Guest attacks Disney bus driver


Well-Known Member
How do you know which young males are able bodied? How do you know that the young male your chastising for sitting down didn't wait for a second bus just cause he wanted a seat? I don't think theres anything wrong with young males or anyone for that matter choosing to sit and not giving up their seat. We all have the choice to rent a car and not have to worry about it, but if you choose to take the buses during your vacation, then expect that you will probably have to stand sometimes. I would never expect, nor want anyone to give up their seat to me and I would turn them down if they offered it. You got their before me, its your seat. Plain and simple.

And I'd just like to add that Im happy that they got the terrorist threat in there. I'll be able to sleep well tonight. :snore:

Yeah, I was considering mentioned that to the poster... There was a big flare-up here on the boards about 6-8 months ago about people giving up (or not giving up) their seats. I think just about everyone was in agreement with it being the right thing to do for small children, parents with an infant, and the elderly or those who are obviously infirm (cast, crutches, cane, etc).
The heated discussion came with people saying that men should give up a seat for all able-bodied women, and then others saying that it was an old-fashioned practice that reinforced stereotypes of women being the weaker gender.

[In my opinion, strictly when talking about able-bodied adults in that situation, it's a first-come-first-served kind of thing. Man or woman, everyone is equal and has an equal right to a seat on the bus based on the order they boarded the bus (and thus how long they waited in line to board the bus)]



Well-Known Member
Some third-hand info I read about this incident in a discussion on another forum:

Supposedly the incident started with a non-folded stroller. The Guest got to the front of the line and hadn't folded his stroller. He was taking a long time to fold it, and the driver let other Guests load onto the bus while he messed with it. By the time the Guest got the stroller folded, the bus had filled up and the driver wouldn't let him board. This set him off, which explains his comments in the video about "being at the front and everyone else rushing past him".


I was thinking that was the case. It would then not be the drivers fault that the next guests in line refuse to wait. Strollers have to be folded by law. If you are fist in line or close to first and want a seat, you should probalby consider how long it will take you to fold a stroller and begint he process at the appropriate moment.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad it's paid.

Agreed! This man was just doing his job and he is assaulted by a guest. I get so mad watching this video especially the way the man doesn't even seem to think he did anything wrong by violently attacking and choking the driver. In addition he thinks he should get priority because they have a baby, WTH? Many people at Disney have a baby or small children but wait patiently for buses without attacking anyone. I really hope the driver does not suffer any consequences as a result of him being attacked.


Well-Known Member
... At MK we will actually double load some of the load zones at exit. One prime example is for Pop Century which is in load zone 18,and is one of our most popular and most booked resorts,it is not uncommon to constantly have 400-500 guests waiting for a bus at exit. We will double load meaning pulling in two buses side by side, and load guests. During peak park attendance times we will also use load zone 17 which is a vacant load zone, and double load it also for guests to POP. And guest will STILL complain that it is taking to long and we need more buses.

Have only been to WDW three times, all during our Spring Break the third week in March, and during all three trips this was a regular occurrence due to Pop lines at park closing. I thought Disney did a fabulous job of getting us all on a bus in reasonable time considering. I even remember getting one of the fancier Disney coach buses a few times. But you can't please everyone I guess! :shrug:

Jane Doe

Well-Known Member
I've heard silly excuses such as "Well, at Deluxes, you have walking, boating or monorail options for transportation." What does that have to do with Pop Century having better service to Animal Kingdom, DHS, and DTD than the Grand Floridian?

What's silly about those reasons? Pop Century has 2880 rooms compared to the Grand Floridian's 900 (if you add all the hotel rooms on the monorail loop they still don't add up to the number at Pop Century). They can only use buses on the transportation system to get back to their hotel and it's it's one of the more isolated resort on the property along with the high capacity All Star Resorts.


Active Member
***Authentic DUCKBERG Post***

That's insane. Who throws a baby? I'm telling you...adults have worse meltdowns at Disney than toddlers do! :lol:

NO, that's entertainement!!! If this character does it again tell him to have the bath water ready (lukewarm) & Mr. Driver DUCK! :lol: DUCKBERG :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
I was thinking that was the case. It would then not be the drivers fault that the next guests in line refuse to wait. Strollers have to be folded by law. If you are fist in line or close to first and want a seat, you should probalby consider how long it will take you to fold a stroller and begint he process at the appropriate moment.

