Free dining


New Member
Last rumor I heard was Visa card holders on Monday and general public on Thursday.

I can't believe the hatred on a DISNEY board. Pretty unreal.:veryconfu

You are right. This is my first day here and not to sure I want to come back. Not alot of magic on this discussion board. GOODNESS!!!:veryconfu
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MY GOODNESS!!! my first time here and I had to go back at look at the name of this web site. Could have swore it was called WDW Magic! Not a whole lot of magic going on here. you know I wish I could afford DVC. I even looked into it but my budget won't allow it. but I save all year just to be able to take my sister one week a year to Disney World. my sister has a very hard life and every day is a struggle for her to make it money wise. Her and her husband both have a bad heart and live off of ssi. so needless to say nothing goes on in her life fun but this one week a year. and I wouldn't give up seeing that look on her face when we go through the magical gates for any of your opinions. I need free dining to make this happen for her and it doesn't matter to me whether you like it or not. As Walt his self has said this is the most magical place in the world so stop trying to take that away by fighting over food. Come on lets just enjoy what we have and have respect for others. If you don't like free dining then go some other time, don't try to take Disney away from us that can only afford to go during that time. Have a magical day.:wave:

This is the best thing I've read all day.:)
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Beta Return
MY GOODNESS!!! my first time here and I had to go back at look at the name of this web site. Could have swore it was called WDW Magic! Not a whole lot of magic going on here. you know I wish I could afford DVC. I even looked into it but my budget won't allow it. but I save all year just to be able to take my sister one week a year to Disney World. my sister has a very hard life and every day is a struggle for her to make it money wise. Her and her husband both have a bad heart and live off of ssi. so needless to say nothing goes on in her life fun but this one week a year. and I wouldn't give up seeing that look on her face when we go through the magical gates for any of your opinions. I need free dining to make this happen for her and it doesn't matter to me whether you like it or not. As Walt his self has said this is the most magical place in the world so stop trying to take that away by fighting over food. Come on lets just enjoy what we have and have respect for others. If you don't like free dining then go some other time, don't try to take Disney away from us that can only afford to go during that time. Have a magical day.:wave:

Don't let the Negative Nancy's scare you away. There is still plenty of magic here on WDWMagic. You just have to do some filtering once in a while.

Your story is great, and heart-warming, but you shouldn't have to make excuses to take advantage of an amazing FREE offer. There is NOTHING wrong with the FREE Dining offer, except to the few crybabies who want to walk into WDW any day of the week and be handed a seat at a Table Service restaurant.

Like you said, they can stay home if they're that mad at Disney for giving away a product that usually costs $10 & $80 a meal (depending on QS vs TS and what you order). I hope you have a great time this fall and eat till you're rolling out of the parks!!!!
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MY GOODNESS!!! my first time here and I had to go back at look at the name of this web site. Could have swore it was called WDW Magic! Not a whole lot of magic going on here. you know I wish I could afford DVC. I even looked into it but my budget won't allow it. but I save all year just to be able to take my sister one week a year to Disney World. my sister has a very hard life and every day is a struggle for her to make it money wise. Her and her husband both have a bad heart and live off of ssi. so needless to say nothing goes on in her life fun but this one week a year. and I wouldn't give up seeing that look on her face when we go through the magical gates for any of your opinions. I need free dining to make this happen for her and it doesn't matter to me whether you like it or not. As Walt his self has said this is the most magical place in the world so stop trying to take that away by fighting over food. Come on lets just enjoy what we have and have respect for others. If you don't like free dining then go some other time, don't try to take Disney away from us that can only afford to go during that time. Have a magical day.:wave:

Welcome to the boards and I totally agree with you.:sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
Don't let the Negative Nancy's scare you away. There is still plenty of magic here on WDWMagic. You just have to do some filtering once in a while.

