Harry Potter ride/attraction at WDW


Well-Known Member
MiRi said:
No hard feelings. I am still pretty new to this message board.
That's find, and from what I've gathered (I haven't been around in a while) you are a positve contribution. The topic this time is just something we enjoy poking when we can.


Well-Known Member

Ooooook..I dont know WHY im deciding to chime in on this one..but here it goes..

Currently no company has licencing rights to use Harry Potter as a theme for a ride. Warner Brothers currently holds the rights to the MOVIE LIKENESS adaptions of the books. I dont see the movie ever becoming a ride, simply because by the time the "bidding war" for the rights gets resolved...a lot of the hype for the ride will have passed.

On a note about the music being played in the parks...uh...any one ever notice they play other non disney music in the studios as well? Just because you recognize one as harry potter doesnt make it significant.

Star Tours and Indy were both licences out by Lucas back when the park first opened, since he owned ther rights to both franchises. Twilight zone was made by MGM..so uh..yeah..put 2 and 2 together. Rock N Rollercoaster...thats a band putting their name on a ride that was designed by imagineering..no real rights to be acquired.

Up until recently I would have put most of my faith in a 007 attraction (man..the stunt show would have been perfect), but now that sony owns MGM ..so much for THAT hope..

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Gaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!! Its the thread-which-shall-not-be-named!

*throws a seizure and vomits over the floor* :hurl: :hurl: :hurl:

:eek: :cry: :brick: :hammer:


New Member
i L-O-V-E harry potter!! i just finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince it was great!!!! but a harry potter ride in disneyworld would be strange.......it could fit at MGM though it would b kinda wierd.


New Member
Okay, this topic has gone on several different times. Almost everyone is split over wether or not Disney should do a Harry Potter Attraction/Ride, and I for one can't see it happening. First off, Disney would have to aquire the rights to the "FRANCHISE" which would be very costly considering how much Warner Bros shelled out just to get the first four movies done. Plus J.K. Rowling would have final say over anything that is built or done concering Harry Potter. We don't need a Harry Potter Ride or Attraction, we just need to up keep the parks and rides/attractions we have. Besides the final say would lie with the Disney Board, Imagineers and the Park President (of which ever park if any they decided to build in) and anyone of them can stop the project from even seeing the light of day. So for now, lets just keep disney with for the Mouse and let Harry get his own house somewhere else.


Well-Known Member
TAC said:
Why don't you go to MGM NOW, and wait for it? Just start a line somewhere, and when people ask you what you are waiting for, tell them, "The Harry Potter Ride." I'll bet they will get in line behind you.

This might work. :D The idea reminds me of the fact that if you stand in the middle of a crowded place (a mall, for example), point upwards, or simply stare up. The reactions are priceless.

P.S. Kudos to the people with their sense of humour still intact after opening this thread. :)

imagineer boy: Gaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!! Its the thread-which-shall-not-be-named!


New Member
i wood love to be a imajineer for this ride. i have soom good idesa for an incredable roller coaster with harry potter in it. i have read all of those books. (also the new one:)) when is it that they are gonna start doing it?


New Member
I actually read somewhere a few years ago that Disney was thinking about creating a Myst island (thoses of you into computer gaming will know what I'm talking about). I thought that would be really cool.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
EpcotEnthusiast said:
i wood love to be a imajineer for this ride. i have soom good idesa for an incredable roller coaster with harry potter in it. i have read all of those books. (also the new one:)) when is it that they are gonna start doing it?

For some reason, new people with bad spelling and bad grammar are attracted to this thread......


Well-Known Member
imagineer boy said:
For some reason, new people with bad spelling and bad grammar are attracted to this thread......

What's funny is I half expected him to mention Maelstorm after he said that. :eek:

*runs and hides, just in case they're back*


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
imagineer boy said:
For some reason, new people with bad spelling and bad grammar are attracted to this thread......
because most of them are probably not even teens yet. quite scary.

Thrawn; it couldnt happen fast enough

EpcotEnthusiast said:
when is it that they are gonna start doing it?......
they are going to expand the monorail first...... so start holding your breath

OMG...... i may have just started something really bad. *crawls under desk with keyboard* "jmaxwell007, you have a call on line 3 from a Mr. Thrawn....... he says its urgent"

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