Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho, It’s Off To Work We Go: An April/July 2011 Trip Report

Yep. It’s me again! And guess what? This report is going to go up soooo much faster than that last one. Well, Part I is at least. No, really. Promise! Here’s the thing, just three short weeks after returning from our Wedding/Disneymoon extravaganza, I found myself back at the World ready to take on another adventure; unfortunately though, without my husband in tow. Yeah that’s right, I’m such a great wife, so great that I left him behind and went to Disney World without him for our one month anniversary! And then, again, in the middle of the summer. Tsk, tsk. Bad wife.

Part I: Saturday, April 16 – Wednesday, April 20 at Port Orleans Riverside
You see, by day (when I’m not trip reporting :lookaroun) I advise, assist, and mentor engineering students throughout their co-op experiences. One of the perks of my job is that I get to travel around and visit students on all these different assignments. Well, lo and behold, after quite a few years of trying, I was able to hook up two of my students with Disney! Guess what this means?! Yes, smart cookies, this means a site visit to Disney World for Hollybelle! :D The timing of a couple things (the wedding, and work-related events) pretty much dictated when this trip would take place. And it just so happened to be smack dab in the middle of prime spring break time; the week before Easter. This was actually a good thing though, because it meant that my mom, Kim (a teacher), could come along with me for the fun.

Part II: Tuesday, July 12 – Friday, July 15 at Caribbean Beach
I needed to go back to the Central Florida area in July for a site visit with students in Tampa, so of course, being an annual passholder, I couldn't resist combining this short visit with more time at Disney. Unfortunately, Brett couldn't get away from work to join me this time either. So I called up my mom, and she so selflessly gave up a bit of her summer to join me again. :lol: Good thing she got that annual pass.

Because all good reports need an introduction to the cast, here we are slurpin’ down margaritas in the Bahamas:


For the first trip, I initially had Pop booked because there was no way an AP rate would come out for the weekend before Easter, but oddly enough, my mom came across a surprisingly great rate for POR on one of the non-Disney travel sites, so we upgraded! Woohooo! This was my first time booking a Disney resort through a third party and everything worked out perfectly fine.

Just an aside, both parts of this report will likely be more photo driven and have a lot less text than normal… I also have a May trip to report on and an upcoming trip at the end of September so I'm trying my best to get all caught up with the summer reports as quickly as possible. :lol: Yes, I know, it’s already September. How’d that happen?!


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Day 3 – Thursday, July 14: Typhoon Lagoon / Epcot / DHS

It was supposed to be a sweltering day, so we decided to head over to Typhoon Lagoon for the morning. Hooray! We hit up most of the slides, but spent the majority of our time at Castaway Creek. Heaven!











We headed out for the buses around 1pm, and ended up waiting until almost 2pm for a bus. We hardly ever take the buses, so I don’t know whether or not this is normal, but it was definitely frustrating.


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Back at Caribbean Beach we grabbed a snack for lunch and then took some time to get ready, before heading off to Epcot!

This may be my favorite camera strap we’ve made!


Like my Chip and Dale one, this one was made from one of the lanyards they sell in the parks:






I love this picture with Stitch!




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Still on the hunt for the elusive Stitch and Hula Minnie, we headed into MouseGear to trade. But we ended up with these guys. Hey, look, it's Pluto in another sweater:



We were greeted with this sky when we exited the store…




So what did we do? We made a beeline for La Hacienda… we figured there’d be enough margaritas there to keep us perfectly happy with staying in one place if the impending rain was as daunting as it looked to be. :lol:



Mmm… nachos and margaritas! The nachos were seriously messy, but seriously delicious.


Two very happy campers (margaritas will have that affect on you, you know?!)



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The storm ended up blowing right over without a drop of rain, but with it went the nice breeze. The heat was overbearing and the humidity stifling from that point forward. We did our best to roll with it, but even the margaritas couldn’t keep us cool in the melt-your-face-off heat. It sure was pretty out though, looking at the pictures, you’d never know it was so blazing hot!