Your story is great, and heart-warming, but you shouldn't have to make excuses to take advantage of an amazing FREE offer. There is NOTHING wrong with the FREE Dining offer, except to the few crybabies who want to walk into WDW any day of the week and be handed a seat at a Table Service restaurant.

Like you said, they can stay home if they're that mad at Disney for giving away a product that usually costs $10 & $80 a meal (depending on QS vs TS and what you order). I hope you have a great time this fall and eat till you're rolling out of the parks!!!!

Nice! :sohappy: Yeah, as you can see from mi siggy, we'll be doing the Free Dining again this yeaer; its great! And we definitely know how to take the most advantage of it. Enjoy your free dining NCState and everyone else!
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Well-Known Member
Not to worry... DDP brings out the crazies. This site is great!

Just ignore the nutcases... :animwink:

Well said Monty. :) I rarely allow myself to get swept up in the it's great/it sucks arguments but every once in awhile....BAM! A comment hits you the wrong way.

Welcome to the boards Mickeyforlife and as Monty said, it's not always this contentious. Most threads are fun and (relatively) polite.
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Well-Known Member
MY GOODNESS!!! my first time here and I had to go back at look at the name of this web site. Could have swore it was called WDW Magic! Not a whole lot of magic going on here. you know I wish I could afford DVC. I even looked into it but my budget won't allow it. but I save all year just to be able to take my sister one week a year to Disney World. my sister has a very hard life and every day is a struggle for her to make it money wise. Her and her husband both have a bad heart and live off of ssi. so needless to say nothing goes on in her life fun but this one week a year. and I wouldn't give up seeing that look on her face when we go through the magical gates for any of your opinions. I need free dining to make this happen for her and it doesn't matter to me whether you like it or not. As Walt his self has said this is the most magical place in the world so stop trying to take that away by fighting over food. Come on lets just enjoy what we have and have respect for others. If you don't like free dining then go some other time, don't try to take Disney away from us that can only afford to go during that time. Have a magical day.:wave:

First of all, welcome to the boards! :wave:

Some posters get upset around this time of year because of the number of threads and posts about (the possibility of) free dining. Others are upset about it because of the way it crowds the resorts, takes up all the reservations for table service restaurants 6 months out, and the perceived diminishing of food quality it causes, etc.

WDWMagic is full of many passionate posters, and we don't always agree. There are a few "trolls" who like to complain and pick fights with others. There are also a few posters who believe Disney can do no wrong, and wear their rose colored glasses around the clock.

The rest of us fall in between, who are here because we love Disney, but we might not like everything they do. If you hang around long enough, you'll see who to take seriously and who is not worth listening to. Constructive criticism is a good thing, but things sometimes get out of hand.

Some of us are even crazy enough to hang around the Trip Planning section of the forums and truly try to help new comers (and old friends alike) with any questions they have and advice they seek.

Like others have said, enjoy Disney the way you want, and don't get too worked up over the negativity you'll sometimes see with certain subjects here in the forums! :)
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New Member
I'd put it head-to-head with just about any fine dining right here in Indianapolis - and we have some damn nice restaurants.

I love the food/dining/atmosphere as most all of the restaurant on property at the World....

However.... the World can not hold a stick to Oceanaire, Ruth's Chris, Scholar's Inn, Palamino, Rick's Boatyard...and my personal favorite... Charlie Brown's.... :) when it comes to food.

We go to the World for the overall unique experience.

Just my two cents. I understand where you are coming from though. :)

P.S. The dude that does not like me taking advantage of free DDP can pay for our dining the next time we're in town and we'll see exactly how he feels about his statements after that.
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Beta Return
I love the food/dining/atmosphere as most all of the restaurant on property at the World....

However.... the World can not hold a stick to Oceanaire, Ruth's Chris, Scholar's Inn, Palamino, Rick's Boatyard...and my personal favorite... Charlie Brown's.... :) when it comes to food.

We go to the World for the overall unique experience.

