Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho, It’s Off To Work We Go: An April/July 2011 Trip Report

Yep. It’s me again! And guess what? This report is going to go up soooo much faster than that last one. Well, Part I is at least. No, really. Promise! Here’s the thing, just three short weeks after returning from our Wedding/Disneymoon extravaganza, I found myself back at the World ready to take on another adventure; unfortunately though, without my husband in tow. Yeah that’s right, I’m such a great wife, so great that I left him behind and went to Disney World without him for our one month anniversary! And then, again, in the middle of the summer. Tsk, tsk. Bad wife.

Part I: Saturday, April 16 – Wednesday, April 20 at Port Orleans Riverside
You see, by day (when I’m not trip reporting :lookaroun) I advise, assist, and mentor engineering students throughout their co-op experiences. One of the perks of my job is that I get to travel around and visit students on all these different assignments. Well, lo and behold, after quite a few years of trying, I was able to hook up two of my students with Disney! Guess what this means?! Yes, smart cookies, this means a site visit to Disney World for Hollybelle! :D The timing of a couple things (the wedding, and work-related events) pretty much dictated when this trip would take place. And it just so happened to be smack dab in the middle of prime spring break time; the week before Easter. This was actually a good thing though, because it meant that my mom, Kim (a teacher), could come along with me for the fun.

Part II: Tuesday, July 12 – Friday, July 15 at Caribbean Beach
I needed to go back to the Central Florida area in July for a site visit with students in Tampa, so of course, being an annual passholder, I couldn't resist combining this short visit with more time at Disney. Unfortunately, Brett couldn't get away from work to join me this time either. So I called up my mom, and she so selflessly gave up a bit of her summer to join me again. :lol: Good thing she got that annual pass.

Because all good reports need an introduction to the cast, here we are slurpin’ down margaritas in the Bahamas:


For the first trip, I initially had Pop booked because there was no way an AP rate would come out for the weekend before Easter, but oddly enough, my mom came across a surprisingly great rate for POR on one of the non-Disney travel sites, so we upgraded! Woohooo! This was my first time booking a Disney resort through a third party and everything worked out perfectly fine.

Just an aside, both parts of this report will likely be more photo driven and have a lot less text than normal… I also have a May trip to report on and an upcoming trip at the end of September so I'm trying my best to get all caught up with the summer reports as quickly as possible. :lol: Yes, I know, it’s already September. How’d that happen?!


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Original Poster
Yes! His neck is odd.:lol:

That's a great idea! I was thinking you were rethreading the nylon every time and that does take forever!!

And what?!! What new camera?!!! What did you get? Tell me!!:)

So, I bought the 7D! Like, one week before our Thanksgiving trip!! I'm in love with her already, although she still doesn't have a name. I need to work on that. :lookaroun I was debating between the 50D, 60D and 7D, but decided that it was worth skipping a "level" because there's likely no chance I'll be going full frame anytime soon, so I might as well go with the next best option. I was afraid if I just went up to the 50D/60D, that I would be itching for another new camera in under a year.... so I took the plunge! While she doesn't seem all that much "bigger," she's quite a bit heavier. And I'm so in love with the display feature on top - so wonderful!

Love the mother/daughter trip!! :)

And ok, sooo... I gave in and bought a Vinylmation a few weeks ago when we were there... It's Donald stuck in the tuba from Philharmagic.... And I totally forgot to trade it! I brought it home with me. I'm kinda partial to it now though cause it was my first VM. I guess I'll just have to buy another one when we go in April! lol

Patiently waiting on the W&D 1/2 TR!! Excited to hear it's next!! Wooo hoooo!!! I started my TR but I keep forgetting to post it when I'm home.... This weekend, I swear!!! :lol:

Hooray! That's a cute VM. And yeah, now that he's made the trip home with you, you should totally keep him. Find a cheap-o one on ebay and take him along to trade on your next adventure.