I couldn't agree more. It's the father's responsibility to make sure the stroller is folded before the bus arrives. It's common sense. you can't expect everyone else to wait for you.

As for giving up your seat, I can't tell you how many times I've had to ride the Disney buses while standing and having to carry a young child. It's torture trying to hold on (and bus surf) while carrying a child.

With that said, I can't begrudge anyone else who doesn't want to give up their seat. I would, but I wouldn't be mad at someone else for not doing it. The days at Disney can be exhausting and they have a right to their seat.


Well-Known Member
What's silly about those reasons? Pop Century has 2880 rooms compared to the Grand Floridian's 900 (if you add all the hotel rooms on the monorail loop they still don't add up to the number at Pop Century). They can only use buses on the transportation system to get back to their hotel and it's it's one of the more isolated resort on the property along with the high capacity All Star Resorts.

Because we're not talking about MK or Epcot - We're talking about areas of WDW only reached by buses (via Disney Transportation).


New Member
My family and I have been to WDW so many times ove rthe years I can't count them. This bus driver did the best he could considering being mauled by the "GUEST" in question. The bus drivers deal with hundreds of people each day. I am amazed that this hasn't happened before. Patience is a virtue except at Disney. We all have waited in the endless lines to get from point A to B. You suck it up and move on! I will say that Disney buses are over crowded at times and in situations might even be over loaded. My family boarded a bus a MK at closing and ended up in the back during loading. The driver made an announcement saying " If you can see the floor there is room for more". On that very ride back to the POP our bus made a quick stop. A guest in front of me was thrown back on me. She stepped on my foot breaking my little toe. I reported the incident and the overcrowding to Disney. Weeks later I did hear from Disney. The rep stated that they were aware of the issues and were working to reduce to problems. Personally as an ex-firefighter I think the over crowding is a ticking time bomb. Now when we stay at WDW we drive as you get a parking pass for being a resort guest. This makes it less stressful and does save time.


Beta Return
I couldn't agree more. It's the father's responsibility to make sure the stroller is folded before the bus arrives. It's common sense. you can't expect everyone else to wait for you.

As for giving up your seat, I can't tell you how many times I've had to ride the Disney buses while standing and having to carry a young child. It's torture trying to hold on (and bus surf) while carrying a child.

With that said, I can't begrudge anyone else who doesn't want to give up their seat. I would, but I wouldn't be mad at someone else for not doing it. The days at Disney can be exhausting and they have a right to their seat.

I completely agree with your last sentence. While I'll be sure to relinquish my seat to someone who OBVIOUSLY needs a seat (based on my sole opinion and judgment), I don't typically feel like I should give me seat up to someone who's standing. I spent as much as, if not more, time in the theme park and on my feet that day too. I'm equally, if not more tired. I "paid" just as much to enjoy that bus seat as he/she did (unless they're a day guest, in which case they theoretically paid nothing to be on the bus).

Besides, I'm very claustrophobic, and when I have to stand shoulder to shoulder with people, especially in the dark, I don't do so well. If I'm able to get a window seat on a "park exit" bus, I'm GLUED to it until my stop.

It all works out in the end. One night at park exit, I might have the luxury of being in the front of the line and actually finding a seat - while other nights, the other guest probably had their opportunity as well.

But if you think about it, God/fate/[other spiritual leader] gets even with those of us who stay sitting anyway, by putting everyone's perspiring behinds right at face-level :lol:

My family and I have been to WDW so many times ove rthe years I can't count them. This bus driver did the best he could considering being mauled by the "GUEST" in question. The bus drivers deal with hundreds of people each day. I am amazed that this hasn't happened before. Patience is a virtue except at Disney. We all have waited in the endless lines to get from point A to B. You suck it up and move on! I will say that Disney buses are over crowded at times and in situations might even be over loaded. My family boarded a bus a MK at closing and ended up in the back during loading. The driver made an announcement saying " If you can see the floor there is room for more". On that very ride back to the POP our bus made a quick stop. A guest in front of me was thrown back on me. She stepped on my foot breaking my little toe. I reported the incident and the overcrowding to Disney. Weeks later I did hear from Disney. The rep stated that they were aware of the issues and were working to reduce to problems. Personally as an ex-firefighter I think the over crowding is a ticking time bomb. Now when we stay at WDW we drive as you get a parking pass for being a resort guest. This makes it less stressful and does save time.

