Except that keeping new contracts a secrets benefits nobody. Not Disney. Not the third party operators. It is why everywhere else advertisements go up announcing the new venture coming to a space. The vendor gets it known that they are coming to that location and the operator gets word out that people are not leaving in droves, that spaces are being leased and that others should consider coming. If Disney had partners to announce they would do so before the ink was dry.
No, not necessarily. If they are negotiating with a food vendor why would they want to release information that they had signed a contract with another food vendor that is a potential competitor? They wouldn't.
Everyone knows people are not leaving DTD in droves. If they are perhaps you could provide a list. I see the vendors that are there plussing their offerings and/or keeping a prescence at DTD despite being relocated.
The only vendors I see leaving are the small ma & pa shops that probably can't afford to be there. Lego is expanding, Harley is staying, LMM staying, Ridemakerz is going into a permanent location etc etc. The only big name that has left is Virgin but that has to do with a product that became largely obsolete and a failing business overall seperate from anything at DTD. DTD probably kept that company afloat awhile longer.
As for the West End. If it is so bad HoB and certainly Bongos would have left by now. Bongos is not a chain and they would never stay if they were not doing well. And of course as the traffic flow issues caused by PI are resolved by adding HW they will do even better.
Get with it people. Just a bit of common sense is all I am asking for from you. Well most of you. Some of you (and he knows who he is) are lost causes
If there's nothing in the West End that attracts people, it doesn't matter if you have a boardwalk or a trolley, it doesn't matter, no one is going to go there. Ditto Hyperion Wharf.
It's all about weenies. Walt got it. Cirque is a horrible weenie. Sure it's impressive, but 98% of visitors--and 99.9% on any given night--have no interest in visiting. DQ may have been a nice weenie back in the mid-90s, but now it's a decaying arcade with a ridiculous admission charge. Neither HoB nor Bongos ever pulled in the grown-ups like they were supposed to (the overall failure of adult restaurants at DTD over the past two decades was probably the first warning sign that closing PI was a bad idea, but I digress).
Build something in West End people want to see, the crowds will materialize.
Really? Raglin is a failure now? :shrug: Please.

And your point that "failing adult restaurants" proved a "warning sign that closing PI was a bad idea". Wow, just wow. What does that even mean? :ROFLOL

I agree though that the West End needs a bit more to draw pedestrian traffic. And I believe they said they are adding more stuff to the west at the announcement. It wasn't clear to me though if they meant the west end of PI or the area known as the West End. Time will tell.