I'm hoping to maybe start writing that report this weekend, and my goal is for it to hit the forum sometime over the Christmas holiday.

How was the Wilderness Lodge?! Did you enjoy it?! I guess I'll just have to wait for your trip report and read all about it. :D


Well-Known Member
Bill thinks that the intern is a serial killer himself and thats why he's making a police video game to find out the 'ins and outs' of the police force. I, however, think he may be a Moser. Because I don't think its coincidence that big brother Brian appeared in an earlier episode and that Deb just re-lived all the Ice Truck Killer stuff in therapy. I think it's like a reminder to everyone who Brian was and his connection to everyone. And then he has the 'hand' on display? BUT again...it could be nothing remotely close. Thats what makes Dexter so great - it could be ANYTHING.

I don't think Deb will find out about Dex just yet. I think that will be the ending to the series...like she finds out - won't turn him in but tells him he has to leave the country or something. Thats one out of about a thousand theories Bill and I conjure up after each episode.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Bill thinks that the intern is a serial killer himself and thats why he's making a police video game to find out the 'ins and outs' of the police force. I, however, think he may be a Moser. Because I don't think its coincidence that big brother Brian appeared in an earlier episode and that Deb just re-lived all the Ice Truck Killer stuff in therapy. I think it's like a reminder to everyone who Brian was and his connection to everyone. And then he has the 'hand' on display? BUT again...it could be nothing remotely close. Thats what makes Dexter so great - it could be ANYTHING.

I don't think Deb will find out about Dex just yet. I think that will be the ending to the series...like she finds out - won't turn him in but tells him he has to leave the country or something. Thats one out of about a thousand theories Bill and I conjure up after each episode.

Ooh, I never thought that he could be a Moser. Innnnnteresting! I'm also finding the intern storyline a lot more intriguing than Geller/Colin Hanks. I don't think he's a serial killer, but I think he's got this odd/strange fascination with Dexter. So did the first intern. Part of me thinks it may be set up for next season. And I liked the storyline with Brother Sam, so basically I've enjoyed most everything but the "big bad" this season. But now that they've gotten the reveal out of the way, I think the next couple of episodes should be good.

Brett and I keep yelling at the tv when Dexter does stupid stuff - like giving Colin Hanks his cell phone number. Really, Dex, really?! I mean, it took him forever to even let Lhumen out of the house last season. It just seems a bit to out of character.

I'm with you on Deb... I think her finding out will be the set up for the very last season.

Oooh... best part of last weeks episode had to be when Quinn met back up with his one night stand. PRICELESS! :lol:


Well-Known Member
So, I bought the 7D! Like, one week before our Thanksgiving trip!! I'm in love with her already, although she still doesn't have a name. I need to work on that. :lookaroun I was debating between the 50D, 60D and 7D, but decided that it was worth skipping a "level" because there's likely no chance I'll be going full frame anytime soon, so I might as well go with the next best option. I was afraid if I just went up to the 50D/60D, that I would be itching for another new camera in under a year.... so I took the plunge! While she doesn't seem all that much "bigger," she's quite a bit heavier. And I'm so in love with the display feature on top - so wonderful!

That is almost as exciting as a house. :D

That is an excellent camera. I have been going back and forth on that and a 5 Mark. I'm in camera purgatory right now. I've finally accepted the fact that somethingis seriously wrong with my 50d but I don't want to part with it over the holidays! Or in January or March! So when can I ever send it to Canon!?

Dh gave me some Amazon money for my birthday so I ended up with a couple of lenses. I didn't want to get the 5D - yet. I just know they're going to announce a new one in the next few months and I'd be so sad if I had bought the current one!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
That is almost as exciting as a house. :D


That is an excellent camera. I have been going back and forth on that and a 5 Mark. I'm in camera purgatory right now. I've finally accepted the fact that somethingis seriously wrong with my 50d but I don't want to part with it over the holidays! Or in January or March! So when can I ever send it to Canon!?

