

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
That was an interesting theory at the time. But would Hiro of the future bother coming back to Peter and try to get him to "Save the Cheerleader" if he knows in the future who Sylar is? And since there was no massive paradoxical explosion last night, it's a pretty good bet that he's not future Peter, rather just another human with special abilities, including telekinesis.

Edit: At least that explains why the bullets didn't affect him... he pulled a Neo and stopped them before he was actually hit.

Yep, my theory was blown to paradoxal bits last night :lol:

I agree...he's definitely telekinetic...but does he have OTHER powers?

Did he heal himself or just not hit the ground last night?

Blackie Pueblo

Active Member
Hey everyone! Just found this tread. I'm a big Heros fan and have been watching since the pilot. They have all been pretty good, but I have to say last night kind of left me going..."Uh, that's what I've been waiting for?"

After all the build up no one connected except for Peter and the cheerleader. And it wasn't much of a fight really. I thought it was cool to see the locker doors go flying. And I freaking love the way the Peter character braved the man alone. This character is really developing into what a hero is.

Speaking of heros... really the only two who have really done anything to be considered a hero is the cheerleader Claire (ha, finally remembered her name) by saving the guy from the fire, and Peter who faced death to save Clarire. No one else has really done anything to warrent giving them the hero title.

Now the time traveling guy looks like he might be saving the waitress, but we'll see.

Lastly, I agree with earlier statements. Ali Larter... meeeeowwww!

"Imagination is more important than knowledge"
--A. Einstein


Well-Known Member
Original Poster

Speaking of heros... really the only two who have really done anything to be considered a hero is the cheerleader Claire (ha, finally remembered her name) by saving the guy from the fire, and Peter who faced death to save Clarire. No one else has really done anything to warrent giving them the hero title.

Nathan - Saved his brother from death by catching him as he was falling

Hiro - Saved the little girl from getting hit by the truck, and saved Micah and DL from the burning car

Peter - Saved the cheerleader

Claire - Saved the guy from the burning building

Ali Larter's character - Saved herself from the rapists

Cop - Saved the FBI agent from Sylar

Many have saved people.

Blackie Pueblo

Active Member
Alright you got me. Good job. You listed a bunch of things that I somehow forgot all those. Thanks for reminding me!




Well-Known Member
Yep, my theory was blown to paradoxal bits last night :lol:

I agree...he's definitely telekinetic...but does he have OTHER powers?

Did he heal himself or just not hit the ground last night?

I think he used his telekinetic powers to lessen his impact on the ground. He still seemed a bit dazed when he wandered into the nearby woods, only to encounter Eve, so he definitely hit. He just didn't hit nearly as hard as Peter did. It's kinda like Superboy from DC. The last Superboy character, before his demise, was a clone of Superman. But rather than having superstrenth, he had a form of telekinesis. It allowed him to fly and have the equivalent of superstrength and invulnerability, but only becuase there was almost no limit to what he could lift and the telekinesis could put up a barrier around him that would act similar to Neo at the end of The Matrix. Since the Co-Executive Producer as well as a writer for the show "Heroes" is Jeph Loeb, he of DC Comics fame for being involved with some of the major characters comics, including Superman as well has having worked on Smallville before, this isn't too far a stretch to think that he's now incorporating these abilities into a villain.

Edit: And doing a further check, he's working with one of his favorite collaborators, Tim Sale, on the show Heroes. That's part of why it's so good. If you want to read something great that the two of them worked on, look for Batman: The Long Halloween. It's one of the best Batman storylines ever.


So I just got done watching all the episodes of Heroes in the last 2 days, which probably won't help my homework situation, and all I have to say is wow. Seriously the best TV show I've ever seen. It's amazing. Claire is my favorite character, not only because she is mega-fine, but I love the whole Wolverine power she has.

Now I have to ask the question:Who's gonna die?

My moneys on Isaac. I think he's out lived his usefulness.


Well-Known Member
omg...i watched the sci-fi channel marathon and was hooked! I agree that Issac might be the one who gets the axe, but its hard to tell. at least I found a show to get me through the "Lost" hiatus! :D


omg...i watched the sci-fi channel marathon and was hooked! I agree that Issac might be the one who gets the axe, but its hard to tell. at least I found a show to get me through the "Lost" hiatus! :D

Yea I did the same exact thing. I've watched bot Heroes and Lost, and I think Heroes is 100x better. It moves at a much faster pace.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I think Heroes is 100x better. It moves at a much faster pace.

