Free dining


Active Member
The people on here that hate the dinning plan really annoy me. They are also the ones that scream at the CM's anytime they have to wait in a line. Get over yourselves people. If you don't like the free dinning plan time then don't go then. Stop your whining. Some people on here don't do the math either when they say the dinning plan doesn't save you money. We are going for 10 days in September. If we were to eat the way we can on the dinning plan it would cost us over $1,600. If they have free dining it doesn't cost me anything. Explain to me how I did not save $1,600? I would love to hear it.

For those who enjoy and appreciate the free dining plan, I am with you. It is a great savings no matter what these other people say. I look forward to dinning with you this fall.
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Well-Known Member
The only thing I despise more than the DDP are "free dining" periods where the rubes get swindled into thinking they are gettin a deal and unneccesarily crowd the parks and restaurants.

If I can't have my dream of the DDP being eliminated, please let "free dining" cease to exist.

These kinds of posts make me sad.

I don't understand why people would hate the dining plan, I can see why you might not decide to use it, but why hate it? I also don't see the need to insult people that want to take advantage of a discount. Sure it isn't a real savings in concrete real world terms, but it does make WDW affordable for some families.

Also the argument that is fills the parks is weak as Disney's entire goal is to fill the parks. If it weren't for free dining they'd offer something else to entice people.

And finally the more people that go to the parks and spend money the more revenue Disney has to maintain and improve the parks.
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Active Member
These kinds of posts make me sad.

I don't understand why people would hate the dining plan, I can see why you might not decide to use it, but why hate it? I also don't see the need to insult people that want to take advantage of a discount. Sure it isn't a real savings in concrete real world terms, but it does make WDW affordable for some families.

Also the argument that is fills the parks is weak as Disney's entire goal is to fill the parks. If it weren't for free dining they'd offer something else to entice people.

And finally the more people that go to the parks and spend money the more revenue Disney has to maintain and improve the parks.

Well said!!! Some of these haters want the park empty and to themselves. Well if that happens there won't be a WDW to go to.
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Well-Known Member
Man, some of you guys are obnoxious. I have never partaken of a "Free" dining option. But, if Disney offers it then customers will take advantage of it. I have been to the world once while free dining was taking place and, yes, it is almost impossible to get ADR's at your favorite restaurants. It did not dampen my trip, though. And, Oh goodness, the poster who posted "eating my dinner for free!" Are you kidding me? What an obnoxious entitlement philosophy. I have paid for the dining plan and enjoyed it and will when I go again. It is a great deal. And free dining. Contrary to one poster, this is a great deal.
You must be the "rube." Tally up the cost of a day's meals consisting of one quick, one table, and 2 snacks per person and you will quickly see, if you are not a "rube" that this is an expensive thing. So having free dining is a great deal if you can get it.
So, go on and be elitist, but you are no better than anyone else just because they took advantage of a free dining offer. Since when has WDW become a place for elitists who feel others are "rubes" and beneath them. WHat a joke.:ROFLOL:
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Well-Known Member
Hoo boy, another round of "attack of the piranha consumers".

First, thanks for the welcome, although I'm not as new as my stats may make me appear. I've lurked here for years and only relatively recently decided to register.__

At any rate, if you don't understand the fundamental problem with the DDP and free dining on the quality of the product you are receiving, in food, service, and quality of experience, no amount of my explaining is going to help.__

I had always viewed Disney as providing a unique entertainment experience; a premium product. However, that's really no longer the case. __By homogenizing and commoditizing their offerings, they've made a deliberate move down market and in doing so have made a less compelling product. __While Disney certainly wants to maximize butts through the turnstile, they didn't previously doing it by sacrificing quality. That's no longer the case.__

If you value affordability and accessibility over quality, that's your perogative. And I certainly can't blame anyone for being happy they saved a few bucks. But the flipside of that coin is those of us who preferred a superior product and the freedom of choice and sponteniety (not having to make dining plans six months in advance, having a larger menu) even if it meant a greater sacrifice in cost and the frequency with which we are able to visit.____And make no mistake, your choices effect everyone. Your saving a few bucks isn't the only outcome.