Dh gave me some Amazon money for my birthday so I ended up with a couple of lenses. I didn't want to get the 5D - yet. I just know they're going to announce a new one in the next few months and I'd be so sad if I had bought the current one!

Ugghhhh... I hate that you're having trouble with your current model, but I totally understand why you can't part with it anytime soon. I couldn't imagine taking a trip without my camera - that would be the worst thing (first world problems, and all :lookaroun). I know what you mean about holding out for the newest 5D Model... it never fails that as soon as you buy something, the latest and greatest is right on it's heels. Such is life.

It'll probably be a while before I add to the lens collection, but just so I can live vicariously, what'd ya get?! I know they just had to be L's!


Active Member
Great part II!!! I was able to get through it while my little one took her nap.

We bought our son two vinylmations for Christmas because the last day we were there he found them and really wanted them. I hope he'll still be excited for them when they appear in his stocking!!! It will be neat to bring them along on our next trip for trading. BTW, on our last trip my hubby saw a little kid biting on one and licking it before he traded it in!!! YUM! :)

Can't wait to read your Wine and Dine TR!!!


Well-Known Member
Ooh, I never thought that he could be a Moser. Innnnnteresting! I'm also finding the intern storyline a lot more intriguing than Geller/Colin Hanks. I don't think he's a serial killer, but I think he's got this odd/strange fascination with Dexter. So did the first intern. Part of me thinks it may be set up for next season. And I liked the storyline with Brother Sam, so basically I've enjoyed most everything but the "big bad" this season. But now that they've gotten the reveal out of the way, I think the next couple of episodes should be good.

Brett and I keep yelling at the tv when Dexter does stupid stuff - like giving Colin Hanks his cell phone number. Really, Dex, really?! I mean, it took him forever to even let Lhumen out of the house last season. It just seems a bit to out of character.

I'm with you on Deb... I think her finding out will be the set up for the very last season.

Oooh... best part of last weeks episode had to be when Quinn met back up with his one night stand. PRICELESS! :lol:

Totally agree on the Doomsday killer stuff. Like not my favorite. And even with the church...he just goes in - in the dark...armed with a needle. Seriously? Like normally you check out the place thoroughly before going in but not this season. He's thrown caution to the wind. And to totally trust Colin Hanks like yeah here's my number. Here's my real name...whatev. Stupid. Un-dexter like.

I don't think the intern is a serial killer either...but he is definitely a shady character.

Side note: I hope LaGuerta dies. Soon. Can't stand her. Never could.:lol:


Well-Known Member
... I hate that you're having trouble with your current model, but I totally understand why you can't part with it anytime soon. I couldn't imagine taking a trip without my camera - that would be the worst thing (first world problems, and all :lookaroun). I know what you mean about holding out for the newest 5D Model... it never fails that as soon as you buy something, the latest and greatest is right on it's heels. Such is life.

It'll probably be a while before I add to the lens collection, but just so I can live vicariously, what'd ya get?! I know they just had to be L's!

Totally a first world problem!!

I did get an L.:D. The 24-70. :sohappy:

I also somehow ended up with an ultra wide sigma.:lookaroun

I needed an ultra wide for my Disneyland trip but I couldnt find one that sounded great on a full frame. I was going to rent one when I decided to follow Tom Brickers advice which is something along the lines of - its cheaper to buy one and resell it on eBay. Since its 6 months interest free on amazon, I decided to go for it. I figure I have 6 months to play and then maybe I'll have a full frame and have to sell it.

I have had some fun with them, although sadly not as much as if my camera had been working properly.


Well-Known Member
Holly! Love how you keep us entertained with your VM trading! I have to try doing this again. I tried it last January and wasn't too fond of it, but I bought a Toy Story VM from the online store and got Bullseye, now I love him but nothing like your Wheezy!!! I should have brought it when we were just there, but I didn't think of it but you have made it seem like fun again! So I might just have to bring it next time around. :)

Can't wait to read your next report ;)


Woo hoo! Gotta love a TR all in one posting. Beautiful photos as always Holly. You and your Mom look like you have so much fun together. She could pass for your older sister any day of the week! I wish I could make a trip to the World just to try out the Earl. I've never dined there, but it keeps appearing over and over in everyone's TRs and it looks insanely good. Can't wait to try it one day.

