Harry Potter....and it looks amazing


New Member
Yes this does look great! I am a potter fan and a disney fan! but it's a little land with a re done attraction and a walk through. I don't think it will be a re- peat land unless they build something within the first year of opening but probably not cause they spent $200mil on this. it may drain disney at first and hopefully they get there a$$ in gear but I don;t think it will effect disney for years to come. but who knows:rolleyes:


Active Member
So I know a lot of people will want to beat me for saying this, but OMG that is freakin fantastic! Dumbledore is REAL people! It kind of reminds me of a Haunted Mansion on steroids! And after seeing this, I really think we may spend a day (or at least part of one) at Universal this next trip in Sept! Just to see this part of it since we are all three huge Harry Potter fans (and non of us have even ever been to Universal...cheating on Disney, I know. I'm so ashamed, yet so excited about this!


Premium Member
Universal spent $2billion on building IOA and Citywalk - it didn't make a dent on Disney, infact, it brought more people to the Orlando area and increased Disney attendance. Potter, regardless of how good it is, will not impact Disney attendance. Unfortunately for Universal, their parks do not have the emotional connection, scale and depth that Disney has. A simple example is to just look at the live entertainment offerings. Take this weekend, Disney are running Wishes, Fantasmic, IllumiNations, Block Party Bash, SpectroMagic, Celebrate a Dream Come True, Jammin Jungle, and many other shows (not even counting Star Wars Weekends). These are major productions invlolving hundreds of cast. Universal have nothing, other than a couple of shows, and yet both Disney and Uni have same entry fee.

This weekend looks likely to rain, that means that practically all of IOA will be closed for large periods of the day.

You dont want to get wet or dont like rollercoasters at IOA? That leaves you with about 2 rides you can do.

I'm not anti Universal, and I like some of their attractions. However, there are some very clear reasons why Disney are miles ahead of Universal, which a alot of people just don't like to see.


New Member
Here's another "It looks awesome!" from a Harry Potter non-fan. I've always thought it would be interesting to take a day off from WDW to tour Universal. Now I probably will.

And if this really does raise the bar in terms of theme park attractions, I look forward to seeing what Disney will come up with to try to top it. I hope the increased competition benefits all of us.


Active Member
I completely agree. Disney has it's "magical" quality that noone can beat or even match. I've never even been to Universal, but I can see that already. Plus, even if we personally do go, we will go on a morning of one of our trips, but definately be back by our dinner ADRs and in time for evening Disney touring! Just a few hours at Hogwart's is all I need and then I'll be ready to return home to the magic!


Looks pretty cool and all, but I won't be going there for their grand opening like we did with the Islands Of Adventure. That was a nightmare! VERY long lines and half the rides didn't work (Nothing new for any theme park opening it seems), I think I'll wait till next year when all the bugs are ironed out.


Active Member
I will give Universal a round of applause for a job well done, but the thing is that they really only built 1 ride, yes they built several attractions with Olivander's, some of the other shops, the streetmosphere actors, etc. but one ride. They took two rides in area which was basically dead and rethemed them, which I have no problem with and I'm glad that that worked out for them, but the point still remains that they built one ride. This is not something that would take all day to explore...:shrug:


Well-Known Member
Just to see this part of it since we are all three huge Harry Potter fans (and non of us have even ever been to Universal...cheating on Disney, I know. I'm so ashamed, yet so excited about this!

I know exactly how you feel about "cheating" Disney, I thought and felt the same over years. But if we all would do a little more "cheating" perhaps we already had a few more E-Tickets in the MK? Or a real additional land in DAK instead of Camp Minnie Mickey? It's not cheating, it's more like flirting to make your darling a little jealous so she will be trying even more to get your attention.


Like the quote I posted in another thread:

"Universal swings for the fences...Disney bunts." - Imagineer

I really need to get some passholder preview time over at IOA....:D


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Hogsmeade Village (theming) currently blows the pants off any current WDW themed land. IMO. :D:king:
It's cool. I'm not the biggest Harry Potter fan though. I thought the movies were okay at best and I wouldn't read the books if my life depended on it!

It does look like it would be fun to visit though! And for some of the people that've posted, I would never cancel my Disney Plans! I mean one land is cool but then all you've got is the rest of IOA and Disney's Marvel Island! :lol:
Universal spent $2billion on building IOA and Citywalk - it didn't make a dent on Disney, infact, it brought more people to the Orlando area and increased Disney attendance. Potter, regardless of how good it is, will not impact Disney attendance. Unfortunately for Universal, their parks do not have the emotional connection, scale and depth that Disney has. A simple example is to just look at the live entertainment offerings. Take this weekend, Disney are running Wishes, Fantasmic, IllumiNations, Block Party Bash, SpectroMagic, Celebrate a Dream Come True, Jammin Jungle, and many other shows (not even counting Star Wars Weekends). These are major productions invlolving hundreds of cast. Universal have nothing, other than a couple of shows, and yet both Disney and Uni have same entry fee.

This weekend looks likely to rain, that means that practically all of IOA will be closed for large periods of the day.

You dont want to get wet or dont like rollercoasters at IOA? That leaves you with about 2 rides you can do.

I'm not anti Universal, and I like some of their attractions. However, there are some very clear reasons why Disney are miles ahead of Universal, which a alot of people just don't like to see.

Spoken Like A True Fan! :D


Well-Known Member
Hopefully, this will encourage Disney to step up its game.

Disney has SO many things on the table that you don't even know about. But they aren't rushing to get it done by this summer simply because they don't have to.

It's not just about adding a new attraction but creating an entirely immersive experience. This also includes things as simple as the parks being clean and good employee interaction. Some of Universal's filthy bathrooms, gum and litter all over the queue's along with some very rude employees ruied my first and only visit to their parks. I'm not saying it happens all the time but it DID happen to me and I will most likely not go back.

But perhaps your lack of desire to visit WDW again this year owes more to the fact that WDW hasn't added a major attraction since Everest opened four years ago...

Toy Story Midway Mania? I believe the wait times have proved that it's nothing less than an E-ticket attraction. But also look at American Idol, revamped Haunted Mansion/Space Mountain, bringing back Capt. EO, Main Street Electrical Parade, a different fireworks show at MK and newer parades in the past few years. What has Universal done along those lines?

I know they have a new coaster and a revamped land. But what else along the lines of new entertainment?

*cricket, cricket, cricket*

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
It amazes me how some people on here are so pro-Disney that they can't recognize that Universal has created the most immersive land any theme park has seen in years. I'm about as big a Disney fan as you'll find, but Universal hit a home run with this one. No question about it.

No one suggested that this was suddenly going to make a huge dent on WDW attendance, but it's going to give Universal a LOT of good press, and their attendance is gonna skyrocket. Hopefully, that will make TDO wake the hell up and give us something truly extraordinary again, not Disneyland's sloppy seconds, a repackaged attraction, or an attraction based on a fading television show whose popularity is waning.

For the record, what this did do for me, is make me take one day of summer trip and spend it at Universal, not Disney.

Thrill Seeker

Well-Known Member
Universal spent $2billion on building IOA and Citywalk - it didn't make a dent on Disney, infact, it brought more people to the Orlando area and increased Disney attendance. Potter, regardless of how good it is, will not impact Disney attendance. Unfortunately for Universal, their parks do not have the emotional connection, scale and depth that Disney has. A simple example is to just look at the live entertainment offerings. Take this weekend, Disney are running Wishes, Fantasmic, IllumiNations, Block Party Bash, SpectroMagic, Celebrate a Dream Come True, Jammin Jungle, and many other shows (not even counting Star Wars Weekends). These are major productions invlolving hundreds of cast. Universal have nothing, other than a couple of shows, and yet both Disney and Uni have same entry fee.

