any way. Not be too tired. Not cry because they don't get something they want. Not get in trouble for something they did wrong. Getting a stroller for any child capapble of walking him/herself, IMO is over indulging them. We're gonna have a whole world full of "princesses and princes" and hopefully their parents will live a long and healthy life to continue to pamper these kids (who I forsee renting scooters in their future!). :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
My daughter is 5 and we will use a stroller for her when we go..

she will walk a lot but there will be times when she will use the stroller and need it..

She is very small...and can barely keep up with me walking in the mall at a slow pace..so for her little legs and for all of us to be able to do a lot more stuff we will use it. We also take many breaks and rest often...

She also tires easily walking so much and her little legs hurt.

I'm ok with 5.


Well-Known Member
Parents need to just stop being pushovers and tell their kids to walk. If they're big enough and have no disabilities or any other thing hindering them from being able to walk like any other kid, then they need to walk.

Granted, they will get tired, like EVERYONE else in the parks who is walking the huge expanse that is WDW. Thats when you -dare I say it- sit down and take a rest!:eek:

Like some other posters on here said, it makes the parents look dumb pushing this huge kid around in a stroller when some of them are big enough to push the parents around.
Of course, thats the parents choice; but it does get annoying when those of us with children small enough to actually need a stroller have to put up with overcrowded stroller parking spaces and buses filled to the gills with strollers. :brick::brick:

How about when you come out of The Land and there is literally a sea of strollers! As for the scooters, on one trip every time we had to catch a bus someone was in a scooter that added between 10-20 minutes to the loading and unloading of the buses. Ugh. I do not begrudge someone who really needs a scooter and I don't doubt there are some people now who can actually go to WDW or elsewhere that couldn't go before. I'm talking about the people in the scooter like the people who push a healthy, capable 10 year old in a stroller. I have a friend who rented a double stroller for her then 10 and 8 year olds. She tried to tell me I should get one for my younger son. What on earth for? She would defend it by saying the kids would get tired. I say, isn't that what walking the parks is for? They have more energy than I do anyway. Why would I want to come back to the hotel at the end of the day with kids who are full of energy? They're supposed to be tired. Or exhausted is more like it. We started going when my youngest was 5. No stroller. I've never been one to baby or over indulge my kids. So many people don't want their kids to "suffer" in any way. Not be too tired. Not cry because they don't get something they want. Not get in trouble for something they did wrong. Getting a stroller for any child capapble of walking him/herself, IMO is over indulging them. We're gonna have a whole world full of "princesses and princes" and hopefully their parents will live a long and healthy life to continue to pamper these kids (who I forsee renting scooters in their future!). :rolleyes:

Exactly! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I am really surprised at the responce here. I thought it was just me and wanted to do a little venting. I hope Disney sees this and tries to address the problem. Maybe charge more for a stroller for children over the age of 6 or 7.


Well-Known Member
I am really surprised at the responce here. I thought it was just me and wanted to do a little venting. I hope Disney sees this and tries to address the problem. Maybe charge more for a stroller for children over the age of 6 or 7.

LOL, as expensive as they are now, even if the price goes higher people will still pay! :lol:


Well-Known Member
I dont really see any way for Disney to address the issue. It's just how society is today.... Shoot. at age 8 and 9 (younger brother 6/7) my dad had been taking us white water rafting and hiking in the Smokies. Ain't no strollers allowed on the 10 mile round-trip hike up Mt. Le Conte!


Well-Known Member
I am really surprised at the responce here. I thought it was just me and wanted to do a little venting. I hope Disney sees this and tries to address the problem. Maybe charge more for a stroller for children over the age of 6 or 7.

Well, that does nothing for people bringing their own.

Having thought about this some more, I think it also stems from a variety of reasons. Economy, expansion of WDW, and the general mindset of people.

