Guest attacks Disney bus driver


Well-Known Member
These fools need to learn to fold up their strollers before the busses get there. Nobody gives a flying foot if your special snowflake is tired or sleeping. If you don't have them folded up in time, then yes I will bypass you. :wave:


Well-Known Member

No one is complaining about anyone who is NEEDS to be in a wheelchair for medical reasons.
Not all people in wheelchairs need to be and not all people in wheelchairs are angels.
We've talked about the first part. Here's a comment on the second part. While leaving MNSSHP last month at the end of the night, this happened. The park was closing. There were throngs of people leaving. Basically it was a thick crowd of people walking slowly toward the exit because we had no choice. It was packed.
This woman behind me in a wheelchair starts yelling at everyone to move it, get out of her way! Anyone who didn't move she rammed into them from behind. I was one of those people she rammed into. Everyone around me agreed she was obnoxious and wrong. I let it go for the sake of being the better person.
So I repeat. To all of you that need to be in a wheelchair, I feel for you and this is not aimed at you. For those who can walk in the parks and will survive but choose to put your ample or lazy butt in a wheelchair also, those who run people over because you are obnoxious-start walking.


Well-Known Member
I want to add one more thing that occured on my last visit to WDW in Sept 2010. While waiting at the Magic Kingdom to catch a bus to Pop Century, the line and wait was so long it stretched well past other waiting areas.

This was the reason why I upgraded to a moderate resort the next time I visited dering the free dining months. It was worth the extra money to not have to wait in a line and be able to get to other places faster.

Does anyone actually believe there was undercover security on this bus? And that the undercover security allowed this thing to escalate the way it did?

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe those under cover dudes with the earpieces need to stay undercover at all times.

To let an employee get attacked while security is watching is completely uncalled for. Any other guest would've stepped in and helped (and did). What's the use of being undercover if you aren't going to do anything about it when a situation arises? This is why I don't believe there was one on that bus.


Well-Known Member
Exactly, there was no "undercover" security guard which is another reason why I doubt GoofnTink's story.


Well-Known Member
That was my first stay at Pop. I always stay at the Dolphin. Last month I made two consecutive trips to WDW. I booked a last minute trip so I decided to try Pop Century. The following week I was at the Dolphin.
Dolphins beds, location and restaurants are excellent.
I think I need to make a comment here, just so that you all understand where I'm coming from. I am IN A WHEELCHAIR. My comments were about people in line for the bus griping about loading us in the buses first. It only takes me a minute, since I'm a pro at it now. Be patient!! I'd gladly trade with you to be able to enjoy the parks like I used to.

Now on a positive note, I have also heard guests stick up for disabled guests. One lady overheard another guest making some unnecessary comments, and took it upon herself to ask that guest if they had ever been in a wheelchair or ECV. The other guest answered no, and then the first lady said that maybe the other guest should shut her mouth. :wave:

Like many others, my disability is not apparent, and I am sufficiently younger than a lot of other disabled guests. I don't think I need to show the scars from both the shrapnel injuries and burns I received. People should stop and think about the fact that while I may go through a line faster than them, I may and, in fact, usually do have to wait LONGER for a specialized ride vehicle. In addition, it takes a wheelchair guest longer between attractions. Oh sure, it looks like we're just clipping along, but try to get anywhere with people jumping in front of you and then getting upset because you couldn't stop on a dime. :mad:

Now, I have paid the same amount as any ambulatory guest, am I not allowed to enjoy the parks as much? Or should I just get the heck out of the way for them and their screaming ungrateful kids? Newsflash, people. This is how I and others like me are treated. THIS is what I meant when I made the comment about the entitlement mentality being alive and well.

Rant complete.

Please understand, I'm really not attacking any one person here, just the mentality of those already mentioned.

People are crazy; they shouldn't be making their smart comments about "oh, look, he's faking and just cutting us in line". As a CM, I know how difficult and sometimes time consuming it can tend to be loading and unloading from certain attractions. We are always more than happy to go out of our way to accomidate any guest that needs any kind of assistance; infact, we are actually trained to do so.

As far as the video goes, notice that the bus driver's nametag is missing. I bet you that it was ripped off, something that actually happens a lot.


Active Member
I So when people bring up the issue of how this is a kind free service and everyone should just shut up, actually it's not. It's part of a business plan. It should be improved. Period. Next topic.

Being part of a business plan does not mean it is not a free service. If you don't like it, you shut up and rent a car. More room for me.......


Well-Known Member
You're response is nasty which says alot about you. And I guarantee you would never say that to me in person.

I don't think it was a nasty response. The bus system obviously causes u stress and you complain in great detail about it. Therefore it may improve your trip if you rent a car or stay in a monorail resort.


Well-Known Member
Your response was not a nasty response and was the way it should have been said. You don't think "Shut up and rent a car so there's more room for me" was a nasty response? Ok remember that the next time tells you to shut up.


Well-Known Member
I am not commenting anymore on this so enjoy this last comment. I am not alone in the way I feel. You will hear people saying the same thing on the lines for the buses. You will read other people with the same opinion. I am different in that I speak up. I strive for the best in everything and I don't settle.
Have a magical day!


