garyhoov said:
Here's another story for you.
I always take down the Christmas decorations by New Years. Linda and Ryan think that's too soon.
About two weeks ago I noticed that I had forgot to take down the wreath from the door. I took it down, and felt sort of stupid for missing it since I go in and out the Garage door. Ryan goes in and out the front door where it was hanging every day.
Me: So didn't you notice the wreath was still on the door?
Ryan: Yeah, but I wasn't going to say anything, because I knew you'd take it down you evil Grinch you.
So I was pulling out the other day, and I saw it was back up again.
I'm going to go take it down now and see if I can find a good hiding place. I have a feeling I'm going to find it on the door in July.:lol:
garyhoov said:
Update on the wreath. I took it down, and realizing it was too big to easily hide, I decided to instead hide the hook. As I was looking around for a hiding place, Ryan caught me, realized what I was up to, snatched the hook and ran away to hide it himself. I had a pretty good idea of where he hid it, but I pretended not to have any idea.
This morning, after he left for school, I found it and hid it again.:lol:
So I got home from work Monday and, sure enough, the wreath was hanging up again. The hook was still where I left it, but Ryan found another one in the attic (if you're like me, you buy one nearly every year because you can't find the one from last year when you need it).
I took it down again and hid the hook with the first one.
Tonight I got home AND THERE IT WAS AGAIN.:brick:
He found the third (and hopefully final) hook in the attic. Linda mentioned that she found the other two hooks when she was cleaning, but left them where they were. As I went downstairs to take the wreath down, I heard Linda calling Ryan. I assumed it was to tell him where the hooks where (remember, you're not paranoid if people really are plotting against you).
I hid all three hooks in a new hiding place and a little while later, I had the following conversation:
Me: Well I took it down and hid all the hooks.
Linda: Where'd you hide them.
Me: Oh no. I'm not telling you. You'll tell the boy.
Linda: Why would you think I'd do that?
Me: Because you told him where the other two were.
Linda: Why do you think that?
Me: Because Ryan told me.
Linda: Doh! Well I guess he shot himself in the foot then, didn't he?
Me: Ha! He didn't tell me anything, but you just confirmed it!
Linda: Doh!
I should have known better than to reproduce. The World doesn't really need 2 of me.:lol: