How do YOU deal with that rude park guest?


Well-Known Member
Folks have done everything from give me dirty looks, say a sarcastic "excuse me", slap me on the back of the hand, and report me to park security! Sometimes I just can't help myself.;)

Monkee Girl

Well-Known Member
In the off season, is it rude to sit in the middle when there are very few people? The CMs said to pick any seat so we did. We then had a few people who I guess are used to a full house, comment on how we were rude for sitting in the middle. Maybe you shouldnt have shown up late.

I think if the theater is less crowded and there is space, you can sit where you want. However, the rule is to move all the way down regardless. You don't know how many people are behind you and why do you think you are so special that you can just stop in the middle of the row and force people behind you to pass you and/or loose the middle seats that, by rights, should belong to them because you were supposed to move down? (And I don't mean you specifically; I mean the 'you' as in the people who do this). I would say the polite thing to do would be to move down, wait till the crowd is seated, and if you find there is plenty of room, then move in.

I actually cheat all that. My family thought I was crazy the first time I did it, But I held them back. They all rushed to the door and I said "wait; Let the other people in first." We let nearly all the people go then when it was our turn, we had the pick of the theater AND got the middle section too. They were very pleased.

I think the main issue with this and things like photography on rides is that there are rules stated, and many/most people try to follow the rules. so when the few people come in thinking rules don't apply to them, it is aggravating.


Well-Known Member
I don't think rudeness and stupidity should be ignored because that just perpetuates the problem. If you are 30 years old and have always gotten away with what you are doing you may not see it as wrong. If people started telling you from day one that what you are doing is wrong, maybe it would have stopped by now.
P.S. I've learned through experience to hate people.

I don't hate all the people, just the ones that mess with my family. Other than that, I tend to agree with you.


Well-Known Member
In the off season, is it rude to sit in the middle when there are very few people? The CMs said to pick any seat so we did. We then had a few people who I guess are used to a full house, comment on how we were rude for sitting in the middle. Maybe you shouldnt have shown up late.

I don't think so. I have had CMs actually encourage us to sit in the middle when it's not a full house. I am talking about days when the theater is extremely crowded and the CMs keeping asking people repeatedly to move all the way down and the idiots just sit there like a bump on a log. I have had this happen more than once, and it's extremely frustrating to have to climb over said bump, but it has to be done because there are a ton of people behind you waiting for a seat.

Hot Lava

Well-Known Member
It's incredibly rude when people are holding up their tablets to film Wishes or taking 8 million pictures with it above their head. Not to mention the ones who are recording an entire dark ride with the tablet face light on. Most of them that I saw in Feb were middle aged American women......

I would start talking next to them (but not at them) really loudly. Stuff like, "Look at all the morons with the Ipads!" Anything (short of profanity) that they wouldn't want on their video.

Some lady was so busy texting and walking that she ran right into my fiance... they hit each other so hard, you could hear it. My fiance had the wind knocked out of him and got a really bad headache. The woman stopped, stared at my fiance then proceeded to walk away. I said "excuse me, but you just ran into him, cant you atleast say sorry." She did not. I was ed, we ended up leaving early because he felt so bad after.

I usually see these people coming at me, and before they run into me, yell, "Hey!", "Look Out", or "Attention!".

I had the now typical experience in Oct on PotC of people taking flash pictures the entire time.

Next time this happens to me (b/c this happens at every park), I will just start yelling loudly, "oh, my eyes, my eyes!!! You've blinded me! I am going to sue you, SUE YOU!"


Well-Known Member
I just got back from a short trip and aside from all the perfect, magical moments, I noticed more and more this trip than ever how generally horrid many of the other guests have gotten. Now , I know when we go to WDW we expect the "this is MY vacation" tourists who want everything their way, but how do you personally deal with them?
The shoving and running over feet at the parades, the giants with kids on their shoulders in front of a little one who can't see, the smokers in line. A new one I didn't notice as much in the past that got me- the people using giant ipads as cameras and blinding people behind them during fireworks.

I know personally, more and more the polite "excuse me sir, could you please not ___" works practically never and I try to give people the benefit of the doubt but have you ever just hit a breaking point?
I give DH the "this person is ruining my happy place" look and he takes care of it :) Sometimes by just handing me a frosty beer. I love that man!


Well-Known Member
We've discovered that our patience with rude people has improved exponentially by traveling during "low to moderate" crowd times. Someone snapping flash photos or talking through an attraction is far less bothersome when you know you can easily jump back in line for it again. I try to shrug it off. Being confrontational doesn't do anything but escalate the situation and make it even more unpleasant -- the exception being where someone is actually harming someone else or is being rude inadvertently -- in those cases, I do speak up.

Back in the days when we could only travel during school holidays, knowing you'd only get one shot at an attraction and were going to have to wait in a long line to do it, we felt much more protective of each experience.

Club Cooloholic

Well-Known Member
I thought my wife handled something well on Space Mt recently. We were doing a ride switch and when she got back she told me she had let two teenage boys ahead of her as they were walking aloung to get on the ride. Well they got up to where you handed your FPs and an older couple came up behind her and started butting their way past her as they talked to the boys(she guessed they were the parents) and attempted to move next to them. She said to the father "Sorry but you have to wait, I let those boys ahead of me already and I am not letting you, if you had asked me if you could join them I would have said yes, but since you just presumed you could move me aside you have to wait". I was proud of her.


Well-Known Member
In all honesty, I think some of the instances posted could be just misunderstandings. I can kind of see both sides. Not to take up for rude people, but maybe they're not intending to be inconsiderate. For example, the lady putting up her stroller... maybe she was doing the best she could and going as fast as she could? Maybe her experience was everyone giving her dirty looks and rushing her so she was on the defense? I'm just saying there's two sides to every story.


Well-Known Member
I would start talking next to them (but not at them) really loudly. Stuff like, "Look at all the morons with the Ipads!" Anything (short of profanity) that they wouldn't want on their video.

I usually see these people coming at me, and before they run into me, yell, "Hey!", "Look Out", or "Attention!".

Yeah, normally you do see people walking toward you, she was texting while cutting through the crowd and walked into him very last minute... it would have been easily avoided if she wouldn't have been texting


Well-Known Member
Grab their iPad from in front of their faces and whack 'em across same with it until they drop? #bitchslap

Yes, kidding. Just thinking out loud. :D


Well-Known Member
I never knew iPads were such a no-no but they weren't around last time we went to Disney. Just in case, I told my husband he was not allowed to bring his when we go in June, but he said he didn't plan to! :) (Why would anyone bring something so expensive to a park anyway???)

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