Well-Known Member
I am not that easily offended....however I don't think the shut up was meant as a "SHUT UP" more of a quit complaining and move on. But that was my take and u are entitled to feel the way you feel about it. I work in a profession where I am pretty much told to take a hike daily, so sometimes you have to look at the source and let it roll of your back.


Well-Known Member
I want to add one more thing that occured on my last visit to WDW in Sept 2010. While waiting at the Magic Kingdom to catch a bus to Pop Century, the line and wait was so long it stretched well past other waiting areas.

All the more reason to upgrade to a deluxe or at least a moderate. I have seen those lines and it is well worth the extra money of the deluxe ... to me ... not to have to deal with that.


Active Member
You're response is nasty which says alot about you. And I guarantee you would never say that to me in person.

If you think that was a nasty response, you must not get out much. :wave: However if you were offended then I am sorry. What it says about me is that I am tired of people complaining about a free service. I am tired of people exaggerating stories for effect. No one is forced to use the Disney transportations system, they have other options. :brick:


New Member
I work for bus operations and the entire incident was caught on the security cameras.Every load zone has a high def camera that sees the bus and load zone. We can actually zoom in with the cameras and read the drivers name and his hometown on his name tag on their uniform. Also in the video one of the gentleman on the bus,{I wont identify him} was one of our plain clothes security officers and was in the load zone at the time and witnessed the attack. Security was called along with the OCSO,and yes it took them a few minutes to get to him. This was because the bus was in load zone C7 which is in the charter bus lot and away from the regular Resort load zones near the entrance to Hollywood Studios. If you watch the video closely you will see flashing red and blue lights illuminating the side off the bus.When the wife saw them pull up the wife took off,and tried to hide in the crowd,and left her child with the husband. Other guests identified her to security. They were then removed from the bus and load zone and taken backstage. The gentleman was then arrested and handcuffed for assault on the driver. He is also facing charges for Terrorist threat due to the assault happening on the bus, and public endangerment. They were also ejected from the resort they were staying at,and trespassed from Walt Disney World property.They will not be returning to the Happiest Place on Earth ever again. Also everyone will be happy to hear the driver was not reprimanded for the incident,and continued with his job that evening. I actually saw and talked to him last night and he is doing fine.
Also forgot to add copy of the security tape was provided to the OCSO,they are in turn forwarding it to the state attorney for possible further charges of Felony child neglect and endangerment.

lets get some things correct ! security did not come to the location, OCS, was never called, has a mater of fact security found out the next day !! GSM thought it was no BIG DEAL.... Guest were given a comfortable ride back to there resort. Driver was not reprimanded, but there was a cooling off period, we all might not like that, I know I wouldn't be thrilled with it, but that is the way they do it, length of time would normally be till guest leave area, CM usually is compensated during this time, but not all ways, that's why it's good to be in the union!!!! they will get you any monies due. and from the last time this happened to a driver the union got the company to agree to call OCS, but some GSM did his own thing, driver's getting pushed by guest happens all the time, I know first hand!! GSM's all ways quick to wisk the guest away,

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
lets get some things correct ! security did not come to the location, OCS, was never called, has a mater of fact security found out the next day !! GSM thought it was no BIG DEAL.... Guest were given a comfortable ride back to there resort. Driver was not reprimanded, but there was a cooling off period, we all might not like that, I know I wouldn't be thrilled with it, but that is the way they do it, length of time would normally be till guest leave area, CM usually is compensated during this time, but not all ways, that's why it's good to be in the union!!!! they will get you any monies due. and from the last time this happened to a driver the union got the company to agree to call OCS, but some GSM did his own thing, driver's getting pushed by guest happens all the time, I know first hand!! GSM's all ways quick to wisk the guest away,

No offense but, yuo just join up here this month, maybe today for all we know... And this is your first post, contradicting a long time member here.. Not saying you are wrong, but why should we believe you????


Active Member
I work for bus operations and the entire incident was caught on the security cameras.Every load zone has a high def camera that sees the bus and load zone. We can actually zoom in with the cameras and read the drivers name and his hometown on his name tag on their uniform. Also in the video one of the gentleman on the bus,{I wont identify him} was one of our plain clothes security officers and was in the load zone at the time and witnessed the attack. Security was called along with the OCSO,and yes it took them a few minutes to get to him. This was because the bus was in load zone C7 which is in the charter bus lot and away from the regular Resort load zones near the entrance to Hollywood Studios. If you watch the video closely you will see flashing red and blue lights illuminating the side off the bus.When the wife saw them pull up the wife took off,and tried to hide in the crowd,and left her child with the husband. Other guests identified her to security. They were then removed from the bus and load zone and taken backstage. The gentleman was then arrested and handcuffed for assault on the driver. He is also facing charges for Terrorist threat due to the assault happening on the bus, and public endangerment. They were also ejected from the resort they were staying at,and trespassed from Walt Disney World property.They will not be returning to the Happiest Place on Earth ever again. Also everyone will be happy to hear the driver was not reprimanded for the incident,and continued with his job that evening. I actually saw and talked to him last night and he is doing fine.
Also forgot to add copy of the security tape was provided to the OCSO,they are in turn forwarding it to the state attorney for possible further charges of Felony child neglect and endangerment.

Gentleman...Really? Appreciate your guest service approach! Bravo by the way to WDW for giving the family the big shove!

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