Just my two cents. I understand where you are coming from though. :)

P.S. The dude that does not like me taking advantage of free DDP can pay for our dining the next time we're in town and we'll see exactly how he feels about his statements after that.

:lol: CHARLIE BROWN'S - yes! You are 100% right - they win!

Ruth's and Rick's are definitely up there too. Depending on what I order, and what the total bill is, I would probably put the ones you listed on par with some WDW TS restaurants. Some Indy eateries win sometimes, some WDW ones would win too. I just love food!! :)
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Well-Known Member
Spotted a rumor for the 4th Disney Visa and 7th public.

That rumor said it would be announced or "leaked" on April 1st.

Although this does obviously sound like a April Fools Gag, the second year of Free Dining in 2006, it was announced on April Fools Day.
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Active Member
Spotted a rumor for the 4th Disney Visa and 7th public.

That rumor said it would be announced or "leaked" on April 1st.

Although this does obviously sound like a April Fools Gag, the second year of Free Dining in 2006, it was announced on April Fools Day.

Where does one "spot" a rumor like this?

That's good news! I have a fall trip to book!!! AKL here we come!
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Beta Return
Where does one "spot" a rumor like this?

That's good news! I have a fall trip to book!!! AKL here we come!

Oh gosh, let's can spot a rumor like this on any number of unreliable sources :rolleyes:

In fact, you can probably find it in the same places that said it would have been announced this past Monday.

If you look hard enough, you'll be able to find plenty of bad information :animwink:
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Well-Known Member
Oh gosh, let's can spot a rumor like this on any number of unreliable sources :rolleyes:

In fact, you can probably find it in the same places that said it would have been announced this past Monday.

If you look hard enough, you'll be able to find plenty of bad information :animwink:

Dude, no reason to be snippy. I saw it on disboards with a link to another site.

Again, I clearly marked it as be a little more respectful.

It was after midnight and I just wanted to pass along some buzz and was too tired to site my source. No need for the eye rolling smugness.

Geez, I really hate how people can just take the nicest of intentions and turn them around, promoting them as crap.

The earlier poster was right. Some of you really need a magic check before coming here and posting negativity for absolutely no reason beyon stroking your own egos.

It is going to be time to start using the ignore button much more around here, I swear.

So, my post above is a rumor, with some April Fools Day Free Dining historical fact perspective added in. If anybody has a problem with me trying to put together my best resources to validate rumors that I have seen, please feel free to PM me. Calling me out on the boards for trying to be a help will just leave me to not participate in what I thought was supposed to be a place to share and evaluate rumors, not just insult people.

I really dig the size of this site, how you can check once to twice a day and invest 4-5 minutes to see every thread worth seeing. Disboards has 5-7 pages a day of updates and is too jam packed. Please, stop ruining the experience here for others. I am sure there is a WDWBitchsite that one can visit if they really need to insult and put down other constructive efforts.
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Active Member
Dude, no reason to be snippy. I saw it on disboards with a link to another site.

Again, I clearly marked it as be a little more respectful.

It was after midnight and I just wanted to pass along some buzz and was too tired to site my source. No need for the eye rolling smugness.

Geez, I really hate how people can just take the nicest of intentions and turn them around, promoting them as crap.

The earlier poster was right. Some of you really need a magic check before coming here and posting negativity for absolutely no reason beyon stroking your own egos.

It is going to be time to start using the ignore button much more around here, I swear.

So, my post above is a rumor, with some April Fools Day Free Dining historical fact perspective added in. If anybody has a problem with me trying to put together my best resources to validate rumors that I have seen, please feel free to PM me. Calling me out on the boards for trying to be a help will just leave me to not participate in what I thought was supposed to be a place to share and evaluate rumors, not just insult people.

I really dig the size of this site, how you can check once to twice a day and invest 4-5 minutes to see every thread worth seeing. Disboards has 5-7 pages a day of updates and is too jam packed. Please, stop ruining the experience here for others. I am sure there is a WDWBitchsite that one can visit if they really need to insult and put down other constructive efforts.