With the current economy, people want the most bang for their buck. That means touring the parks from rope drop to kiss goodnight. That means seeing as many attractions as possible. Of course WDW is much bigger now, it takes longer to see all 4 parks plus DTD, water parks, mini-golf, etc etc. However vacation time has not become larger. People still get so many weeks of vacation per year. So now you are trying to cram much more into the same period of time. Couple that with the instant gratification, go-go-go, bells, whistles, and lights, (and also paranoia) mindset of the current generation and you have a perfect storm of stroller use.

People don't want to let junior sleep in for a bit, go to the parks, take a break on a bench with a cold drink, see some more, go to the resort for a rest, come back later, and then go back to the resort at a resonable bed time for the kid. They want to see it all. Go, go, go!!! - of course your kid is going to be tired. Couple that with people not wanting to stop and smell the roses (so to speak) because it's not "fun". Just for kicks you throw in the parinoia factor - that touring a park is akin to a 90 day safari in the bush, and you have (as somone mentioned) people using the strollers as rolling supply carts for snacks, hand sanitizer, a change of clothes, water jugs, toys, first aid kit, etc. Maybe Dinsey could allow people to hire real Sherpas in AK.

Really though, people are the best judge of what their kids can handle. However if your kid can't handle something, you need to also ask yourself why they can't handle it. Maybe you are pushing them just a bit too far.



Well-Known Member
I dont really see any way for Disney to address the issue. It's just how society is today.... Shoot. at age 8 and 9 (younger brother 6/7) my dad had been taking us white water rafting and hiking in the Smokies. Ain't no strollers allowed on the 10 mile round-trip hike up Mt. Le Conte!

My kids have done stuff like that too. They also ride their bikes on their own, they play a variety of sports, and have flown by them selves as unaccompined minors.

I can't imagine my daughters doing all of that stuff, and then wanting to sit in a stroller.


David S.

I really don't want to get into this discussion/debate, but every time I use the line highlighted, my daughter makes me feel like this...


LOL! ;) "In my day we didn't have television, and movie pictures! In my day if you wanted entertainment, you had to stare at the sun until your eyes burst into flames! And that's the way it was, and we liked it!"


The Epcot Manifesto
I'm ok with 5.
Ok, so since this seems to be the "stroller" discussion post. We're going in December of this year. My DD will be nearly 3 (and walking since 8 months old), and we're consider not bringing the stroller with us to the parks. We've got a nice framed backpack for her to jump up in when she gets tired, and she is going to want to walk / run most of the day anyway.

So, my question here to any parents would be, are we insane to think this will work? We're going to bring our umbrella stroller with us, but plan to leave it at the resort until we've decided that our backpack plan is not working. Are we dreaming too big here and should we just bite the bullet and bring the stroller with us on day 1?


Well-Known Member
The thing is..somepeople may just use the stoller for their kids because they are lazy and some may because their child does need one..

Like I said...my little girl is 5..looks like a 3 year old..is smaller then most 3 year olds and tired easily from walking for a period of time.

We do take many breaks and rest often but a stroller is needed for us while in the parks for her comfort not for us..because I would carry her all day if I could.

She can not handle it because she is so small...not because she is lazy

so..everyone has their reasons..I do not care what others do or do not do with their kids..not my buisness...the strollers or wheelchairs never bother me


Well-Known Member
Ok, so since this seems to be the "stroller" discussion board. We're going in December of this year. My DD will be nearly 3 (and walking since 8 months old), and we're consider not bringing the stroller with us to the parks. We've got a nice framed backpack for her to jump up in when she gets tired, and she is going to want to walk / run most of the day anyway.

So, my question here to any parents would be, are we insane to think this will work? We're going to bring our umbrella stroller with us, but plan to leave it at the resort until we've decided that our backpack plan is not working. Are we dreaming too big here and should we just bite the bullet and bring the stroller with us on day 1?

Definitely bring the stroller being that your kid is 3 years old. My daughter is 3 too. Unless they have Red Bull in their blood, they definitely cannot walk all day like a 7 or 8 year old should be able to do.
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