Government Rebate Checks


New Member
Unfortunately I will not be spending the money on a trip to WDW or DL:cry:

I was under the impression that the stimulant thingy was supposed to go toward Debt owed, like credit card bills etc etc. ??

Whatever its for..... all i know is ill have extra loot in my pocket, so im Going out and getting A Playstation 3 and a couple of games and a boat load Of blueray movies for it so i can finally watch a High Def anything on my New 42 inch 1080p flat screen!

Cant wait! :king:
Well, I bet the government would rather have people spending this money (and hopefully boosting the economy) than paying off debt. Though, paying off debt, if you have it, would be the best thing to do--government/economy goals aside. ;)


Active Member
I'm not trying to be harsh, but some of you folks that are planning to by high-end electronics with the rebate checks should stop and think a bit. None of those goods are manufactured here in the US. In the short term you may benefit Best Buy or Walmart (which needs no further fattening), but in the end you will be sending your rebated tax dollars overseas, benefitting no one here in the States. Think about that in a few months when a friend or family member faces a layoff...


Active Member
I'll be spending mine in the good old U.S. of A.
We had our trip to WDW planned already this summer before the package was signed. However, now that the check will arrive before we leave on vacation it will make paying for it that much more easier.


Well-Known Member
where did you get this info?

according to the IRS website at:,,id=179181,00.html

near the bottom of the page.

unless your one of those conspiracy theory guys, this kinds does sound like a rebate, or refund..whatever word you want to use.

am i missing something there?

and i quote:

Q. Will the payment I receive in 2008 reduce my 2008 refund or increase the amount I owe for 2008?

A. No, the Stimulus Payment will not reduce your refund or increase the amount you owe when you file your 2008 return.


New Member
According to a study recently posted. Spending your rebate checks at places like Walmart or Target will not help the local economy. Your money will be out of the country minutes after you make your purchases at stores like these. Even before you make it out to your car the money will be off shore already. So be kind to the economy and go to WDW which is what I am going to do.


New Member
According to a study recently posted. Spending your rebate checks at places like Walmart or Target will not help the local economy. Your money will be out of the country minutes after you make your purchases at stores like these. Even before you make it out to your car the money will be off shore already. So be kind to the economy and go to WDW which is what I am going to do.

Just to play devils advocate, if we go to Disney and spend it on Souviners aren't we sending the money to the same place as if we spent it at Wal-Mart while sending less to the middle east for gas.


New Member
Paying off the last of my trip to WDW in Oct. The rest will be saved so I can spend it at WDW. Was planning the trip before the stimulus program this just allows me to pay the trip off early and have more spending money there.


Well-Known Member
According to a study recently posted. Spending your rebate checks at places like Walmart or Target will not help the local economy. Your money will be out of the country minutes after you make your purchases at stores like these. Even before you make it out to your car the money will be off shore already. So be kind to the economy and go to WDW which is what I am going to do.

posted where?


Active Member
Q. Will the payment I receive in 2008 reduce my 2008 refund or increase the amount I owe for 2008?

A. No, the Stimulus Payment will not reduce your refund or increase the amount you owe when you file your 2008 return.

I may not owe additional federal taxes, but I'm sure that the State of Connecticut will be coming after their cut next tax season when they figure out I had that additional income. Our state legislature is even trying to tax us for pizza delivery.


Our refund will be direct deposited into our account on the second day of our disney husband is already trying to figure out all the things he can buy on on vacation!


Well-Known Member
Since I can take day trips whenever to WDW, I'm actually using my upcoming rebate to fund a trip to Disneyland and DCA.


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
where did you get this info?

according to the IRS website at:,,id=179181,00.html

near the bottom of the page.

unless your one of those conspiracy theory guys, this kinds does sound like a rebate, or refund..whatever word you want to use.

am i missing something there?

and i quote:

Q. Will the payment I receive in 2008 reduce my 2008 refund or increase the amount I owe for 2008?

A. No, the Stimulus Payment will not reduce your refund or increase the amount you owe when you file your 2008 return.

The above is correct.

For those who qualify (i.e., make less than $75,000), the government decided to give you a $600 per person tax reduction (plus $300 per dependent child) on your 2008 taxes. That is, if you would have paid $10,000 in income taxes for 2008 before the stimulus act, you will pay $9,400 instead (less another $300 per dependent child). However, instead of just having you realize this tax savings when you file your 2008 return by owing less or getting a bigger refund, they are sending it to you now (at a cost to the government of $100 million or so). So you'll get your $600 now, and when you file your 2008 return, you will owe or receive the same amount you otherwise would. This checks are being sent now so that, psychologically, it feels like a windfall. People tend to spend amounts they perceive as windfalls, which is the behavior the government is shooting for.


New Member
We are receiving $1800 back...7 days after we return home from our May trip to DISNEY. After news of the stimulous check came out, it did push us over the edge to make the decision to go this year.!!!!! It will be great knowing that our trip is paid for, and we can reimburse our savings once we are back home.

FRENCH QUARTER, MAY 4th-10th. 3rd trip as a family.!!! :wave:
I'm not trying to be harsh, but some of you folks that are planning to by high-end electronics with the rebate checks should stop and think a bit. None of those goods are manufactured here in the US. In the short term you may benefit Best Buy or Walmart (which needs no further fattening), but in the end you will be sending your rebated tax dollars overseas, benefitting no one here in the States. Think about that in a few months when a friend or family member faces a layoff...

While this may be partly true, the $$ also goes to pay the employee who sold you the electronics (presumably a US citizen, if you bought at a store), the person who stocked it in the store, the driver who drove the truck to bring the product to the store, etc...those people then go and spend that hard-earned $$ on other products/services, thus creating more economic least that's the it actually does benefit quite a lot of people here in the fact, it may keep some folks from being laid off...


We are spending it for Anniversary dinner at V&A's!

Very much worth it if you love good food and good wine. Make sure you ask to speak with the chef. They are happy to come out at the end of the meal and explain some of their technique and wine pairing choices!!


I'm not trying to be harsh, but some of you folks that are planning to by high-end electronics with the rebate checks should stop and think a bit. None of those goods are manufactured here in the US. In the short term you may benefit Best Buy or Walmart (which needs no further fattening), but in the end you will be sending your rebated tax dollars overseas, benefitting no one here in the States. Think about that in a few months when a friend or family member faces a layoff...

So, don't go spending any of this money at the China Pavillion!!! :lookaroun

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