Just got ours. We already had our trip planned at Pop, but they we sold out. In fact all the values were sold out, except All star music. The cm I talked to said just her dept. had 153 calls on hold. So they're jammed. I'm so glad i woke up early. We're booked at Music for sept. 13-23. We had already booked our adrs so we're all set. Hope everybody gets what they want.
remember, some of the people calling when they hear about the offer are not leaving deposits.I was also booked at pop for 8/26-09/04-but am now at asm.But I am going to start calling again when these deposits for today are due,maybe some reservations will open back up.i really wanted pop,i hope asm is not to bad.Well,i guess i will spend more time in restaurants.:animwink: