How accurate is the Jim Hill report that the Dreamfinder may return to Figment?


jedimaster1227 said:
Not loved by a generation, but loved by many and almost all who met him.

wannab@dis said:
Not quite... ;)

The passionate fans of DF seem to have a problem with reality. :lol:

I don't think that's entirely fair.

I'm not a "passionate fan" of Dreamfinder. Until I came to these boards, I didn't even know his name. As I said earlier, I have no particular attachment to the character.

But I happen to agree with the DF fans that something about his interaction with Figment "worked" in a way that more recent incarnations of the ride don't. There's just something about the DF/Figment combo that was childlike and whimsical, while the current Idle/Figment combo comes across (to me, anyway) as mildly irritating.

I happen to like some of the effects that were introduced in the 2nd/3rd versions... what I don't like about the current version is the elementary focus on "the senses" and the idea of Figment as a spoiled child rather than a childlike sense of wonder and possibility. That's just how it comes across to me.

Is Dreamfinder the missing piece of the puzzle? I don't know. I could do without him easily, but what I miss is "imaginative Figment" as opposed to "silly Figment." If the Imagineers can recapture that sense of imagination without Dreamfinder, fine by me. If bringing Dreamfinder back (in his old state or completely re-imagined) helps to recapture the sense of imagination in some way, that's great too.

-p.b. :cool:

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
The lifetime of the original appears to be better than the current version, however, both attractions lost the ability to "pull in the crowds" in their last days. Further, the initial attraction didn't have the competition of several major attractions as the current version. I would hazard a guess that if the original was still around, the lines would be just as empty.

I hope any changes will bring in the crowds and will be an enjoyable experience. Even though I like the current version, I've always looked forward to changes and will do so this time!

I will venture with you and agree the lines would be just as empty, especially since the original would have been extremely dated... Like I said, I do enjoy the current version... I just hope any refurb makes the attraction better and does not take it a step back.


Well-Known Member
dxer07002 said:
I will venture with you and agree the lines would be just as empty, especially since the original would have been extremely dated... Like I said, I do enjoy the current version... I just hope any refurb makes the attraction better and does not take it a step back.
It's never a step back to TRY to improve the attraction. It may fail, but that doesn't mean a step backwards. If WDI gets so scared of failing that they quit trying, then that's a major problem.

Ok... now it's getting to deep. :lol:


New Member
I don't really have to much of a problem with the attraction, however I am from the "Dreamfinder" generation, and enjoyed the original very much.

My problem is the post show.... do any of you remember "painting" on the wall, making music by stepping lights, or even playing with the largest "pin thing" (for lack of a better term...I can't think of the official name of it). Now its one big Kodak store. We usually walk right out. I understand that Kodak sponsors the pavillion and need to make their money, but how does an expensive picture of me with decorative borders, emphasize imagination, let alone enhance it?

I say bring back the second floor, let kids explore and imagine...I would venture to say that traffic to the pavillion would definitely increase, then if people still complain about the ride....change it!!!

I say this because I do the same thing... the ride is okay, but afterwards there is nothing to do and my kids get bored. They are not old enough for HISTA, so I figure that it's not worth the trip over there. I'd rather let them play on the tubes in Mission: Space, while my DH rides.


Active Member
mickeysgal said:
I don't really have to much of a problem with the attraction, however I am from the "Dreamfinder" generation, and enjoyed the original very much.

My problem is the post show.... do any of you remember "painting" on the wall, making music by stepping lights, or even playing with the largest "pin thing" (for lack of a better term...I can't think of the official name of it). Now its one big Kodak store. We usually walk right out. I understand that Kodak sponsors the pavillion and need to make their money, but how does an expensive picture of me with decorative borders, emphasize imagination, let alone enhance it?

I say bring back the second floor, let kids explore and imagine...I would venture to say that traffic to the pavillion would definitely increase, then if people still complain about the ride....change it!!!

I say this because I do the same thing... the ride is okay, but afterwards there is nothing to do and my kids get bored. They are not old enough for HISTA, so I figure that it's not worth the trip over there. I'd rather let them play on the tubes in Mission: Space, while my DH rides.