This weekend looks likely to rain, that means that practically all of IOA will be closed for large periods of the day.

You dont want to get wet or dont like rollercoasters at IOA? That leaves you with about 2 rides you can do.

I'm not anti Universal, and I like some of their attractions. However, there are some very clear reasons why Disney are miles ahead of Universal, which a alot of people just don't like to see.

There are many reasons why people go to Disney over Universal... To demonstrate this, I have made a diagram using text...

Cast Members > Team Members: Disney Cast Members are globally known as being the best of the best (most of the time). Universal Team Members are typically not looked at particularly highly...

Disney Live Entertainment > Universal Live Entertainment: Again, as already stated, Disney put's a lot of time and money into parades and fireworks shows. Not so much with Universal.

Disney Family Friendly Attractions > Universal Family Friendly Attractions: Disney has a whole bunch of really good family friendly rides and shows. Universal has maybe 3 or 4...

Disney Original Concepts > Universal Original Concepts: Disney has created several properties for the parks (i.e. Haunted Mansion, Jungle Cruise ex.). Universal...not so much. Except for Disaster (i.e. rethemed Earthquake) and the HRRR, I'm pretty sure everything is movie based.

Disney Thrill Rides < Universal Thrill Rides: Universal wins this one because they spend most of their budget putting together the most wiz-bang new technology into their thrill rides. Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey is going to be their masterpiece that follows up such great rides as Revenge of the Mummy, Men In Black Alien Attack and Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man. Disney makes some good ones, but Universal does have better ones.

Disney Attention to Detail = Universal Attention to Detail: I'm gonna call stalemate on this one because Disney loves putting in little things into their attractions that the regular park guest wouldn't notice, but the hardcore fan would. Universal loves making their movie based attractions just like they would look from the movie and does a great job doing that.

Disney's Appeal to Younger Guests > Universal's Appeal to Younger Guests: Universal may have E.T., Jimmy Neutron and Shrek, but that can't compete with Disney's mass library of characters...

Disney's Appeal to Older Guests = Universal's Appeal to Older Guests: I'd love to give the edge to Universal here, but can't. Universal does have more that appeals to older guests, but Disney's nostalgic appeal has lasting value as well. I call tie here as well.

Overall Scores:

Disney 5 Universal 1 Ties 2


Well-Known Member
The theming for HP is amazing. I, too, hope it sets a higher bar within the industry. Very cool, indeed.

We've never been to US or IoA. I've read all the books, the family has seen all the movies, and we all like Harry Potter pretty well. As gorgeous and over-the-top as the new area looks I kinda doubt we'd take the time away from a Disney vacation and spend an additional $280+ for 1/2 day of entertainment. I've never felt the urge to go over to those parks before and as much as I'd like to see the HP stuff I just don't see it being worth what it would take for us to go there.

Did anyone else watch that video and think "Holy smokes! That's a looong line!" That's my other problem with going over there. I don't care who or what is at the end of a line, I ain't standing thru more than about 45 minutes for anything. Lol!


Well-Known Member
Hopefully, that will make TDO wake the hell up and give us something truly extraordinary again, not Disneyland's sloppy seconds, a repackaged attraction, or an attraction based on a fading television show whose popularity is waning.

Hate to tell you but TDO has little to do with any of that. And "sloppy seconds" can be related to any park, not just WDW. Disneyland and Paris Disneyland put in ToT after the success of WDW's version. Space Mountain was also a WDW original.

As far as "an attraction based on a fading television show whose popularity is waning" what do you say about the Simpsons?


Active Member
Hate to tell you but TDO has little to do with any of that. And "sloppy seconds" can be related to any park, not just WDW. Disneyland and Paris Disneyland put in ToT after the success of WDW's version. Space Mountain was also a WDW original.

As far as "an attraction based on a fading television show whose popularity is waning" what do you say about the Simpsons?
I was curious as to what show they were referring to as well...

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