Government Rebate Checks


Active Member
I am so jealous of anyone who gets to put it toward Disney. I have to put mine towards hay. At 60$ a round barrel, Yikes. BTW We had a baby Donkey yesterday. We had to name him Tennesse. So now we have Zeek, Zeb, Fred, Ted, and a donkey named Tennesse. :wave:
Hey, how come no Disney names? Or did I miss it? we are using ours to finish paying off our room for our Dec. trip and some things here at home..:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
We are paying off our December trip!!! Can't wait... the whole family is actually.. all 15 of us going!!!... First time Grand Gatherings... It should be fun!! :sohappy:


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
I am being very unpatriotic and putting mine into savings.

You are the problem, Master Yoda. :mad: You jedi types with your planning for the future and being responsible about money. That is no way to stave off a recession. We must SPEND SPEND SPEND....budgets be da**ed:fork:

Seriously, if I could find a presidential candidate smart enough and principled-enough to actually admit to the folly of this "stimulus" package, I'd act like a true Chicagoan and vote for that person mutliple times! :p


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
I am so jealous of anyone who gets to put it toward Disney. I have to put mine towards hay. At 60$ a round barrel, Yikes. BTW We had a baby Donkey yesterday. We had to name him Tennesse. So now we have Zeek, Zeb, Fred, Ted, and a donkey named Tennesse. :wave:

Hey, how come no Disney names? Or did I miss it?

You missed it! Those are the nemes of the FIVE BEAR RUGS from the Country Bear Jamboree. Nicely done, Minnesota! :)


New Member
I'm using my rebate check to splurge big time and go ahead and get that doublewide stroller rental on my upcoming 6-day trip.

I know, I know, it's extravagent - and I do feel a little bit guilty - but Hey!, it's Disney World! Let's live a little!



Well-Known Member
I plan on putting most of my rebate into savings so I can plan on another trip to florida.I dont have to rent a hotel as I stay at my dads so mostly my money will go to plane tix,park admission,and souvenirs.I figure about
$800-$900 covers my whole trip.

1 plane tix-200-225
3 days disney pass-225(unless dad gets one of his ex co-workers from Disney to get us in free)
food an souvenirs-350-450


Everyone knows the Government is putting out rebate checks this spring to "stimulate the economy". I am planning to take mine and "stimulate" a second annual trip to Disney World this December. Any one else doing a trip with this "found" money?

That's exactly what mine is going for!


Well-Known Member
Mine will be used to purchase our plane tickets, and providing we get a good deal with Southwest, using another $200 for our deposit... but we don't have to worry about that for a while, we aren't going until January.


Well-Known Member
I'm using my rebate check to splurge big time and go ahead and get that doublewide stroller rental on my upcoming 6-day trip.
It may cost you the whole thing to rent that.

For the record, our check is also helping fund a 2nd trip this year :sohappy:


New Member
we are using ours to add on 3 nights at WDW - PortOrleans FQ after our 4 night Disney Cruise in Nov.!!!

I still don't know how I talked my wife into it!!

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