I hadn't realized this thread was moved out of News and Rumors, but now that I have I'll hold my powder and let you all enjoy yourselves in peace. __
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Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Hoo boy, another round of "attack of the piranha consumers".

First, thanks for the welcome, although I'm not as new as my stats may make me appear. I've lurked here for years and only relatively recently decided to register.__

At any rate, if you don't understand the fundamental problem with the DDP and free dining on the quality of the product you are receiving, in food, service, and quality of experience, no amount of my explaining is going to help.__

I had always viewed Disney as providing a unique entertainment experience; a premium product. However, that's really no longer the case. __By homogenizing and commoditizing their offerings, they've made a deliberate move down market and in doing so have made a less compelling product. __While Disney certainly wants to maximize butts through the turnstile, they didn't previously doing it by sacrificing quality. That's no longer the case.__

If you value affordability and accessibility over quality, that's your perogative. And I certainly can't blame anyone for being happy they saved a few bucks. But the flipside of that coin is those of us who preferred a superior product and the freedom of choice and sponteniety (not having to make dining plans six months in advance, having a larger menu) even if it meant a greater sacrifice in cost and the frequency with which we are able to visit.____And make no mistake, your choices effect everyone. Your saving a few bucks isn't the only outcome.

I hadn't realized this thread was moved out of News and Rumors, but now that I have I'll hold my powder and let you all enjoy yourselves in peace. __
How can you be sure DDP or free DDP had the impact you're attributing to it? The same homogenization of product has occurred throughout the parks with standardization of merchandise available and the elimination of ride- and resort-specific items. It's quite likely the same would have happened with the dining experience with or without DDP.

The only impact of DDP that might be directly attributable to it is the necessity of booking TS restaurants six months in advance, but even then the really popular spots were virtually impossible to get before DDP. :shrug:

Everything negative that happens isn't always to blame on one particular thing. A multi-national conglomerate the size of Disney will often make business decisions that degrade certain aspects of their product in favour of other aspects. Unless you're sitting in the decision-making process, you can't determine which decisions were made for what reasons.
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Well-Known Member
Hoo boy, another round of "attack of the piranha consumers".

First, thanks for the welcome, although I'm not as new as my stats may make me appear. I've lurked here for years and only relatively recently decided to register.__

At any rate, if you don't understand the fundamental problem with the DDP and free dining on the quality of the product you are receiving, in food, service, and quality of experience, no amount of my explaining is going to help.__

I had always viewed Disney as providing a unique entertainment experience; a premium product. However, that's really no longer the case. __By homogenizing and commoditizing their offerings, they've made a deliberate move down market and in doing so have made a less compelling product. __While Disney certainly wants to maximize butts through the turnstile, they didn't previously doing it by sacrificing quality. That's no longer the case.__

If you value affordability and accessibility over quality, that's your perogative. And I certainly can't blame anyone for being happy they saved a few bucks. But the flipside of that coin is those of us who preferred a superior product and the freedom of choice and sponteniety (not having to make dining plans six months in advance, having a larger menu) even if it meant a greater sacrifice in cost and the frequency with which we are able to visit.____And make no mistake, your choices effect everyone. Your saving a few bucks isn't the only outcome.

I hadn't realized this thread was moved out of News and Rumors, but now that I have I'll hold my powder and let you all enjoy yourselves in peace. __

I hear this complaint all the time, and I don't get it. I think the quality is as good as it has always been. In fact i think the CS restaurants offer better variety and better quality than ever. I have amazing service everytime I go. I have only had one really bad experience in over 30 trips and that was at France over 5 years ago. Maybe I'm just lucky, but I love things more now than i ever have.

And my question to someone that feels that things have fallen is why do you continue to visit?
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DW and I have never had a problem getting ADRs during free dining. We purposely wait for the free dining period because we would not be able to go if they didn't offer it. Free dining save us a little over $500. Sorry for all of you that hate it, but it helps my wallet feel better with the free dining!!!

