How do YOU deal with that rude park guest?


Well-Known Member
Personally, I'm too young to say anything. It comes off as rude if I do. I give them the look and move on, or I play the innocent game, "I'm sorry, I can't see, look at me, I'm only 5 ft! Could you please move that?" I do like to give people the benefit of the doubt. If someone is being rude, I just move myself. It avoids an altercation.

Basically, I go to high school, I'm used to dealing with shoving and general rudeness, so the little I encounter at Disney just doesn't phase me. Although last trip there were Argentinians, a group of girls younger than me, and they were trying to line jump, and I told them in Spanish, "The end of the line is over there." If I see a group of teens doing it, it's a different story, especially ones who act all innocent because they don't speak English and are then surprised when I speak Spanish
Maybe we should all learn that line in Spanish! Lol. Maybe a few of of them like I was here first, don't even think about it! ;).


God bless the "Ignore" button.
If anyone is smoking where they're not supposed to, just tell 'em that if they don't put it out you'll get a CM. Smokers out of their area is probably my biggest pet peeve.


Well-Known Member
For the most part I try to ignore the rude and obnoxious when I can. I am on vacation and the last thing I want is to get aggravated. If they push into my space then they will be corrected.


Well-Known Member
Oh I am the queen of sarcastic, loud mouth snarkiness when people are being stupid or rude. I realllllllly try not to do it at WDW. People are there with their kids, I'm there with mine....but when you stand so close to me at the parade that your crotch is up against me, you are GOING to get a remark.

I'm def taking @THPFanatics advice next time!!! Hahaha!


Well-Known Member
I usually ignore the rude people. There have only been two times that I've said something. 1. Lady in a scooter almost took me out. Not an accidental or in a hurry and not paying attention mistake. She was going full speed ahead and honking for people to move. Several people had to jump out of the way. 2. Large group of teenagers standing in front of the fast pass entrance at ToT. At first I thought they were getting FPs out to show the CM, but no, they were early for their window and decided to just block the entrance until their time arrived. I asked them to move aside for people who could enter and they did.
One time this lady and her group were blocking the entrance to Star Tours, and my boyfriend and I squeezed around and got in, because, well, they were just standing there talking. This lady got ed at us and went out of her way to decide that she finally wanted to ride the ride and had her whole group re cut us, lol. It was only like a five or ten minute wait so it wasn't like a big deal in that regard, it was just funny that she took it to such offense.

One time I was waiting in line to get into the park and this girl (probably five or six) started putting her hands all over my legs and playing with my carabiner. I just gave her father this look and he told her to stop. I get that it's a little kid, but if you can't keep your kid off of...other people, then they don't need to be at a themepark.

I do get irrationally angry when people use flash on a dark ride though.

Personally, I'm too young to say anything. It comes off as rude if I do. I give them the look and move on, or I play the innocent game, "I'm sorry, I can't see, look at me, I'm only 5 ft! Could you please move that?" I do like to give people the benefit of the doubt. If someone is being rude, I just move myself. It avoids an altercation.

Basically, I go to high school, I'm used to dealing with shoving and general rudeness, so the little I encounter at Disney just doesn't phase me. Although last trip there were Argentinians, a group of girls younger than me, and they were trying to line jump, and I told them in Spanish, "The end of the line is over there." If I see a group of teens doing it, it's a different story, especially ones who act all innocent because they don't speak English and are then surprised when I speak Spanish
I'm so sorry. I do not miss high school whatsoever and this was one of the big points.


If anyone is smoking where they're not supposed to, just tell 'em that if they don't put it out you'll get a CM. Smokers out of their area is probably my biggest pet peeve.
We were in the smoking area in Adventureland with a bunch of other people smoking when a woman came over and sat on one of the benches. She started to complain loudly about people smoking there and after a minute, she spotted a cast member, ran over and grabbed him, dragged him over to the smoking area and said something like "These people shouldn't be able to smoke here". The cast member was very nice to her and said "Ma'am, there are only several smoking area's in the Magic Kingdom, and this area is one of them. If you would like, I can direct you to a bench that is not in one of them". She left in a huff and the people in the area were all laughing and thanking the cast member.


