Frozen Ever After opening day


Well-Known Member
Wow, it is so overwhelmingly...underwhelming. I didn't expect much and still was disappointed. Not that I like Frozen oder even can stand it, but a new GOOD ride in WS would really have been an asset in an area of the park that didn't see a major change since the Reagan presidency. Now they took away the only at least mildly interesting ride in WS (although Maelstrom was too short!) and replaced it with a mediocre Frozen-ride that makes Nemo and the living seas look like Space Mountain.


Well-Known Member
300 minute wait plus an hour of downtime. Six hours (at least).

In that time, you could watch Toy Story, A Bug's Life, Toy Story 2, Monsters, Inc., Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, and half of Cars in that time. Yes, you could watch almost half of Pixar's entire current portfolio, better known as most of every movie they made through 2006.
Bring in iPad with the Disney Movies Anywhere app and you can watch them all while you wait!


Well-Known Member
Perfect description from Tumblr user pureimagineering

I’d say that this is a DVD commercial masquerading as a ride, but DVD commercials usually have the sense to include at least a hint of tension. The only compelling aspect of Frozen Ever After is our literal movement through it.

No, y'know what this is? It’s a meet-and-greet masquerading as a ride. The most enthusiastic response it’ll ever get is, “OMG I LOVE THIS MOVIE AND IT HAPPENED HERE.” Nothing more nuanced than that.

And when those impressive animatronics break down and WDW Maintenance starts cutting corners, the actual Frozen meet-and-greet nextdoor will provide a richer experience than the ride. Deeply, deeply distressing.


Well-Known Member
I have a strong suspicion that will come to WS and balance out crowds a few years down the road expanding France adjacent to Les Chefs De France in that open plot between Morocco & France..
I think this is very likely in the next 5 years.


Well-Known Member
The AA's are amazing. I actually thought they were projections at first. I just wish there were a few more! But good job Disney!
It looks really, really pretty. It does seem like they've had to pad it out with screens quite a bit but I guess you can't have everything.
Hopefully those AA's last a while. They have some very impressive movement going on.
That said, the Wicked Witch of the West in GMR is doing ok and she's pretty old. She's still very, very fluid and life like. When I first rode as a 10 year old, I thought she was a real person. More of the same please Disney!


Well-Known Member
New attractions tend to break down a lot if they haven't gone through extensive testing cycles. Considering this attraction never soft opened my assumption is that they were working on it up until the last minute which is going to make it more prone to downtime. This is a common problem in the industry (anyone remember Gringotts opening day when it was running 3 of 8 cars and kept breaking down?). Disney is usually pretty good about testing and soft opening (see Shanghai doing a month of "invite only" before actually opening). It varies project to project and my assumption is Disney wanted this ride open this summer and weren't willing to wait for more testing, especially considering ROL was already delayed. It's the opposite of what they did with Seven Dwarfs which the opening day wasn't even announced until after the ride had already been testing.

Basically what this means now is third shift teams need to work their tail off to get this fixed ASAP.


Well-Known Member
Oh and let's bet how long the "special effect" with the mist will work, 6 months? 8 months? If WDI has done the same "great job" as they did with EE we can expect the first effects to break down in a few weeks, remember EE where the first effects stopped working days after the grand opening?

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