I too am of the DF Generation! The most important part of the pavilion to me when I was a kid was Imageworks, and the next was the film scene at the end of the ride with Dreamfinder and the big camera, sortof weird because now I am working to become a filmmaker. Details like this were important in the original ride and important in EPCOT Center. Now, you rarely find those details in anything. You can barely find any in the only remaining attraction from EPCOT Center, SSE. Is it a lack of care or interest from the Imagineers or the need for Disney to let their wallet guide them? If Baxter helms the project, then we could be seeing a return of interest and detail that we all miss.


Active Member
The first version of JII was my all-time favorite. That version molded my life in more ways than anyone could ever imagine. Since that experience, I have worked harder on my creative side to the tune of building displays and diorama's for others to enjoy in my hobby shop. It's totally put a "can-do" attitude into my life.
The second version was an insult to any who rode. Why would anyone want to be insulted to the point of being told that our imagination is horrible without Eric Idle's help? Granted, TDC was trying to show that everyone has an imagination, but still...
The current version, although entertaining, doesn't do much help today's children foster their imagination.
I don't think bringing back Dreamfinder would help to capture the initial spark of imagination that many had from that version, but instead it would act as a reminder to EPCOT Center's legacy Edutainment that many feel it has lost in the past decade or so....


wannab@dis said:
Annoying, Stinky and Cheap, huh? Nah...
While annoying is a subjective measure, I think stinky and cheap are pretty dead-on true. You can't argue with skunk smell, and, well, the ride was built on the cheap. Then again, I would say that for me stinky + cheap = annoying but, again, that's subjective.

wannab@dis said:
I still like the latest version better than the previous ones. While others share a different view, nobody here knows the actual popularity of either version.
Oh, I think they might. Consider that the first version stayed fairly popular for 15 years and the replacement was the most complained about WDW attraction ever up to that point. Consider that even the "improved" second revision is so unpopular that after a few short years another major rehab is close to being greenlit. It's anecdotal evidence, sure, but it's pretty cut-and-dried as far as anecdotal evidence goes.

wannab@dis said:
However, I'm not so sure that bringing back DF is a means to an end. You don't like the latest version, but yet it uses a recycled minor character. So, basically your hypothesis of character reuse equals great attraction is negated.
I have yet to see anyone make that assertion. I have seen a lot of people be excited about a return of a well-liked character, *if* it's done right. I personally was very excited that they brought Figment back for the last redo, but it didn't make me think the ride was any more acceptable.

wannab@dis said:
One more thing... IF they bring back DF and change the attraction and you don't like it, I hope that you will acknowledge my simple point... A single character does not make a successful attraction. :wave:
I'll gladly acknowledge that. I just don't think anyone so far has actually argued that it does.



Well-Known Member
marni1971 said:
wannab - look on the bright side. It`ll be one less attraction for you to queue up for :D
Not at all. I'm looking forward to the changes. Even though I like the latest version, I'm not hung up on the past and can look forward to something new. I'm just worried that some are putting a lot behind a rumor of DF returning and think that in and of itself means a good attraction. It just doesn't seem very smart. ;)


wannab@dis said:
Not at all. I'm looking forward to the changes. Even though I like the latest version, I'm not hung up on the past and can look forward to something new. I'm just worried that some are putting a lot behind a rumor of DF returning and think that in and of itself means a good attraction. It just doesn't seem very smart. ;)

Well then, we can agree on that. :)

The return of Dreamfinder in itself doesn't mean the resulting attraction would be any good.

If, however, the return of Dreamfinder signified a commitment to rethink the attraction in a way that would emphasize imagination as opposed to pure silliness, then that would seem to be a step in the right direction.

