Harry Potter ride/attraction at WDW


New Member
LoisMustDie said:
A little harsh for one ride, don't you think?

So "someone should die" because you don't THINK it has a place at Disney? You are aware that people have different opinions, right?

The Haunted Mansion is nothing but dead people. People die in Snow White. There are skeletons in the Jungle Cruise, Pirates, and Big Thunder Mountain. The Country Bear Jamboree has talking dismembered heads. For crying out loud, THE GUEST DIES AND GOES TO HELL in Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, and that was decided during Walt's tenure. How is this any worse?

Star Wars isn't. Indiana Jones isn't. The Twilight Zone isn't. Aerosmith isn't. Hell, half of the Great Movie Ride has nothing to do with Disney. Are you saying these attractions should be dismantled on the spot?

I guess Disney doesn't care for your "good enough" reason.
I think this is a very good post.It always bothers me about people saying Harry Potter is "so evil" and that "everyone dies" in the books.They say wizardy is wrongand should not be affiliated with Disney,but come on, in Mgm they have a giant sorceror hat!Its not like the ride is going to make people do evil satanic things.Its would be just a ride.Its a great fantasy thing and would make on heck of a great ride.


New Member
Ok, seriously...if you like harry potter the go and ride the hypothetical harry potter attraction. If you don't care for harry potter then don't. It's not a big deal. As for the wizardry being bad or good, its just a story. It's a story from someone's imagination that people have grown to really enjoy. I think it would be cool to have a harry potter attraction at the studios. I know my taste isn't everyone elses but still, it's rough to please everyone. If a harry potter attraction comes lets give a shot before we get all upset :eek:


Well-Known Member
Shanice said:
Why would Disney invest in a dieing franchise? Harry Potter isn't even that popular anymore....

I'm hoping you are joking. With a new book coming this summer that quickly shot to the top of pre-order lists and a new movie this holiday season, I would hardly call it a dying franchise that isn't that popular anymore. Check www.mugglenet.com/ or www.jkrowling.com/ to get some idea of just how well it is still doing. Would Disney invest in it? Maybe, if they could then it would depend on what kind of deal they could make. If Disney could get a good enough deal for something based on images from the books, instead of the movies(so no Dan Radcliffe, for example) then they might just go for it.


Account Suspended
I understand that there is still a huge "cult" following, but there just isn't that HP mania that there used to be.


Well-Known Member
The reason you don't hear much about Harry Potter at the moment is because it's between movies and books. Believe me, when the book comes out, everything you'll hear will be Harry Potter until after HP4 comes out on DVD.


Well-Known Member
Shanice said:
I understand that there is still a huge "cult" following, but there just isn't that HP mania that there used to be.

That's like saying until the last few months before the new movie came out that "Star Wars" has a huge "cult" following. :rolleyes:

Mickey Maniac

New Member
I really hope there is not going to be a Harry Potter attraction. As much as I enjoy the novels and movies, can you imagine Harry Potter walking down the streets of the Magic Kingdom and his merchandise all over the place?

I asked a cast member at MGM (One Man's Dream) and he said that 20K was indeed set to become a Harry Potter attraction, made possible by the whole DISNEY-ABC connection. Other CM's deny this info and others support it.


New Member
beauty_Belle27 said:
They say wizardy is wrongand should not be affiliated with Disney
I can't believe people say this. Have they ever heard of "Sword in the Stone," or "Sorcerers Apprentice," or even "Black Cauldron?" (Though I'm sure Disney would like to deny the latter)

Number_6 said:
That's like saying until the last few months before the new movie came out that "Star Wars" has a huge "cult" following.
You mean it doesn't? :veryconfu

Mickey Maniac said:
I asked a cast member at MGM (One Man's Dream) and he said that 20K was indeed set to become a Harry Potter attraction, made possible by the whole DISNEY-ABC connection.
Then he/she was either lying or misinformed...or just plain stupid. There has never been any plans for HP in 20k, and none are forthcoming. That's a fact.


Well-Known Member
Mickey Maniac said:
I asked a cast member at MGM (One Man's Dream) and he said that 20K was indeed set to become a Harry Potter attraction, made possible by the whole DISNEY-ABC connection. Other CM's deny this info and others support it.

I have a little advice for you: Cast Members are the LEAST reliable source for Disney information. Now, no offense to CMs on these boards, but it is sort of true. Though some of you spread correct info, most spread false info. And you can't tell which is false and which is true, so it's just better not to even bother asking Cast Members about that sort of stuff. Again, I mean no offense to Cast Members on here. It's not your fault other CMs acquired this reputation for inaccurate information.


New Member
Shanice said:
I understand that there is still a huge "cult" following, but there just isn't that HP mania that there used to be.

That really isn't true at all. My town newspaper does a book countdown... all the book stores in my area have them.. There was a HP party at my local Barnes and Noble when the last book came out. I went, there were over five hundred people there. They are doing the same for the new book and there is a long sign up list.

HP Mania is still alive, the fans are just waiting for new material. I can't wait for the new book and movie. I would love a HP ride, at Disney or ANY park.


New Member
bhg469 said:
seriously its not like star wars fans just disappeared they are always there

I think that is what Number 6 is trying to say.
Like Star Wars, Harry Potter has a huge cult following.
I'm 40 years old & love Harry Potter. My 8 yr old loves it
also. It is far from a dying franchise. It is building up
more steam as it goes along.
It doesn't bother me if Disney does or does not build a
ride. But all I can say is, of all the entertainment companies
out there, Disney would do it the best.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I dont think this thread will ever die (or be closed.)
But, I've got a good idea.

Lets rename this thread the HP thread and everytime you read H.Potter substitute the words Hewlett Packard!!

Then we'll talk about the virtues of the new Hewlett Packard theme ride at WDW !!!!! :lol: :sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Shanice said:
Star Wars does have a huge cult following....

My understanding of a "cult" following where sci-fi and fantasy is concerned is something that does not get mainstream fans, but gets enough away from the mainstream to be popular, even if not originally successful. For example, "Rocky Horror Picture Show" did not do well at all in theaters when first released. For some people, it was just too strange and out there. But, it is very popular due to a large "cult following" and has become more popular as time goes on, though still not really considered to be mainstream. Star Wars and Harry Potter have both done well from the start and have grown in the mainstream, instead of having to wait a number of years before actually seeing any real success. I could be wrong, but that's the way it has been explained to me in the past, so that's what I consider a "cult" following.


Account Suspended
PeterPan1031 said:
Can We Just Close This Thread Already!!! Theres No Point In Talking About Something That Can Never And Will Naver Happen!!!!!
Like my grandma always says, "Never say never."

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