As we wandered past his empty gazebo, Duffy appeared out of nowhere and started petting my mom… I saw him coming at the last second, but she was caught completely off guard. It was pretty funny.




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On the walkway back to Future World, we decided to wait out a monorail… I swear those things never come by when you want to get a picture of them! Where are you, monorail?!



Finally… Monorail Black arrived.




As we were walking towards the Imagination pavilion, Monorail Orange appeared closely on Black’s heels.






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Next, I subjected mom to the slight horror that is the Imagination pavilion. :lol: At least the outside is pretty!







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And then it was on to Spaceship Earth…


One of my favorite shots from the trip:





After which, we needed a break from the heat. We grabbed some cokes at the Electric Umbrella… France and it’s Grand Marnier slushes seemed too far away at the time. Boooo. Oh well, at least the AC made the Electric Umbrella appealing. The view was pretty nice, too.




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We were going to spend the rest of the evening touring World Showcase until it was time for Illuminations to start, but we were zapped – I think it was a combination of the heat and hitting up the water park that morning. Those water parks really do abuse you, and it’s not until after you leave that you really feel the effects. At least this is always my experience. So in lieu of traversing World Showcase that evening, we made our way to the International Gateway and took a leisurely boat ride over to the Studios.

On the way we traded more VMs… still no “end game” keepers.





Looks like France was celebrating Bastille Day!






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The Dolphin (which was the location for our latest adventure to the World – more on that soon):


The lighting was gorgeous while we were on the boat... but by the time we reached the Studios, it had set.



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We arrived at the Studios around 8:15pm, meaning there really wasn’t time to do much. So to entertain ourselves, we hit up all of the VM trading locations in the park. We were on a mission to find some end gamers before we flew home.

We started at the trio of stores housed at Beverly Sunset.


Where I found Naveen… while he’s not “total” end game material, I figured he would enjoy sitting on my shelf for a while until our next trip.


And mom ended up with a pirate! Yarr! Sure, he’s not so bad. But he’s no Hula Minnie Mouse.


Up next, we found a trading station inside the Art of Disney store. And at this one, I spotted Aladdin hanging out in the “glass” open trading case. I was stoked because I thought it would be fun to take home Al, seeing as how he was the original VM I had started with during that trip. Plus, I knew Brett would love him. There was a kid in front of us (maybe 10) and we heard him tell the CM that he really wanted a pirate. However, when the CM pulled out a VM he didn’t want, he decided to trade his VM for the Aladdin that was in the case. Grrrrrrr! Mom and I offered up her pirate for the Aladdin that he’d just gotten, but he didn’t bite. Curse you, ten year old! :lookaroun :lol: I guess he wasn’t just looking for any ol’ pirate.



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Last chance… the Studio 1 Company store. Fingers crossed.

We almost turned around and walked back out because there was a long line at the cash register (I don’t know what the correct protocol is, but we always wait in the line even though we’re just trading, because we don’t think it’s fair for people who are politely waiting in line to have to wait for us to trade before making their purchases). As we were about to leave another CM approached us and asked if we wanted to trade. Yes, yes we do!

Some of the CMs you trade with are a lot more fun than others. For example, some of them are really strict about the rules. They tell you you only get one pick, and that you MUST take what you get, you can’t keep your own once you decide to trade. And then at other places, they’ll practically show you everything in the box and let you pick who you want. My favorite are the CMs that toy with you and “lead” you to certain numbers based on what you may be looking for. Anywho… this time around we got this young CM who we could tell wasn’t totally into the VMs, but he was willing to amuse us anyway. So we were dropping hints left and right about Hula Minnie and Stitch. He assured me that Stitch wasn’t in there so I just picked a random number. It turned out to be Hamm! Sold. He’ll go well with Wheezy.