Exactly why I love Heroes and loathe Lost. Lost never goes anywhere.

Sylar's original power was pretty cool!

This is what I think though...

Sylar is stealing brains "to fix" and, at the same time...possibly manipulating it so that he gains those strengths by using those brains.

Now...the girl that Hiro tried to save...she is going to have an aneurism...this could be a huge turning point because either Sylar will use her brain, and therefore, die from the aneurism...or he will, in fact, become a true "HERO" by fixing her brain in the long run.


Well-Known Member
Something very strange happened this morning relating to the show Heroes. I had a dream last night that I won't go into the full details of, but it had The Doctor from Doctor Who as portrayed by Christopher Eccleston eventually end up wanting to talk to Peter Petrelli. Nathan Petrelli wouldn't let him at first, but eventually caved and The Doctor went off and talked with Peter. I woke up before the conversation really got anywhere. I told my wife about it and she said that she had a similar dream. Her dream also featured the blonde FBI agent, who many years ago was in an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer as a girl that could turn invisible. In her dream, Christopher Eccleston was related to that character and the blonde was actually the Invisible Girl, but she had accidentally had her childhood memories before age 17 wiped by The Haitian. Anyway, near the end of her dream, Christopher Eccleston's character ended up needing to have a talk with Peter Petrelli. This was strange enough, that we both had a dream with such similar events happening, but then my wife got onto the computer and looked up Christopher Eccleston on IMDB.com.

Me: "It's not like he's actually going to be in an episode of Heroes and dealing with Peter."

Wife: "Oh you think so, huh?"

Sure enough, a search on IMDB showed that he is going to be in the next episode of Heroes. We looked around and found out a couple of things about the character:(Highlight to read if you want to know) 1) His name is Claude, 2) He can turn invisible(Claude Rains played The Invisible Man in the 1933 movie) and 3) He's supposed to become almost a mentor to Peter...

Just thought that was kinda funny and kinda strange... now if only I can dream the lottery numbers, I'll be all set. :D


Le Meh
Premium Member
Just a little Heroes trivia....(sorry if its already been discussed) but the Odessa and Midland cities in the show Heroes, and nothing like they are in real life. I lived in Midland for three years, and visited Odessa regularly. There are no mountains and not many trees. Yeah....its pretty barren. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Just a little Heroes trivia....(sorry if its already been discussed) but the Odessa and Midland cities in the show Heroes, and nothing like they are in real life. I lived in Midland for three years, and visited Odessa regularly. There are no mountains and not many trees. Yeah....its pretty barren. :lol:

That's okay. There's also nobody running around with superpowers, so let's just call it alterna-Odessa and alterna-Midland. ;) :lol:


Le Meh
Premium Member
Probably figured that if it was that barren, not many people would be living there to say it looks nothing like it does on the show. :lol:

Good point.

Although Midland was in the news a few years back....

Jessica McClure (now Jessica Morales) (born March 26, 1986), became famous at the age of 18 months after getting herself trapped in a Midland, Texas well on October 14, 1987. Rescuers worked for 58 hours to free "Baby Jessica" from an 8-inch-wide pipe. The story gained worldwide attention (leading to some criticism as a media circus), and later became the subject of a 1989 ABC TV movie, Everybody's Baby: The Rescue of Jessica McClure, starring Patty Duke and Beau Bridges.[1] As presented in the movie, a vital part of the rescue the use of the relatively new technology of waterjet cutting.

Since her rescue, she has had 15 surgeries over the years. She has no first-hand memory of the incident. McClure graduated from Greenwood High School, near Midland, in May 2004. She stated that her goals are to sing at the Super Bowl, get married, and someday have a family.

In 1995, Robert O'Donnell, a paramedic rescue worker who had a crucial role in freeing Jessica, committed suicide. This has been cited as a possible example of suicide due to post-traumatic stress disorder.

On January 28, 2006 Jessica (aged 19 years) married Daniel Morales, 32, at a Church of Christ in a small rural community outside of Midland, Texas. The couple met at a day-care center where Morales’s sister worked with the bride.[2]

Jessica stands to be paid a $1,000,000 trust of donations from well wishers when she turns 25.

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