I had this happen to me many times (minus the actual breaking of any of my bones) when I rode the city bus around Purdue's campus. We were crammed on like sardines as the bus made constant sharp right turns (it drove a loop around campus).

I think this is just the nature of public transportation. The same thing happens on the monorails, but you don't have the sudden starts and stops or sharp turns - making the ride a bit more tolerable.

The only way to solve this problem is to double or triple the size of the bus fleet so they can just stop loading the buses when all the seats are full, and then have another bus immediately behind it to start loading the other 500 guests still in line.

I'll take the standing when I have to, and I'll also rest my aching body when I can grab a seat.


I just saw this on my local news. I cant believe this happen but when I started to think about it Im not surprised. There are alot of rediculous:fork:people out there. I cant believe he threw his baby hes a jack...maybe insead of putting the driver on paid leave they should had called social services:mad:

I pray the driver doesnt get fired


Well-Known Member
Yes there will be/ We have in fact ordered more buses to service the resort once it comes online. As part of the financing for the construction of new resorts,the resort " buys " into the bus transportation system and " purchases " new buses that are added to the fleet to cover the guests that will be coming to and from the resort. We have po's for a little over 60 new buses this coming year to cover the resort and replace some that are coming up on the ends of service life. Over 30 of that number were new buses bought by the new resort.

Would like to add we are currently working on the All Star Resort load zones starting with Sports. This is being done to help speed up and make it easier for guests to load and unload off the buses,as well as make it easier to get the buses into and out of the load zone. We listened to the guests as well as our drivers on this problem and are redesigning the load zones to ease the process

A little OT but this past March they had the road at the bus loading area at AS Music tore up... were they redesigning this area or was it just work on the road?


Glad to see they threw the book at this guy. People like that ruin the magical experience for everyone. Hope that the driver is back to work soon. As far as the bus service goes, it is a matter of luck sometimes how long you will wait for a bus. If you get there at the right time you can get right on. One minute later and you end up waiting. I will say the the service at the Beach Club can be long. I just returned and stayed at 3 resorts. AM, POP and TBL. While at POP we had an outside charter bus take us to DHS. The driver told us that Disney brought them in to handle the crowds. This is the first time I have ever experienced this. The service to and from POP was definitely some of the best I have ever had.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
For a moron like this he deserves to have every charge even remotely applicable thrown at him.
Indeed. I saw some people getting angry a few weeks ago complaining that they had a flight to catch (leaving Epcot) and they couldnt understand why it was taking so long for a bus to get there. The gentleman was even stopping other bus drivers that were either reporting or leaving duty what looked to be a bus exchange complaining to them like they could fix the world.

I really really wanted to look at this moron and tell him:

a) it is you DA fault fro squeezing i a park the day you are having to fly out of MCO
b) your patience is setting a great example for your teenagers that are sitting there embarrased
c) you can about free transportation. You want to leave when you want too... rent a car.

Disney transportation CM are somewhat infamous for spreading some of the most outlandish rumors about WDW. Some of the better ones would include the monorail going through the S&D hotel in a similar way to the Contemporary, Cinderella's castle can be quickly dissembled in case of a hurricane, etc.
I have heard all of these and have seen peoples eyes light up with intrigued... especially about the S&D monorail expansion. Oy! I hate knowing what I know sometimes. :D


Well-Known Member
Indeed. I saw some people getting angry a few weeks ago complaining that they had a flight to catch (leaving Epcot) and they couldnt understand why it was taking so long for a bus to get there. The gentleman was even stopping other bus drivers that were either reporting or leaving duty what looked to be a bus exchange complaining to them like they could fix the world.

I really really wanted to look at this moron and tell him:

a) it is you DA fault fro squeezing i a park the day you are having to fly out of MCO
b) your patience is setting a great example for your teenagers that are sitting there embarrased
c) you can about free transportation. You want to leave when you want too... rent a car.

All they had to do was phone a taxi, many of which are waiting right in the parking lot or literally just minutes away. I mean, if they were that desperate.

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