We feel the same way.:sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
Well Put Newiefan...

PS: When is the trip report going to be released? You wrote the best trip report I have ever read- seriously:wave:

Thanks! :eek: I'm going to get my behind in gear and try to write some more tonight.

So, Thursday might be the day the discount is released to the public, hey?

At the risk of being chastised I may just be taking advantage of the free dining... if and when it becomes available!
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Beta Return
There have been a number of anti-DDP threads lately, and I really don't know why. Sure, it has made it a bit harder to get an ADR unless you plan ahead. But it IS a deal, unless you waste it.

We've used the DDP on every trip since it became available, and I'm not ashamed. In fact, I consider myself money ahead. We've done the math after every trip, and have always concluded that if we had paid cash for exactly what we got on the DDP, we would have paid significantly more.

The people who lose on the DDP are people who don't take advantage of it properly - and that's their fault. Perhaps they didn't get the desserts or drinks every time they ordered. Perhaps they ordered cheap entrees. But if you order everything that comes with the DDP, you win. Black and white.

If you're not a big eater, or you get the cheapest entree at every TS meal, then the DDP just isn't for you. Don't be mad that other people can eat $39 worth of food every day and you can't.

As for the "terrible quality" of the food, I think you people are just a tad too critical. I'm VERY critical, and I've rarely been disappointed with Disney's food. Ok, QS isn't gourmet food, but it's still better than what you'd get at McDonalds. But TS food is amazing, across the board. I'd put it head-to-head with just about any fine dining right here in Indianapolis - and we have some damn nice restaurants.

If you hate the DDP because you can't walk in to any TS restaurant and get a table anymore - sorry, that's business. Disney is better off knowing those seats are filled months ahead of time, than hoping that they fill up each night.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, free dining is good. No, it's not poorer quality food or service. It's the same as it's always been. Obviously someone had a bad experience. Anyway, we're getting it again this year and can't wait!
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Well first... Hello and welcome to WDWMagic... I see you're new around here!

I don't even know how to respond to this... I'm not even sure what you're saying.

A discount is still a discount... even if you are paying rack rates on rooms. I was making a statement about people highjacking threads about free dining and turning them into a bash fest when people are only looking for some info (which is why they come to this site).

Where was the post all about me? I'm confused... can you clarify?

And for what it's worth... I've been during free dining and during other times of the year. I much prefer September over other months. In fact I've had better service and food during September than March (for example).

I guess you can make the same argument about any discount Disney offers during the year (whether it be free dining, room discounts, ticket upgrades, etc.). They all contribute to a more "crowded atmosphere" and "to the commoditization of what was once a fairly unique product". So, we should all do our part to keep Disney unique and uncrowded and not take advantage of any offer that is put on the table for us. :rolleyes:

Seriously dude!?! :shrug:

give it up you'll go crazy trying to explain to people free dining is the same as disney visa discounts ap discounts or any other special offer disney has. shame on my wife for using the free admission on her birthday last year.
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Nikki M

New Member
Last year we went during the free dining, and it was harder to get reservations at the places we wanted. The CM specifically told us it was because of the free dining. If you are going during that time, make sure to get your reservations in plenty of time or you won't get the places you want.

We don't use the dining plan b/c you would have to roll us out of the parks if we ate all that food at every meal. If does not save us personally any money. We split a lot of meals and do not often order dessert. However, no one can argue that the free dining does not save you any money - it's free! Savings on anything you would otherwise have to pay for is always welcome since we all have to eat!
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Well-Known Member
Thanks! :eek: I'm going to get my behind in gear and try to write some more tonight.

So, Thursday might be the day the discount is released to the public, hey?

At the risk of being chastised I may just be taking advantage of the free dining... if and when it becomes available!