Then it was mom’s turn. And he’d pretty much all but told us that Hula Minnie wasn’t in the case. So, we asked if there were any other legit characters in the box (you know, like Donald, Goofy, a muppet, whatever… anything but the random looking urban ones) So he says, “Numbers 16, 23, and maybe 14?” I told mom to go with 16 or 23, mostly because it sounded like the CM wasn’t totally sure if #23 was a character. So she picks #16 and the CM dropped the VM as he was pulling it out of the box... almost like he was toying with us, and then, voila, he placed Hula Minnie on top of the box!!! We freaked out.. kinda like two little kids on Christmas morning. The CM looked at us like we were crazy. We were excitedly jumping up and down and going on and on about how he really did have Hula Minnie. The funny thing was, he would have totally just given it to us if he’d known what we were asking for early on, but he hadn’t a clue. Alas, mom found her end gamer… and the way she found it was awesomesauce!

It was totally one of those “had to be there” moments. Meet Hula Minnie Mouse, in all her VM glory:


The park was getting close to closing time by the time we made it all the way back up to Hollywood Boulevard. In my quest to find a new Pook-a-Looz on this trip, I was faced with the sad reality that they really are being phased out (they’re all but gone at this point). So sad, that my number one choice going into the trip, Stitch, was already sold out. I couldn’t find him ANYWHERE. To make up for it I bought three Pooks! :lookaroun :lol: What?! I couldn’t risk all of these guys being gone upon my next arrival at the parks.

With the 40% off, plus my premium passholder disount, I picked them all up for less than $20 (tax included). Look at their little pook faces… how could I not bring them all home with me?!



That’s pretty much it, folks. We had a super early flight out of Sanford the next morning. So early, that I believe we left CBR around 4am. With the help of Violet, I did a little trip report updating while waiting to board our plane. Yes, that’s when I was STILL writing the ridiculously long and drawn out wedding/honeymoon report that I hold responsible for getting me soooo far behind. Look at me go… only two reports left and then I’m all caught up! :lol: Our trials and tribulations with the Wine and Dine Half Marathon coming up next. :sohappy:



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Hi, Sarah! :wave: My apologies for the super late reply. Did you and Kelly ever manage meeting up while you were at the World?! I hope so. I'll be looking for that trip report.

The mother/daughter bonding time was fabulous - and we were so lucky to have gotten to do it again in July.

We sure did... and when I get around to writing to the TR it will be in there. We spent hours sitting in Raglan Rd. talking (seriously, I think we broke some sort of Guiness World Record :lol:).

Enjoying the second installment very much. Loved the series of monorail pictures in Epcot (it's my weakness - monorails + Epcot)!

And I'm so over MSEP too!!! Bring back Spectro! (Let's me and you sent up camp outside the MK someday and chant it!)

I guess I'm going to have to track down all those VM trading spots. My kids are into VM at the moment and they'd love to trade some (I'm not entirely sure how it works, though).

Sorry you had a bad experience with the rooms at CBR. I really like CBR... and even though we are DVC members now, I still hold a special place in my heart for CBR. The grounds are so lovely (as you mentioned), the pool has a cool theme, and I found the bussing to be pretty good.


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We sure did... and when I get around to writing to the TR it will be in there. We spent hours sitting in Raglan Rd. talking (seriously, I think we broke some sort of Guiness World Record :lol:).

Enjoying the second installment very much. Loved the series of monorail pictures in Epcot (it's my weakness - monorails + Epcot)!

And I'm so over MSEP too!!! Bring back Spectro! (Let's me and you sent up camp outside the MK someday and chant it!)

I guess I'm going to have to track down all those VM trading spots. My kids are into VM at the moment and they'd love to trade some (I'm not entirely sure how it works, though).

Sorry you had a bad experience with the rooms at CBR. I really like CBR... and even though we are DVC members now, I still hold a special place in my heart for CBR. The grounds are so lovely (as you mentioned), the pool has a cool theme, and I found the bussing to be pretty good.