-p.b. :cool:


Active Member
wannab@dis said:
Not at all. I'm looking forward to the changes. Even though I like the latest version, I'm not hung up on the past and can look forward to something new. I'm just worried that some are putting a lot behind a rumor of DF returning and think that in and of itself means a good attraction. It just doesn't seem very smart. ;)
I'm just not seeing where anyone is saying that the inclusion of DF will automatically make the ride better. The way I see it, the return of DF is a sign that they may also be returning the attraction to a more inspiring and entertaining presentation of the concepts related to imagination. Hopefully, that means the inclusion of newer techniques and newer technology. I for one do not simply want the old attraction back. I want a better attraction than the original.

As for the current ride, a comment that my wife said while on JII the last time sort of sums it up for me. She said (just after Figment skunk-farted on her), "You know, Epcot is starting to not be my favorite park anymore."


PintoColvig said:
As for the current ride, a comment that my wife said while on JII the last time sort of sums it up for me. She said (just after Figment skunk-farted on her), "You know, Epcot is starting to not be my favorite park anymore."

That actually made me laugh out loud. Your lady speaks the truth. From someone who, since the age of five, listed EPCOT as my favorite park, too many times over the last decade I've thought to myself, "what am I doing here?"



Active Member
PintoColvig said:
I'm just not seeing where anyone is saying that the inclusion of DF will automatically make the ride better. The way I see it, the return of DF is a sign that they may also be returning the attraction to a more inspiring and entertaining presentation of the concepts related to imagination. Hopefully, that means the inclusion of newer techniques and newer technology. I for one do not simply want the old attraction back. I want a better attraction than the original.

As for the current ride, a comment that my wife said while on JII the last time sort of sums it up for me. She said (just after Figment skunk-farted on her), "You know, Epcot is starting to not be my favorite park anymore."

I rode JII with Figment twice today. The first time, the ride was bumpy and painful. The second time, the audio was out of sync and the lighting in the Sight Lab was messed up. In Imageworks, half of the consoles were broken down-missing their OS. Disney Management was there trying to fix it and they didn't even acknowledge the fact that they gave tours at Epcot like the Undiscovered Future World Tour.

Lets face it, the pavilion is wearing down fast! It needs to be fixed and since it will be fixed, it seems logical to fix all of the errors in the pavilion, including popularity.

p.s. To your wife, I prefer smelling Stitch's Chili-Barf rather than Figment's Skunk Spray, that is how bad it really is... It burns my eyes just to think about it...:cry:


Active Member
jedimaster1227 said:
I prefer smelling Stitch's Chili-Barf rather than Figment's Skunk Spray, that is how bad it really is... It burns my eyes just to think about it...:cry:
My kids still like JII because they love dark rides. Nevertheless, I had to laugh when, on the same time through that my wife made the above comment, I looked over at my 3 year old and my 5 year old and both of them held their noses just before the skunk spray. It was a funny sight! :lol:


Active Member
PintoColvig said:
My kids still like JII because they love dark rides. Nevertheless, I had to laugh when, on the same time through that my wife made the above comment, I looked over at my 3 year old and my 5 year old and both of them held their noses just before the skunk spray. It was a funny sight! :lol:

I hold my nose the minute the cars enter that room because it always stinks. I rode it twice yesterday and I couldn't stop laughing at how run down it was- it was funny because Disney Management denied it.

The computers in Imageworks seem to have been struck by a computer genius because the operating systems for several of the computers were deleted. In fact, the OS Boot Screen looked like it was from a Commodore Amiga. I think they are still using the Amiga OS in the park! Not such a great show Disney!

Lewis Carroll

Account Suspended're wrong on that. Jim has EXTREMELY good sources at WDI.
And in this case, the refurb of JII....100% accurate.
The plan is there.
There is a budget in place for it.

Unless something throws it off's gonna happen. Personally, I'd rather see the money going to UoE or WoL...but that's just me.:rolleyes:

Is the JII project still happening?


Is the JII project still happening?

Nope. Doesn't look like it.

As I said in the quote above: There was a concept, there was a proposed budget, there was some enthusiasm for it........then it died.

Currently at Epcot, the only things in the pipeline are a refurb for Spaceship Earth, refurbs at Canada's film and Mexico's boat ride, and (I think) two more countries getting some reufrb work.

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