You certainly won't be chastised by me. I too will be looking to take advantage of it if it becomes available. I loved it last year. :wave: But then again, I'm nothing but a silly rube. :lol:
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They ARE getting a deal... it's called FREE dining! You pay regular rates on the rooms but you are still getting free dining. A discount is a discount!

For a family of four staying in a value resort... free dining is way better than a room only discount. Now that changes as you move up to moderate and deluxe. But for those staying in a value it's usually a better deal!

Why does everyone who hates free dining have to post in all the free dining threads? If you don't like free dining stay out of the threads! People are just coming to this board looking for some news and they get told off for looking for a discount! Geez!

*steps off soapbox*

Well said. I wish that I could afford to take my family to Disney but, the way the economy is I can't. So, the free dining is the way for me. A discount is a discount.
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I go to Disney a minimum of 3-4 times a year. The DVC program is no good for me. Glad it works for others but for my frequent visits, it is not worth it. The free dining is a benefit for they offer that i look for. I plan my trips and just made reservations with no problems for my trip is September. I called ahead of time and was told on what day to start making the reservations. I went online and made each reservation I needed on a day by day basis. Had to call 6 days in a row to make each reservation. When I have missed a reservation in the past, i just called just about on a daily basis to check availability. For those of you who dont like the free dining. Like someone said, keep your opinions to yourself. No one wants to hear them....

Amen to you.
We who use the free Dining do our planning and get our ADR's maybe the DVC members should follow our lead and do some planing rather than expect them to have a reservation for you. That is why they call them "Advanced Dining Reservation's" right?
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Well-Known Member
Last year we went during the free dining, and it was harder to get reservations at the places we wanted. The CM specifically told us it was because of the free dining. If you are going during that time, make sure to get your reservations in plenty of time or you won't get the places you want.

We had no problems getting ADRs for Le Cellier, Cindy's Royal Table, etc., during free dining last year. This was all during the two week before Christmas when they changed to making ADRs 90 days out. Maybe people aren't trying hard enough for their ressies or are dead set on a certain time. Try asking for something 5 minutes before or after your original time.

Don't hate something because you think it's not fair. We are paying guests as well, and take full advantage of all the discounts offered. DW used her free on her birthday, free dining, and AAA discounts, all in the same trip.
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The people on here that hate the dinning plan really annoy me. They are also the ones that scream at the CM's anytime they have to wait in a line. Get over yourselves people. If you don't like the free dinning plan time then don't go then. Stop your whining. Some people on here don't do the math either when they say the dinning plan doesn't save you money. We are going for 10 days in September. If we were to eat the way we can on the dinning plan it would cost us over $1,600. If they have free dining it doesn't cost me anything. Explain to me how I did not save $1,600? I would love to hear it.

For those who enjoy and appreciate the free dining plan, I am with you. It is a great savings no matter what these other people say. I look forward to dinning with you this fall.

I agree 100%..........We had the free sit down plan last yr and I kept all my receipts and it would have cost us $1200 for a family of 4....2 adults with 2 children. I don't think any % discount on rooms will give you that kind of savings. Also, in mid August anyone can walk up and sit down to eat so the free dining crowds didn't take all the seating as some least the places where we ate.....
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New Member
MY GOODNESS!!! my first time here and I had to go back at look at the name of this web site. Could have swore it was called WDW Magic! Not a whole lot of magic going on here. you know I wish I could afford DVC. I even looked into it but my budget won't allow it. but I save all year just to be able to take my sister one week a year to Disney World. my sister has a very hard life and every day is a struggle for her to make it money wise. Her and her husband both have a bad heart and live off of ssi. so needless to say nothing goes on in her life fun but this one week a year. and I wouldn't give up seeing that look on her face when we go through the magical gates for any of your opinions. I need free dining to make this happen for her and it doesn't matter to me whether you like it or not. As Walt his self has said this is the most magical place in the world so stop trying to take that away by fighting over food. Come on lets just enjoy what we have and have respect for others. If you don't like free dining then go some other time, don't try to take Disney away from us that can only afford to go during that time. Have a magical day.:wave:
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