Violet is oh so pretty! I've wanted my own iPad for so long now, but don't see one in my future any time soon. My iPhone will have to do for now.

Favorite photo:
I love the glow of Main Street at dusk. So pretty!


Well-Known Member
Another fabulous report, my friend. That's too bad that your room at CBR was a little weak...but yay for your mom finding Hula Minnie!

Can't wait for your W&D TR...and congrats on the new camera! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
:wave:Great report!!

I would love to hear your rundown on resorts you've stayed at! You've got quite a collection going on! Sorry the room was pretty lame...seriously the Nemo wallpaper border?? Wah?? I don't get what they are trying to accomplish there. The grounds were gorgeous though.

I loved your vinylmations adventure! They are so fun!! The ostrich was hilarious and I loved the ones you brought home! I think so far the one I like best is Sweetums...I have a big place in my heart for that huge brown muppet monster!

Minnie's Cookies...ok I have to try these! They look delish!

I absolutely agree with you about the boats...they are my favorite!!

I also agree with you about MSEP, and I grew up on it at Disneyland as a kid! I LOVE Spectromagic...as soon as I hear that first "On this magic ni-ight..." I tear up! It's got such a wonderful soundtrack and MSEP is kind of annoying after a while.

Holy cool sky picture at EPCOT! It's crazy how menacing the sky can appear in summer in the south!

I agree, water parks are so exhausting and it is kind of one of those things that you don't realize until later. It never hits you until a few hours later when you hit the, I-left-my-energy-in-the-wave-pool-and-lazy-river moment.

Great report! I can't wait to hear about the Wine and Dine Half Marathon!!


Well-Known Member
Hooray - I'll be looking for that trip report!

VM trading is very easy. There are 2-4 stores in each park that have trading "stations." I think there may even be a list online somewhere that tells you all the stores that have trading boxes. They're pretty easy to spot. Just look around the cash wrap areas (usually along the counter behind the registers/CMs) to see whether or not there is a trading box. Looks like this:


If there's a trading box, simply ask the CM if you can trade your VM and they'll tell you the rules. Or they'll ask if you know the rules. But this part varies wildly, as I mentioned in some of my posts. Basically, it boils down to "pick a number!"

CBR has always been close to my heart, too. It was the very first Disney resort I've ever stayed at. Back when Brett and I first started dating, he surprised me with a trip and that's where we stayed (pre-Nemo rooms). I fell in love with it then, so I think that is part of what really added to my disappointment with it this time around. We had a terrible room. And I don't think the Nemo theme is doing the resort any favors, it'd be so much better off just themed for the Caribbean.

We totally need to set up camp outside the MK... I'm sure we can rally some more Spectro lovers!

Thanks, Sarah!

Thanks for the quick lesson in VM trading. I will have to pack a couple of the kids VMs for the next trip and see what we come up with. Maybe my next TR will have some VM trading in it...

I never saw CBR pre Nemo so I can't really comment on the rooms... although I will say having kids changes your perspective a little. As soon as my kids walked in that room they were pointing out the characters on that "tacky" border and on the bedspread. I do enjoy more tasteful decors myself (ie. Kidani Village is totally my cup of tea) but kids are attracted to tacky - it's true! That's why I think AoA will be really popular... kids are going to love it and parents will put up with anything for the enjoyment of their child(ren).


Well-Known Member
Sooooo someone was almost late for work this afternoon because she was reading this TR update. :lookaroun

It's a shame your room at Caribbean Beach left a lot to be desired. It really is a pretty resort, stayed there twice myself. :D

Your mom's mission to get Hula Minnie was so cute! Glad to see she got her white whale (if you pardon the expression ;)) I liked the Aladdin one and Janice from Electric Mayhem you had picked up.