Hooray - I'll be looking for that trip report!

VM trading is very easy. There are 2-4 stores in each park that have trading "stations." I think there may even be a list online somewhere that tells you all the stores that have trading boxes. They're pretty easy to spot. Just look around the cash wrap areas (usually along the counter behind the registers/CMs) to see whether or not there is a trading box. Looks like this:


If there's a trading box, simply ask the CM if you can trade your VM and they'll tell you the rules. Or they'll ask if you know the rules. But this part varies wildly, as I mentioned in some of my posts. Basically, it boils down to "pick a number!"

CBR has always been close to my heart, too. It was the very first Disney resort I've ever stayed at. Back when Brett and I first started dating, he surprised me with a trip and that's where we stayed (pre-Nemo rooms). I fell in love with it then, so I think that is part of what really added to my disappointment with it this time around. We had a terrible room. And I don't think the Nemo theme is doing the resort any favors, it'd be so much better off just themed for the Caribbean.

We totally need to set up camp outside the MK... I'm sure we can rally some more Spectro lovers!

Thanks, Sarah!


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Oh Holly...I love reading the mother/daughter TRs. Makes me so amped up for my possible m/d trip in April.

Ok let's talk VM again real quick...haha. So hypothetically...I could get a cheap VM on eBay and then take it to the parks in search of my "end game," correct? I believe this will be my plan because I've had too many good memories w/Oogie now to trade him. Plus - I'd actually be a bit disappointed if I bought and opened a box in the store and it was my end game (probably a villain...most likely Ursula.) The part of VM that intrigues me is the trading and searching (and hopefully finding like aweomse Hula Minnie!) The just having the VM doesn't really excite me...but finding it does!

Which brings me to my next question...how do you feel about buying/finding in a clear box, your end game? Like...do you think it would take the fun out of it if someone gave you Stitch instead of hunting for it? I ask ahead of time in the hypothetical case that my mom and I go in April and that we VM trade and that we find Stitch. Now I do like Stitch but he's not my end game. I'd feel bad just trading him away knowing someone else wants him...but wouldn't that ruin the fun? These are things I ponder when I should be doing work. :lol:

Also...DEXTER. Are you caught up? The past episode (9, I believe) was a jaw dropper. So Bill and I both have our own theories of whats going to happen but I simply can't wait for next Sunday!! I want to get your and Bretts take on the theories. ITS SO AMAZING :sohappy:


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Oh Holly...I love reading the mother/daughter TRs. Makes me so amped up for my possible m/d trip in April.

Ok let's talk VM again real quick...haha. So hypothetically...I could get a cheap VM on eBay and then take it to the parks in search of my "end game," correct? I believe this will be my plan because I've had too many good memories w/Oogie now to trade him. Plus - I'd actually be a bit disappointed if I bought and opened a box in the store and it was my end game (probably a villain...most likely Ursula.) The part of VM that intrigues me is the trading and searching (and hopefully finding like aweomse Hula Minnie!) The just having the VM doesn't really excite me...but finding it does!

Which brings me to my next question...how do you feel about buying/finding in a clear box, your end game? Like...do you think it would take the fun out of it if someone gave you Stitch instead of hunting for it? I ask ahead of time in the hypothetical case that my mom and I go in April and that we VM trade and that we find Stitch. Now I do like Stitch but he's not my end game. I'd feel bad just trading him away knowing someone else wants him...but wouldn't that ruin the fun? These are things I ponder when I should be doing work. :lol:

Also...DEXTER. Are you caught up? The past episode (9, I believe) was a jaw dropper. So Bill and I both have our own theories of whats going to happen but I simply can't wait for next Sunday!! I want to get your and Bretts take on the theories. ITS SO AMAZING :sohappy:


Okay, so yes, you can totally buy a VM online for cheap and then trade him in the parks. Once you start trading, you'll notice a lot of the same VMs popping up everywhere - it's a bit sad how many of them are "unwanted." But anyhow, I agree, it's the trading that is fun. My mom and I spent about $20 each on VMs, but that $20 went a looooooong way in trading. It kept us entertained all week, and when Hula Minnie turned up we were crazy ecstatic!

