Hmmmm...what do you take back home from Disney?...shhhh


New Member
Original Poster
Come on now...I know Im not the only one that brings Disney STUFF home with him...I know I'm bad, BUT I know I'm not alone......Disney soap( big one for me)....shampoo ( bring our own and put dailey new ones away)..sometimes even sneek occasional ones from carts(shhhh)....Mickey napkins,pool towels.....come on who else ( everyone) has done this and what?


Well-Known Member
Pool towels? Seriously now? I can't say I have paid that much attention to them, but do they even say WDW on them? I thought they were just plain white.... Soap/Shampoo/Lotions, of course. I pay the same each night if you give me a new one or not, so yeah, I'm gonna take the new ones each day.


Well-Known Member
I would think most of us are guilty in taking the shampoos and soaps. I know we do. Even if we don't use them at the time of our stay, we take them home and either pack them if we go anywhere else, or leave them around the house to use. I suppose we do it to always have a piece of that magic....but that's all we take....


New Member
We didn't take shampoo & soap last time, but I do have a white WDW pen that came from our hotel room. I just love using it! But I will definitely take some soap and shampoo too next time!

We were at an All-Star resort last time, don't think I even saw pool towels!! We brought our own to the pool.


Well-Known Member
I always bring back napkins and the shampoo. I usually use the shampoo when I travel elsewhere. I took a pool towel home once and returned it a year later.


Well-Known Member
I do have a white WDW pen that came from our hotel room. .

LOL I think those are for Guests to take with them if you wish.... they also have Black pens too! :)

Yeah if you ask the Housekeeping CM's they are always kind enough to give you some extra soaps,etc.

Also dont forget the Towel animals!!! I think we have 19 now...of course you are allowed to take those too or at least the CMs I've asked have haved said this....

Of course UNauthorized my boy in his wheelchair accidently brought a Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe menu (was literally brand new!) home.... think he got it mixed up with his autograph book/folder and it along with the menu was tossed into a bag later not realizing what it was lol...... Now though it is kind of a cool momento and 40 years from now he will be able to tell you WHAT was at each bay and how cheap everything was way back then (LOL)......

If you REALLY want to take something home from the parks that you cannot... I say check out Ebay.... we have a 100 years of Magic EPCOT Banner hanging in our dining room complete with lights, etc (though not sure how to get the power pack to work) :)



The OP has done it now. There are some people on this forum will say that taking towels is the same as stealing cars, trespassing and swimming in other people's pools, and blowing second hand smoke in peoples faces.


Well-Known Member
I always bring back napkins and the shampoo. I usually use the shampoo when I travel elsewhere. I took a pool towel home once and returned it a year later.

This would be me. Or I'd mail it back. It's not just that I took something that I know isn't mine and the fear of bad juju (especially if I liked the resort & wanted to return), it's the concept of treating the resort like I would a family member or friend who sends home a piece of cake with me in a nice Tupperware container. I'd never dream of not returning their container. So I'd want to return the towel because it's a "friend" and that's what I do. :lol:

Of course we take the shampoos but not the soap. It dries us out too much. In our family it's Dove soap or nothing. The lotion is a whoooole other ballgame. That H2O lotion is the only lotion DH will use on his hands in the winter when they get all dried out. We used to ask the Mousekeepers for extra and they'd give us tons of it. Unfortunately this year we ran out. When at WDW in November I couldn't find the tubes of lotion to purchase in any of the deluxe resorts we visited. Soooo, I broke down and ordered like 6 tubes from the H20 website when I had a 20% off entire purchase discount. Pathetic. I know.

Oh! And I always take the deluxe resort stationary they leave in the room. Love that stuff!

A couple of our earlier trips when our youngest was 8 or 9 or so while unpacking after I got home I found all these random rocks in his bags o'Disney treasures. When I asked him where they came from he could tell me where he picked up each rock and what he found interesting them. It was strange. I told him not to be picking up rocks like that anymore. If every kid picked up a rock the ground would be rock-less. :lol: Actually, I was concerned with finding rocks in my washing machine. That used to be a big problem with that kid. :lol:


New Member
We've taken soap, shampoo,and the pens from the room. And the towel animal we got on our honeymoon. The towels aren't really worth taking since they are just plain white towels. Oh, we also bring home maps, you think those are ok to take home?:animwink:


Well-Known Member
We've taken the soap, shampoo/conditioner, pens and stationary. I'm trying to remember but I don't think Mickey was on there any longer so we left it the last couple of trips. I used to stock up on paper napkins and plates in the food court because it said "Port Orleans Resort" All of that stuff is generic now though and doesn't mean anything. Never took and towels from the pool or room. Nothing really left now that's souvenir worthy that I can think of except the pens and stationary.


Well-Known Member
I take the little Mickey Mouse coasters that they put under the coffee cups and glasses in the resort rooms. I have a bar in my basement and they make great one-use bar coasters. One time housekeeping got so tired of me taking all the coasters from under the glasses every day that they left me a huge 4 inch stack of them. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure the soaps, shampoos and conditioners are expected and complimentary so why not...paper coasters for YOUR drinks...sure why not....even the silly plates with the tops they give you shaped like mickey for your waffles....towels, dishes, etc - NOPE!

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