How do YOU deal with that rude park guest?


Well-Known Member
I've been told I'm rude for politely asking people to stop using flashes on dark rides and not to cut the line (I get you have to put strollers away but sometimes it's obvious people were doing other things when they have to cross the line 3 or 4 times)...but it's usually by someone wearing sweatpants to WDW with a neon pak or someone whose wife has lingerie tattooed on her body so I don't worry too much about what they think...


Well-Known Member
I usually ignore the rude people. There have only been two times that I've said something. 1. Lady in a scooter almost took me out. Not an accidental or in a hurry and not paying attention mistake. She was going full speed ahead and honking for people to move. Several people had to jump out of the way. 2. Large group of teenagers standing in front of the fast pass entrance at ToT. At first I thought they were getting FPs out to show the CM, but no, they were early for their window and decided to just block the entrance until their time arrived. I asked them to move aside for people who could enter and they did.


Well-Known Member
The only time I ever say anything is if someone causes us bodily harm or if someone is smoking next to one of my kids. I remember taking my oldest to AK when he was a baby and we were waiting in line for something and a guy lit up and was blowing the smoke right in my sleeping baby's face. Before I could give him the what-for, my little cousin who was only 7 or 8 at the time said "I would appreciate it if you would get that nasty cancer stick away from my baby cousin." The guy immediately got out of line. I was so proud of her and he should have been grateful to her because I would not have been so eloquent about it lol.


Smitty Werben JagerManJensen
The only times we've ever felt the need to actually do something about rude behavior was when someone wanted to show up 5 minutes before the parade and plop down right in front of us, or take one of our kids' spots (after we'd waited for 30+ minutes). It's happened several times, and my wife usually just politely points out the error of their ways. Sometimes we have let a child have one of our spots so they can see better, just to be nice. You never know if it's someone's once-in-a-lifetime trip, and we're fortunate to get to see it fairly frequently.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I can't stand that in general - people/families that just STOP right in front of you or in the middle of a thoroughfare. Really? If you're going to do that, move to the SIDE! Ugh.
I did that. On Main Street. The first time I went. Didn't even realize I'd stopped, at first.

I was just so in awe of the castle that I just...stood there. Actually thought, "This is what it feels like to see the castle." Then I realized I had stopped and started walking again, looking at Main Street and the castle.

I always say it was like an out-of-body experience for me.

And now I know I probably ed someone off when I did it, lol.



Well-Known Member
I normally will just ignore it. If someone tries to skip my daughter and lock hands and spread out so they cant. If someone is pushing for parade or something I will swap places with the kids. If they cont to push me I just push back. If they are in the way I just run into them. Yes all 5'2 of but it works. Now if someone has a light on on a dark ride the dh will take my nikon with the light on it and hold the button to shining a vry bright light in their eyes. They normally get the hint and stop. Now if someone hurts my kids that's a whole new ball game I guess you can say. I cant stand rude folks when it comes to kids nor will I stand by and watch


Well-Known Member
I did that. On Main Street. The first time I went. Didn't even realize I'd stopped, at first.

I was just so in awe of the castle that I just...stood there. Actually thought, "This is what it feels like to see the castle." Then I realized I had stopped and started walking again, looking at Main Street and the castle.

I always say it was like an out-of-body experience for me.

And now I know I probably ed someone off when I did it, lol.


I just make sure no one is behind me. But I will definitely take a moment to stop and breath in the site I've been dreaming of seeing for months. I don't think that is "rude."


Well-Known Member
I was, however, told I was rude once. On the way out after the fireworks in MK, two people, they were big but not overwieght, were casually and I mean casually ( really slow) walking down the side walk. You couldn't go by on either side. But one time they kind of split apart and I went between them. I didn't brush against them just walked ahead. They were so upset at me and said that the rudeness in the place was getting worse. I didn't say anything back just kept walking. Maybe I was wrong but I thought it was rude of them to walk so slow and take up the entire space.

I'm not so sure walking slowly and enjoying yourself is rude? At least they weren't stopping.


Well-Known Member
I just make sure no one is behind me. But I will definitely take a moment to stop and breath in the site I've been dreaming of seeing for months. I don't think that is "rude."
I didn't decide to stop. Didn't even know I had until I realized I was just standing there, at which point I moved along.

It totally was rude, but completely unintentional.

When I decide to stop, I get out of people's way. :)


Well-Known Member
I make a comment. Too many people do this stuff because they can get away with it because no one says anything to them and just ignores it. I can't tell you how many times I have told people next to me at shows to stop talkin or told people to stop taking flash photos on rides or told people that we had been waiting for the parade/Illuminations for an hour and they needed to find their own space and stop pushing past us. I don't deal well with rudeness and I am not one to ignore it. Too many people do it nowadays that it's too hard to ignore.


Well-Known Member
A little passive-aggressive behavior goes a long way. We once had a group of teenage girls skip us in line with the encouragement of their adult giggling chaperone. I'm now more asssertive now and would say something, but I didn't want to get in a fight so I spend the rest of the time in the queue "accidentally" stepping on said chaperone's bare heels. "Oh, I am so sorry! Did I step in your heel? Ouch! My bad!" I am sure she felt that for the rest of the trip.

I will also step on the toes of anyone I have to crawl over because the must sit in the middle of the row of a full theater instead of moving all the way down as asked by the CMs repeatedly. I am so gonna get beat up one day.


Well-Known Member
It depends for me...

Sometimes, I just say things under my breathe but keep moving.. However, on my last trip I had two incidients where I just had to say something.
1. Some lady was so busy texting and walking that she ran right into my fiance... they hit each other so hard, you could hear it. My fiance had the wind knocked out of him and got a really bad headache. The woman stopped, stared at my fiance then proceeded to walk away. I said "excuse me, but you just ran into him, cant you atleast say sorry." She did not. I was ed, we ended up leaving early because he felt so bad after.

2. I had a 8 year old push me into a candy display. His parents watched as I fell and grabbed their son and proceeded to leave. Two strangers witnessed the entire thing. One yelled out "wow, really? that was so rude" The other got angry at the parents and said "are you not going to make your son apologize?" and they turned around and walked out and began mumbling in french something...

Cant have disney without the occasional rude guest!


Well-Known Member
I did that. On Main Street. The first time I went. Didn't even realize I'd stopped, at first.

I was just so in awe of the castle that I just...stood there. Actually thought, "This is what it feels like to see the castle." Then I realized I had stopped and started walking again, looking at Main Street and the castle.

I always say it was like an out-of-body experience for me.

And now I know I probably ed someone off when I did it, lol.

We have all been there. I wouldn't call that rude really. Awestruck but not rude:)

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
I think much of the problem is that there is no consensus anymore about what constitutes polite behaviour.

The woman honking her horn as her scooter runs over everybody in her way posts on Disney sites too, bragging how she doesn't take crap from anybody and doesn't mince words when people stop in the middle of the street.

It's very sad. I blame the internets, which cultivates abrasive behaviour.

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