Now, you see, like all things Disney does, the VMs are phased in and out through different series'. Making them "collector's items." :rolleyes: Stitch was apparently part of a series that has been off the shelves for a year now, this is why I think he's too difficult to find. Hula Minnie on the other hand, can be bought (blindly) right now, so the likelihood of finding her was far greater. Therefore, if Stitch were to surprisingly show up in my mailbox from some super cool friend out there, I'd be pretty ecstatic because there's still some sense of adventure in how he got to me. However, I'm not going to go on ebay and buy him outright - there's no fun in that.

As for Oogie... I've "stolen" your and Bill's game and begun hiding some of my VMs for Brett to find. :)

DEXTER! Okay, so I'm glad they finally go to the truth with Gellar. We've been calling it for weeks, and now that they've finally "outed" the dark passenger, it's game on. The final episodes should be really good. Brett thinks Deb is going to find out the truth about Dexter this season, but I don't know about that. They've already signed on for two more seasons so I think that storyline may come up later. Deb's storyline has been the most intriguing to me this season. Honestly though, overall I don't think this season has been as good as the last couple. Of course, that could all change with a couple of kick-a$$ final episodes!


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What a great trip!!

I will never look at the ostrich vinylmation in the same way again. :lookaroun

Love Wheezy.

And that Epcot camera star is unbelievably awesome! It's so cool!! Do you actually change camera straps during a trip? I am so boring! :lol:

I can't believe you found Hula Minnie!! That is so awesome!


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What a great trip!!

I will never look at the ostrich vinylmation in the same way again. :lookaroun

Love Wheezy.

And that Epcot camera star is unbelievably awesome! It's so cool!! Do you actually change camera straps during a trip? I am so boring! :lol:

I can't believe you found Hula Minnie!! That is so awesome!

Yeah, ummm... the ostrich's neck looks totally different when it's not, you know, attached to his body. :lol:

I do change my camera straps all the time, but that's only because we made it super easy. There are little quick release hooks on each strap, making it really easy to change them. And they've proven to be incredibly durable - I was worried about this at first. You don't have to actually thread the nylon part through the hooks on each side of the camera body every time you want to change straps, which always takes forever. On my new (!) camera, I included two sets of releases just be on the safe side. :D

Hula Minnie may have been the highlight of our trip! :sohappy:

Thanks, Tammy.


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Yeah, ummm... the ostrich's neck looks totally different when it's not, you know, attached to his body. :lol:

I do change my camera straps all the time, but that's only because we made it super easy. There are little quick release hooks on each strap, making it really easy to change them. And they've proven to be incredibly durable - I was worried about this at first. You don't have to actually thread the nylon part through the hooks on each side of the camera body every time you want to change straps, which always takes forever. On my new (!) camera, I included two sets of releases just be on the safe side. :D

Hula Minnie may have been the highlight of our trip! :sohappy:

Thanks, Tammy.

Yes! His neck is odd.:lol:

That's a great idea! I was thinking you were rethreading the nylon every time and that does take forever!!

And what?!! What new camera?!!! What did you get? Tell me!!:)


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Love the mother/daughter trip!! :)

And ok, sooo... I gave in and bought a Vinylmation a few weeks ago when we were there... It's Donald stuck in the tuba from Philharmagic.... And I totally forgot to trade it! I brought it home with me. I'm kinda partial to it now though cause it was my first VM. I guess I'll just have to buy another one when we go in April! lol

Patiently waiting on the W&D 1/2 TR!! Excited to hear it's next!! Wooo hoooo!!! I started my TR but I keep forgetting to post it when I'm home.... This weekend, I swear!!! :lol:

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