La Hacienda! And you had to go and take a picture of those delicious nachos...om nom nom...

Glad to read you tried a different spot for Wishes. It can be a little tricky with the trees on the Tomorrowland side, but if you don't care about getting straight-on castle shots it's a good place to go.

Here's to the Wine and Dine report!


Well-Known Member
Hooray! That's a cute VM. And yeah, now that he's made the trip home with you, you should totally keep him. Find a cheap-o one on ebay and take him along to trade on your next adventure.

I'm hoping to maybe start writing that report this weekend, and my goal is for it to hit the forum sometime over the Christmas holiday.

How was the Wilderness Lodge?! Did you enjoy it?! I guess I'll just have to wait for your trip report and read all about it. :D

LOVED it!! So much so that we booked it for 2 nights in May! We have our timeshare for a week but we need somewhere to lay our heads the last 2 nights and it just so happens they released a yummy 30% discount on the days we needed it so we booked! :)

And my Donald VM will make a cameo in the TR. I just posted the first part. Now I gotta write the rest :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Great part II!!! I was able to get through it while my little one took her nap.

We bought our son two vinylmations for Christmas because the last day we were there he found them and really wanted them. I hope he'll still be excited for them when they appear in his stocking!!! It will be neat to bring them along on our next trip for trading. BTW, on our last trip my hubby saw a little kid biting on one and licking it before he traded it in!!! YUM!

Can't wait to read your Wine and Dine TR!!!

:lookaroun :lol: I somehow feel the need to wash all my current VMs with soap and water! I think the VMs make for perfect stocking stuffers, so I hope your boys are just as excited on Christmas morning!

Totally agree on the Doomsday killer stuff. Like not my favorite. And even with the church...he just goes in - in the dark...armed with a needle. Seriously? Like normally you check out the place thoroughly before going in but not this season. He's thrown caution to the wind. And to totally trust Colin Hanks like yeah here's my number. Here's my real name...whatev. Stupid. Un-dexter like.

I don't think the intern is a serial killer either...but he is definitely a shady character.

Side note: I hope LaGuerta dies. Soon. Can't stand her. Never could.

This made me laugh out loud. You are so totally speaking Brett’s language.

Totally a first world problem!!

I did get an L.:D. The 24-70.

I also somehow ended up with an ultra wide sigma.

I needed an ultra wide for my Disneyland trip but I couldnt find one that sounded great on a full frame. I was going to rent one when I decided to follow Tom Brickers advice which is something along the lines of - its cheaper to buy one and resell it on eBay. Since its 6 months interest free on amazon, I decided to go for it. I figure I have 6 months to play and then maybe I'll have a full frame and have to sell it.

I have had some fun with them, although sadly not as much as if my camera had been working properly.

Probably a good choice to just buy it and sell it later. My UWA is a Sigma and I love it. I’ve been really pleased with Sigma – the Sigma 30 1.4 is probably my favorite lens. And at first I was hesitant to buy something other than Canon.

Hooray for the 24-70L! What a fabulous purchase.

Holly! Love how you keep us entertained with your VM trading! I have to try doing this again. I tried it last January and wasn't too fond of it, but I bought a Toy Story VM from the online store and got Bullseye, now I love him but nothing like your Wheezy!!! I should have brought it when we were just there, but I didn't think of it but you have made it seem like fun again! So I might just have to bring it next time around.

Can't wait to read your next report

Hi, Jess! Sometimes the VM trading can seem a bit awkward, but it’s a blast when you get fun CMs, so I’d say it’s worth trying again.

Woo hoo! Gotta love a TR all in one posting. Beautiful photos as always Holly. You and your Mom look like you have so much fun together. She could pass for your older sister any day of the week! I wish I could make a trip to the World just to try out the Earl. I've never dined there, but it keeps appearing over and over in everyone's TRs and it looks insanely good. Can't wait to try it one day.

