Harry Potter is arriving sooner than expected. What does this mean for WDW?


Active Member
**WWoHP will be good, I do not think Uni are these amazing innovators that people make them out to be. Spider-Man is an amazing ride and the main reason to go to IoA but it's not a game changer, and aside from Spider-Man nothing at IoA is especially innovative, and I will say it, HP won't be a game changer either ... it will be cool and I have no doubt about that, especially after reading whylightbulb's comments, that it will be very cool but at the end of the day it's not going to reinvent the wheel.

People travel to Orlando for WDW, sure it means more people will make an effort to leave the park for a day to check out WWoHP but at the end of the day they will come back.

So I think too many people are jumping down WWoHP throat, I think no doubt it will be a great attraction and area but the other people that are proclaiming it the second coming ... let's keep it in perspective. It's not a game changer.

From what I hear on hear, IOA is taking the kuka arm and putting it on a track and testing it in ways it has never been tested before. That is reinventing the wheel and it's extremely innovative.

People don't travel to Orlando just for WDW, hell WDW isn't even in Orlando :rolleyes:. Sure it may be central Florida's number 1 (the world's number 1) destination, but the mouse doesn't have that much power to make everyone come here just for WDW. 1 day out of the average person's vacation of maybe 5 days spent on an IoA is a 20% loss for WDW even for one year of that happening it ruly adds up. If they see Universal and want to go there then it is a 40% loss, which happens a lot.

I LOVE theme parks, rides, and design and I think Harry Potter will be a game changer especially for WDW, and I think (hope) they fight back a bit with a couple of e-tickets.


Well-Known Member
The Tower of Terror movie was a better movie than Haunted Mansion in my opinion. It was also done as a test of sorts in a direct to video release.

I thought both were alright, but i struggled to accept the TOT film without Twilight Zone affiliation.


Well-Known Member

That is all....


Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
You can count me as one of those who isn't/wasn't hooked on this Potter craze... I enjoyed the movies... And now, over 10 years since Potter began, I am reading the books... I won't get back into the argument over whether Potter will stand the tests of time or fade away, but, over 10 years later, and someone new is reading the books (purchasing them by the way, not taking them out of the library or borrowing from a friend)... So, if I can get into reading the books this late in the game, so can others...

UPDATE: 7 chapters down in The Sorcerer's Stone... And I'm loving it... It flows nicely and is a very easy read...

Disneyson 1

New Member
... but then again, if we're talking about what impact the park will have on Disney, then let's talk.

I believe that this whole community has come to the consensus that Disney has put their driving forces on humans of the female persuasion (i.e. pixies & princesses) and that Uni. has a monopoly on boys (i.e. mummies and sharks). We consider Disney to have a stronger pull on guests, but this may be an equalizer. Now, if little Kierah decides that she wants to go on an adventure with Spiderman, she could. And if little Gary decides he wants to see Dopey because he thinks that he's cool, than that's O.K. too. So now we have expansion. And little Kierah wants to play MagiQuest and beat the dragon. But little Gary really wants to meet Dumbo. We're right back where we started. Now, let's say that Mr. and Mrs. Generic Family want to do stuff too. They want to ride Harry Potter and the Forbidden Robotic Arm while doing child swap while the little ones play with their wands. But we can't deny Gary of Dumbo, so they do that too. Back to square 1.

So does anyone see yet? Harry Potter is not going to steal crowds away from Disney. They're going to steal MONEY from Disney. With all those hours of charges to the wands, not to mention accessories for your wand, Dad wanting to try Butterbeer, the kids having a spree in Zonko's Candy Shop, and a plush owl they got for being such good wizards. Compare that to Disney's offering: the same *%@# magnets they've seen every year they go to Disney, and the dress-up places neither child wants to go into due to Mr. & Mrs. Generica's lack of patience. Which one will warrant more time from the parents? You guessed it...

(*and yes, that was supposed to be funny...*)

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Well, since I have seen all the movies up to Half Blood Prince, I know what to expect, and more.... It is book 7 that I reallt have no clue as to what goes on.. :)

Ah...But the books are so much deeper...:D:drevil:

And read book 7 before the movie comes out! HOLY CARP!:lol: You will be in awe...


Well-Known Member
Well, since I have seen all the movies up to Half Blood Prince, I know what to expect, and more.... It is book 7 that I reallt have no clue as to what goes on.. :)

You think you know, but you have no idea!

Remember what Morpheus said in the Matrix? Well my friend, you are about to find out how far the rabbit hole really goes!

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