Well said my friend!!!! I certainly get tired of the people that feel a need to belittle others for sharing an opinion or information. I enjoy the information you added to this site. I fully understand it is a rumor and would never hold your feet to the fire if it doesn't happen. Hopefully that rumor comes true though. I am anxiously awaiting the free dining for September. Keep up the good work.
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Beta Return
Dude, no reason to be snippy. I saw it on disboards with a link to another site.

Again, I clearly marked it as be a little more respectful.

It was after midnight and I just wanted to pass along some buzz and was too tired to site my source. No need for the eye rolling smugness.

Geez, I really hate how people can just take the nicest of intentions and turn them around, promoting them as crap.

The earlier poster was right. Some of you really need a magic check before coming here and posting negativity for absolutely no reason beyon stroking your own egos.

It is going to be time to start using the ignore button much more around here, I swear.

So, my post above is a rumor, with some April Fools Day Free Dining historical fact perspective added in. If anybody has a problem with me trying to put together my best resources to validate rumors that I have seen, please feel free to PM me. Calling me out on the boards for trying to be a help will just leave me to not participate in what I thought was supposed to be a place to share and evaluate rumors, not just insult people.

I really dig the size of this site, how you can check once to twice a day and invest 4-5 minutes to see every thread worth seeing. Disboards has 5-7 pages a day of updates and is too jam packed. Please, stop ruining the experience here for others. I am sure there is a WDWBitchsite that one can visit if they really need to insult and put down other constructive efforts.

My comments weren't directed at you. Heck, I didn't even see who had been quoted by the person I replied to. My comments were directed at the board in general.

He asked where these rumors come from, and I gave the honest answer that they come from.....make-believe land. That's why they're rumors. If anyone on here really did know when Free Dining was going to be announced, they'd tell us (with evidence) - or they'd just stay silent until it actually happens.

Every board on the web was saying Monday....and now that they've all been proven wrong, they're all saying "later this week, maybe next week, etc". They're probably wrong again. Who knows.

I just wish that if people are going to post a rumor and pretend it's legitimate, they would back up their comment with a source. Maybe not a name and phone number, but at least the position within the Disney company that it came from. Everyone is scared to reveal sources, so then we end up with 50 people saying things - some with imaginary people telling them things....some who heard it from bus drivers....and the few gems who actually have a contact within the company - which takes away any and all clout from rumors that might, possibly, be true.

Nothing personal, believe me. I value your input, as I value the input of many others on here. But he asked where it came from, and I told him. Generally speaking, all the bad info on here usually comes from other sites with bad info :p
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Active Member
My comments weren't directed at you. Heck, I didn't even see who had been quoted by the person I replied to. My comments were directed at the board in general.

He asked where these rumors come from, and I gave the honest answer that they come from.....make-believe land. That's why they're rumors. If anyone on here really did know when Free Dining was going to be announced, they'd tell us (with evidence) - or they'd just stay silent until it actually happens.

Every board on the web was saying Monday....and now that they've all been proven wrong, they're all saying "later this week, maybe next week, etc". They're probably wrong again. Who knows.

I just wish that if people are going to post a rumor and pretend it's legitimate, they would back up their comment with a source. Maybe not a name and phone number, but at least the position within the Disney company that it came from. Everyone is scared to reveal sources, so then we end up with 50 people saying things - some with imaginary people telling them things....some who heard it from bus drivers....and the few gems who actually have a contact within the company - which takes away any and all clout from rumors that might, possibly, be true.

Nothing personal, believe me. I value your input, as I value the input of many others on here. But he asked where it came from, and I told him. Generally speaking, all the bad info on here usually comes from other sites with bad info :p

FYI - I didn't mean to kick up some crap with my question on where these rumors pop up... I was just curious. But, thanks for answering the question.
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