Hyperion Wharf Begins


Well-Known Member
I love this idea, but it would again be a loss for Disney in the online community, as the most hardcore of the AC fans don't like to actually spend money at the Club (ironic, isn't it, that the ones who "loved" it so much actually led to its demise?!), and would thus complain that the corporate bean counters turned the AC into a vapid experience focused solely on lining their pockets. Or however the standard, "corporate profits are bad" argument proceeds.

I absolutely loved the Adventurers Club for its substance, but the other patrons almost made it unbearable at times. Stereotypical obnoxious fanboys who, bluntly, needed to 'get lives.' It's not too surprising that, similarly, there are folks in every thread even remotely on the topic of Pleasure Island that make the thread unbearable at times. It makes me think I've probably seen some of these folks in person at the AC before.

I really wish the AC were still around, or would come back somewhere, in some capacity. As it stands, it's not coming back to DtD, so I'm pleased at the prospect of something being added to this area. Even if it's not my ideal choice. That doesn't mean I'm "settling" or "giving Disney a pass." Nor does it mean I've forgiven the company for closing the AC. It means that I'm a realist who doesn't like the sight of vacant buildings. I'm ready to move on.
As usual, I agree with everything said here.

Interesting anecdote, one of my only forays in the AC a few months before it closed, a guest was actually asked to stop quoting the show before the show happened. Apparently it had been happening for a while because he was jokingly showed the door he would be escorted out of if he continued.

It was a neat little show. I don't understand the passion for it, but my wife doesn't understand my love of the McRib and why I would sell our kid to become a Jedi, so to each their own. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I have to agree with you and WDW Figment and I think it would be nice if they either kept it on Hyperion Wharf or considered moving it over to the Boardwalk! I know of a club that could use an over haul / and or a restaurant that might do better if it was relocated. I just think the Boardwalks turn of the century theme fits better with the AC and that 3rd party companies are more suited to DTD.

Yes sir. Built in audience, easy access for Epcot guests and also DHS guests. It would be filled with guests nightly and not just regulars but cash spending visitors.

Mouse Detective

Well-Known Member
When the announcement was made that all the clubs on Pleasure Island were closing, the biggest shock was that Adventurers Club was included. My recollection is that employees had been told in advance about the closings but that AC was not supposed to be on the hit list.

While the closed clubs/empty buildings were depressing to see, they offered hope that someone might come to their senses and reopen one or more of them! With them torn down, that can't happen. So yes, I do think the empty buildings are better than what we're getting, which is grass and mulch where the demolished clubs once stood. Other than an outdoor concert area, we're not getting even one new thing to replace those clubs!


Think for yourselfer
I love this idea, but it would again be a loss for Disney in the online community, as the most hardcore of the AC fans don't like to actually spend money at the Club (ironic, isn't it, that the ones who "loved" it so much actually led to its demise?!), and would thus complain that the corporate bean counters turned the AC into a vapid experience focused solely on lining their pockets. Or however the standard, "corporate profits are bad" argument proceeds.

I absolutely loved the Adventurers Club for its substance, but the other patrons almost made it unbearable at times. Stereotypical obnoxious fanboys who, bluntly, needed to 'get lives.' It's not too surprising that, similarly, there are folks in every thread even remotely on the topic of Pleasure Island that make the thread unbearable at times. It makes me think I've probably seen some of these folks in person at the AC before.

I really wish the AC were still around, or would come back somewhere, in some capacity. As it stands, it's not coming back to DtD, so I'm pleased at the prospect of something being added to this area. Even if it's not my ideal choice. That doesn't mean I'm "settling" or "giving Disney a pass." Nor does it mean I've forgiven the company for closing the AC. It means that I'm a realist who doesn't like the sight of vacant buildings. I'm ready to move on.

Nail on the head. I agree with literally everything you said. The AC was a wonderful idea, and when allowed to be executed, meaning no fanboys hijacking the show, it was a great time. The concept is great, they just needed to find a way to increase profits if people were not going to be drinking enough to have the club turn a profit. Maybe increase the cover, or as was suggested turn it into a dinner show. Closing it down, and replacing it with a grassy knoll is probably the worst option available. And that is a shame. I do not have high hopes for HW, but as you said, we need something on the island formerly known for pleasure.

I just looked at the Save PI blog. I guess I was right not to have high hopes for HW. Goodness gracious is that sad.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Wow... its more bold than I ever could have imagined!!!! I would have never thought of adding nothing but grass. Pure genious. Whoever came up with that is true poet... a master of artistry.



