

New Member
nibblesandbits said:
no...I figured it out I think. I scheduled a vacation on the My Itinaries thing (I totally spelled that wrong...but I don't feel like checking it) on the Disney website. It looks like it's from there.

If you PM me with your e-mail address I'll send it to you

My email should be in my profile...


New Member
dandaman said:
Hell week sounds intereting, indeed. :lol:

Good luck :wave:

Hell week is an experience and a half. I get up at 6AM, go to school till like 2PM, then grab a soda and a snack, curtain at 2:30PM and then rehearse till about 4:30 or 5:00, break for food (we are hated by the pizza and Chinese delivery guys.) and then after about 20 minutes we start up again till like 7PM. :lol: Then I find a ride home, eat again, shower and collapse. Next day, do it again.

Last year we did a Saturday work day like we're doing tomorrow we did what we call a "Wendy's Run" which is exactly what it sounds like. :lol: We all wrote what we wanted on a huge piece of plywood and one of the girls and I went to get the food. Lets just say that a $100 order is not what people want to deal with at our Wendy's. :lol:

Hell week is an awesome time, but they call it hell for a reason!


Well-Known Member
figmentmom said:
I just got one today, too! Don't recall ever getting one before.

I looks like the Disney Insider is being replaced with it...if I understand the convo correctly because I didn't go all the way back to catch up.

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