You’re so sweet, Diana! Thank you. The Earl would totally be worth the trip. I don’t think we tried it until one of our 2009 trips, and I don’t think there has been a trip since then where we didn’t go to the Earl – it’s just that good. And the price cannot be beat!

Violet is oh so pretty! I've wanted my own iPad for so long now, but don't see one in my future any time soon. My iPhone will have to do for now.

I chose Violet over an iPhone… but that one is definitely next on my list. I keep trying to convince Brett that he needs the 4S, because I know that means he’ll give me his iPhone 4, but my plan hasn’t worked yet. I heart Violet… and I think everyone should have an iPad for reading trip reports – I swear the pictures look so much better on her. Well, on Macs in general… I’ve been wooed by Apple quite a bit lately.

I love the glow of Main Street at dusk. So pretty!

Me, too!

Another fabulous report, my friend. That's too bad that your room at CBR was a little weak...but yay for your mom finding Hula Minnie!

Can't wait for your W&D TR...and congrats on the new camera!

Thanks, Shannon! Wine and Dine here we come!!! Speaking of, how’s training coming along? Race day is so close!!

Great report!!

I would love to hear your rundown on resorts you've stayed at! You've got quite a collection going on! Sorry the room was pretty lame...seriously the Nemo wallpaper border?? Wah?? I don't get what they are trying to accomplish there. The grounds were gorgeous though.

Hi, Melanee!! Brett and I are well on our way to accomplishing our goal of staying at every resort on property. The Nemo inspiration just made the room feel much more “value” and a lot less “moderate,” especially in comparison to POR and CSR.

I loved your vinylmations adventure! They are so fun!! The ostrich was hilarious and I loved the ones you brought home! I think so far the one I like best is Sweetums...I have a big place in my heart for that huge brown muppet monster!

I debated keeping Sweetums when I had him… but didn’t. Now, if I could only find the Swedish Chef!!

Minnie's Cookies...ok I have to try these! They look delish!

I absolutely agree with you about the boats...they are my favorite!!

Minnie’s cookies are just okay. :eek: Seriously… I’m not a big fan of them – I like my cookies half-done and almost doughy, and Minnie’s are more on the dry and crumbly side. But what do I know? Brett LOVES them.

I also agree with you about MSEP, and I grew up on it at Disneyland as a kid! I LOVE Spectromagic...as soon as I hear that first "On this magic ni-ight..." I tear up! It's got such a wonderful soundtrack and MSEP is kind of annoying after a while.

YES! You are so right… it’s the Spectro musical score that puts that parade in a whole other category. I miss it so much now that it’s gone.

Holy cool sky picture at EPCOT! It's crazy how menacing the sky can appear in summer in the south!

I agree, water parks are so exhausting and it is kind of one of those things that you don't realize until later. It never hits you until a few hours later when you hit the, I-left-my-energy-in-the-wave-pool-and-lazy-river moment.

Great report! I can't wait to hear about the Wine and Dine Half Marathon!!

YES! Exactly. The water parks really are deceptively rough, especially because they seem so relaxing while you’re actually there.

I can’t wait to share about the Wine and Dine! This was my first true attempt at training and running a race. :) Hooray!

Thanks for the quick lesson in VM trading. I will have to pack a couple of the kids VMs for the next trip and see what we come up with. Maybe my next TR will have some VM trading in it...

I never saw CBR pre Nemo so I can't really comment on the rooms... although I will say having kids changes your perspective a little. As soon as my kids walked in that room they were pointing out the characters on that "tacky" border and on the bedspread. I do enjoy more tasteful decors myself (ie. Kidani Village is totally my cup of tea) but kids are attracted to tacky - it's true! That's why I think AoA will be really popular... kids are going to love it and parents will put up with anything for the enjoyment of their child(ren).