Active Member
The thing I take the most away from looking at those blue prints is that "Seed and Mulch" is likely to become one of those euphemisms for a "TDO Special" that lasts for decades ... like "bold new vision" and "Epcot War Memorial".


Well-Known Member
Clearly none of us are sufficiently intelligent or culturally sophisticated to appreciate the bold new vision found in grass covered lots.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I hate to bring a bit of critical thought to the latest doomfest but you can clearly see from the "skycam" pics posted by the very same SPI blog that they have already begun construction on something more than is depicted in the leaked drawings.


Carry on. :cool:

PS- I didn't really hate doing that.

Mouse Detective

Well-Known Member
I hate to bring a bit of critical thought to the latest doomfest but you can clearly see from the "skycam" pics posted by the very same SPI blog that they have already begun construction on something more than is depicted in the leaked drawings.

The only thing I see in the skycam photo is the beginning of a new pathway. What have you seen in the photos that equate to "begun construction"?


Well-Known Member
Yes sir. Built in audience, easy access for Epcot guests and also DHS guests. It would be filled with guests nightly and not just regulars but cash spending visitors.

Sometimes I have a good idea! This one actually seems plausible I only wish I was able to make it happen!


Well-Known Member
I only read until the 2nd page before I had to comment. For the people that complained about them "letting anyone into PI", I have a question. Who the hell goes to Disney World to party and drink? What part of the sticks do you live in that they don't have a night club or bar nearby?

Seriously, I just don't get it. I don't see why people go somewhere where kids and parents are supposed to have a good time together and they can't go without liqour or tobacco.


Active Member
I only read until the 2nd page before I had to comment. For the people that complained about them "letting anyone into PI", I have a question. Who the hell goes to Disney World to party and drink? What part of the sticks do you live in that they don't have a night club or bar nearby?

Seriously, I just don't get it. I don't see why people go somewhere where kids and parents are supposed to have a good time together and they can't go without liqour or tobacco.

Actually, I rarely drink. I just liked going to Pleasure Island to get away from children and be around adults for a few hours. The "New Years Eve" celebration was fun, and the AC was always a good time. But mostly, it was to get away from kids.

Mouse Detective

Well-Known Member
Seriously, I just don't get it. I don't see why people go somewhere where kids and parents are supposed to have a good time together and they can't go without liqour or tobacco.

Yes, Disney World is a great place for kids and parents to have a good time together. But a significant percentage of guests are there without children. Not everyone has children. Some leave them at home and some just don't have any. A significant percentage of guests are on-property (and off) for meetings and conventions and if they have children, they are not with them. These are examples of some of the people looking for some nightlife during their visit to Disney World.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I only read until the 2nd page before I had to comment. For the people that complained about them "letting anyone into PI", I have a question. Who the hell goes to Disney World to party and drink? What part of the sticks do you live in that they don't have a night club or bar nearby?

Seriously, I just don't get it. I don't see why people go somewhere where kids and parents are supposed to have a good time together and they can't go without liqour or tobacco.

Perhaps if you HAD of read the complete thread you would have known the answer before admitting that you have your own preconceived notions about who should be visiting the WDW resort and who should not.


Well-Known Member
Yes, Disney World is a great place for kids and parents to have a good time together. But a significant percentage of guests are there without children. Not everyone has children. Some leave them at home and some just don't have any. A significant percentage of guests are on-property (and off) for meetings and conventions and if they have children, they are not with them. These are examples of some of the people looking for some nightlife during their visit to Disney World.

Anyone want to pull one of Walt's quotes about NOT aiming specifically for children? TWDC of today believes everything must be acceptable to an emotionally fragile 6-year-old and her good Midwestern parents.

That line of thinking is insulting to the great number of guests who either aren't traveling with children or would like to enjoy some activities that don't say involve princesses, foamheads and pxie dust.

WDW/Orlando is the nation's No. 2 convention destination. Many of those travelers are not towing the strollers (or the kiddies that ride in them) to WDW. They tend to enjoy a drink or six ... and they usually have the expense accounts to buy them.

And plenty of folks just travel without kids ... how many college spring
breakers are at WDW now with their 11-year-old siblings?

Disney, as someone wrote a few posts back, went for the quick buck (or what they assumed would be) years ago when they decided they would kill PI and replace with third parties ... they didn't factor in the economic collapse or the overdevelopment in Orlando to begin with.

And now what are they left with? Or should I say we're left with?

Grass and wood chips. THAT is what Hyperion Wharf will largely be. Another Flamingo Crossings.


I think not.

But there are folks who said they liked DL's parking lot more than DCA too.

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