We were waiting for Illuminations to start one night and as usual, we arrived VERY early to get our favorite spot. About 5 minutes before the show started, a woman kept pushing up against me. I would push back a little to get my personal space back, then stand where I was again. She would then push up against me again. We went through this a couple of times. Finally, I was getting fed up with it and I did what any guy who had a little intestinal gas after lunch in Mexico would do, and I let it riiiiip! Needless to say, I never felt her pushing against me again.


Well-Known Member
My mom and I were once paying for our breakfast at Captain Cook's. My mother and I were almost done checking out when the cashier noticed something that would help us save some money. She suggested my family pay together, and we called the rest of my family over.

The way the cash register works at Captain Cook's is occasionally confusing. I've posted a picture below. The guests line up on either side of the cash registers, and the cashiers assist the next person on line alternating sides. The below image is from in case you need a visual

A woman had started lining up behind my mom and I before the cashier suggested we called our family over. She was a southern woman with a sweet looking little girl. Unfortunately, the mother was awfully rude. She kept standing behind us saying things like "Oh for the love of manners!" and telling her daughter how rude we were being, how some people (my family) were never taught manners, and how God has blessed her with tons of manners but a little patience. The daughter was being adorable in all of this asking if she could share her patience with her mom, but the mom kept continuing to be loudly obnoxious and awful behind my mom and I. Since she decided to move right behind us and stay there (and incorrectly line up!), she missed her turn with the other cashier. She could have been paid and eating if she had just followed the line the way it was supposed to be instead of standing behind my family loudly insulting us.

We ignored her and made sure we took even longer with our transaction. :)


Well-Known Member
My mom and I were once paying for our breakfast at Captain Cook's. My mother and I were almost done checking out when the cashier noticed something that would help us save some money. She suggested my family pay together, and we called the rest of my family over.

The way the cash register works at Captain Cook's is occasionally confusing. I've posted a picture below. The guests line up on either side of the cash registers, and the cashiers assist the next person on line alternating sides. The below image is from in case you need a visual

A woman had started lining up behind my mom and I before the cashier suggested we called our family over. She was a southern woman with a sweet looking little girl. Unfortunately, the mother was awfully rude. She kept standing behind us saying things like "Oh for the love of manners!" and telling her daughter how rude we were being, how some people (my family) were never taught manners, and how God has blessed her with tons of manners but a little patience. The daughter was being adorable in all of this asking if she could share her patience with her mom, but the mom kept continuing to be loudly obnoxious and awful behind my mom and I. Since she decided to move right behind us and stay there (and incorrectly line up!), she missed her turn with the other cashier. She could have been paid and eating if she had just followed the line the way it was supposed to be instead of standing behind my family loudly insulting us.

We ignored her and made sure we took even longer with our transaction. :)
OMG...haha "God blessed me with manners, but a little patience", never mind how rude she's being...thank gosh her daughter seems more gracious than her mother. lol

Brickcity Pauly

Well-Known Member
Like most others, I'll do what I can to ignore rude people. Now...anyone potentially putting me and/or my daughter in harms way by their rude actions? They'll be dealt with...


Well-Known Member
OMG...haha "God blessed me with manners, but a little patience", never mind how rude she's being...thank gosh her daughter seems more gracious than her mother. lol
Right!? The little girl was so, so sweet! And adorable as well. Hopefully she won't follow in her mom's footsteps.


Well-Known Member
I usually beat them until they are unconsious.

Not really but my wife gets so upset with me because I have a bad habit of rolling my eyes at people. She says someday it's going to get me in trouble.

haha hey im with you on this one, I do the same thing and its bad habit I know, but its gotta be better than verbally saying something. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Well maybe my opinion is skewed because we've never encountered anyone who is THAT rude and horrible but we typically ignore annoying behaviors like the slowness, smoking in your face, not paying attention to the line, etc. We love and value our vacations so we don't let anyone get to us that way.


Well-Known Member
The only thing that really bugs me are the triple wide strollers that barge through the stores as if they own the place, pushing through, running you down and creating clogs. Those stores were not built for these semi-strollers of today. But they dont have to act the way they do with them either.

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