Frozen Ever After opening day


Sorry if this came up earlier but: what's the sense of how the other lines in the park are doing? Are Test Track and Soarin' easy to get onto now that the entire hemisphere is waiting in line for Frozen?

I was planning to head to Epcot this Friday and be there at park opening--will be watching reports over the next couple of days to see how crazy things will get. Even if I can't get myself and my daughter on Frozen, I'm actually pretty happy at the idea of riding Test Track several times in a row (which you could do in the late evening back in the old days) and finally getting on Soarin'.

Edit: For that matter, I wonder how the other parks are doing--maybe Friday might be the sweet spot to hit the Magic Kingdom if everyone's at Epcot.


Well-Known Member
Sorry if this came up earlier but: what's the sense of how the other lines in the park are doing? Are Test Track and Soarin' easy to get onto now that the entire hemisphere is waiting in line for Frozen?

I was planning to head to Epcot this Friday and be there at park opening--will be watching reports over the next couple of days to see how crazy things will get. Even if I can't get myself and my daughter on Frozen, I'm actually pretty happy at the idea of riding Test Track several times in a row (which you could do in the late evening back in the old days) and finally getting on Soarin'.

Edit: For that matter, I wonder how the other parks are doing--maybe Friday might be the sweet spot to hit the Magic Kingdom if everyone's at Epcot.

I would recommend get the My Disney Experience App to check out on wait times...Last I checked TT Was at 110 and Soarin was at 40...


Active Member
After watching the video several times, there seems to be two AAs that are not working (other than the Olaf that broke after opening). The first Sven appears to have no movement except for his eyes.

Marshmallow also appears to be missing vertical movement. The positioning of his hands and articulated joints suggest that he is to move up and down with his hands fixed in place.


Thanks Cmdr_Crimson, I'll check that out. I booked my FP+ on Soarin a couple weeks ago since it was a lost cause to get it for Frozen. I just checked FP+ for fun and they said Soarin is completely unavailable, so folks still seem to be booking the other rides.


Well-Known Member
The Yeti is a special case... but you already knew that. Not excusing it's static state, but to just point to the Yeti alone is lazy argument.

The facts are that AAs are very complicated machines, and no place in the world has a more impressive collection of functioning AAs than WDW.

Do these AAs sometimes break down? Of course they do. It is inevitable. Do I wish they would build quality AAs more frequently than they have? Like everything else at WDW the past couple of decades, yes I wish they would give us more .Does anyone have a better track record with them than Disney? No way. I could go into detail, but I'm already way off-topic (Sorry!)

Do you like rhetorical questions? Yes you do.

The yeti is a lazy argument? I see. So then... How many marquee AA's broken for 10 years does it take for it to be a justified argument?

How about we bolster my point without even leaving Animal Kingdom. Shall we spend some time going over everything (including multiple AA's) that haven't functioned in Dinosaur for nearly as long as the Yeti?

Saying the yeti is a lazy argument is a lazy argument.

And your statement that WDW has a more impressive collection of functioning AA's than anyplace else in the world is patently false. Visit Tokyo and get back to me.

For the record... I don't mind this ride. And I think they did much better on it than I expected. But the uptick in AA quality lately IMO has much more to do with Garner Holt than Disney.


Well-Known Member
A 300 minute wait for a well deserved ride for Epcot....I would cry for this to see that Pavillion get that much recognition..
You realize that the crowds are coming for this ride only, then ditching this park. There are no other attractions planned for epcot or the world showcase. This is a neat attraction shoehorned in a building where it never belonged. Everyone knows it would be popular and no, no attraction is worth 300 minutes in the florida sun..


Well-Known Member
People are going to disagree with that because it is an ip, but I think now that we have two pavilions with rides in them based on ips I don't see a valid reason to not put one in Germany, or France, or Morocco. Now I think for Germany though a Rhine boat ride would just be stunning, but I would be fine with Tangled as well. FW needs ride more though, so I wouldn't make any of those top priority. Living With the Land needs updating, Imagination needs an overhaul at the very least, UoE needs to be gutted, Mission: Space needs a Test Track like update, Wonders of Life needs life, and The Living Seas needs to be updated.
Yest nothing like that is planned so epcot is really going to be packed with people waiting to ride this and hurry back to MK.


Well-Known Member
yes, but everything can't go into fantasyland... otherwise fantasyland needs to be the 5th park
Except that this isn't a case where Disney is building a ton of rides that do belong in Fantasyland, just one. Fantasyland is also not oversaturated with rides either, far from it. Disneyland's Fantasyland has almost twice as many rides as Magic Kingdom's Fantasyland. MK's Fantasyland desperately needs more rides, it has far too few to properly manage the amount of people in the park. And it has plenty of spare room to handle numerous new rides both within the current boundaries of the park as well as on new space. The circus area has plenty of squandered space (the tents take up a space the same size as Mermaid), and there's a designated expansion plot right next to that outside the train track that has a huge amount of space for multiple new rides. We're nowhere near the point where Fantasyland is running out of space.

Kylo Ken

Local Idiot

Should've gone with a "soft" opening first....


Well-Known Member
Guys. They actually did a really good job with this attraction. The audio anamatronics are amazing. The olaf aa is remarkable. The ride clocks in around edit 4ish minutes. True the stiry is weak elsa invites us inti her castle etc but the execution is very very well done. It. Was really really well done. The last show scene was stagnant though.
The thing is most of us never doubted that the ride itself would be an improvement over Maelstrom. Imagineers did a great job with a bad situation. The quality of the ride unfortunately will only exacerbate the capacity issue. Add in the poor thematic fit and it was a bad idea all around.

The ride looks great. They did a better job than expected with keeping the queue grounded more in reality than cartoons. From a ride perspective I'd say this was as good as I could have hoped for. But that doesn't change the capacity issues. They need a solution to that and I doubt one will come in the next 10 years. It's laughable because in the last month they fixed the capacity issues at the two biggest problems in WDW and then they created one that was even worse.


Well-Known Member
For one thing, why is he all smiling and happy? I only saw Frozen once but I remember him being a big, scary villain creature.

In the post-credits scene of Frozen he finds a crown and that cheers him up so he's no longer grouchy, and then he has all the rude looking creatures that show up in the short film and are with him in this ride, so I guess he's happier now he has company.

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