I can totally understand the appeal of those Nemo inspired rooms for kids, and I agree the new AofA resort is going to be super popular. In fact, I’m excited to stay there! I guess my issue with the CBR rooms is that they’re outclassed by their moderate counterparts. I wouldn’t have any problems with the room décor if it were being compared to Pop or the All-Stars, but when compared to the luxurious rooms at Coronado and the Southern inspired rooms at Port Orleans, it pales in comparison.

As always, a very enteraining read! LOVE, LOVE the Minnie VM, your mom has great taste!

Onward to the Wine & Dine Half!

Yeah, the Hula Minnie is pretty fabulous – I think I need to snag one for myself, as well.

Sooooo someone was almost late for work this afternoon because she was reading this TR update.

My apologies, Erin! :animwink:

It's a shame your room at Caribbean Beach left a lot to be desired. It really is a pretty resort, stayed there twice myself.

I know, right?! The grounds at CBR are so wonderful.. that room was just NOT. :lol:

Your mom's mission to get Hula Minnie was so cute! Glad to see she got her white whale (if you pardon the expression) I liked the Aladdin one and Janice from Electric Mayhem you had picked up.

La Hacienda! And you had to go and take a picture of those delicious nachos...om nom nom...

Mmmm… those nachos! So delicious. I think La Hacienda has quickly become my favorite counter service on property. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that they serve up the tastiest of margaritas. I just wish it wasn’t so hard to find a table there.

Glad to read you tried a different spot for Wishes. It can be a little tricky with the trees on the Tomorrowland side, but if you don't care about getting straight-on castle shots it's a good place to go.

Here's to the Wine and Dine report!

The best part about that location was definitely the fact that we didn’t have to throw elbows to hold our spots. There weren’t many people over there. And having the railing in front of us made me happy – it was akin to having a spot for Illuminations.

LOVED it!! So much so that we booked it for 2 nights in May! We have our timeshare for a week but we need somewhere to lay our heads the last 2 nights and it just so happens they released a yummy 30% discount on the days we needed it so we booked!

And my Donald VM will make a cameo in the TR. I just posted the first part. Now I gotta write the rest

Woohooo… I’m glad to hear that you ladies enjoyed the Lodge. For the price, the location can’t be beat. I think my favorite thing about the Wilderness Lodge is the boat service to the MK. I’ll have to go check out the report!
Great photos and TR, Holly!
Thanks for sharing about the vinylmations. I really did not know anything about them until you started posting about them. At first I thought they were just weird looking (and I still think some of them are!) but since reading your TRs about them, I'm very interested in trying my hand at trading in May. Some of them are actually quite cute, and I LOVED hula Minnie-so happy your mom got her end game piece!
Did I see correctly that you and Brett did the Wine and Dine? If so, I can't wait for that TR as well!


Well-Known Member
Day 1:
Cute stripes! Love that cardi.

When we stayed in CBR we were in Barbados.. those pineapple beds are brining back memories! Lame about the experience, but props for being honest. Maybe you're not the only one with that feedback and (hopefully) they'll step it up.

Day 2:
Big fan of your Cinder Castle pictures - it's an angle we never do in our fam pictures and something I should make an effort to snag next time. My FB profile Cinder Castle Carly and I pic is mediocre at best (too many C's in a row, hayyyyy).

Love the Vinylmation you guys ended up with. Good scores.

BRING BACK SPECTRO (continuing the chant)

Day 3:
Love the camera strap! And the picture of you with SSE in the background!

Naveen is great! I'm really not into the whole Vinylmation thing but it's fun watching other people do it - hahaha. Ths tory about Hula Minnie is amazing - good old CMs.

PS: Love your clothes, love your face, LOVE your mom.. the usual.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, Shannon! Wine and Dine here we come!!! Speaking of, how’s training coming along? Race day is so close!!

Woohoo! :sohappy:

Training is going okay for me...just ran 18 miles on Saturday :eek: I am really hopeful that the weather will cooperate so I can get some more runs in before race day without having to use the treadmill too much. :hurl:

Good luck with your moving prep!!

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