Floridians: Go see DL, Boycott WDW


Well-Known Member
Because WDW has grown too big for its own good! Too many parks, too many things to take care of.. And because tourists will come no matter what the parks look like :wave: if the rides are broken, they can always go spend the day at the golf course :rolleyes:

More than half of your posts on this board have been in this one thread bashing WDW. Why? Why do you have such an axe to grind? Enough is enough.


Well-Known Member
Never learn? really? is that what they are teaching in middle schools these days? And WDW is steadily declining? Utter foolishness. I will spend my time where I can be immersed in a Fantasy world and enjoy everything around me, as opposed to Disneyland where I can see IHOP from the Tarzan Treehouse. Where the Matterhorn is visible from the Marriott. Where you can find magic amongst the 30,000 other folks crammed into an area like sardines, to the point where you need Crisco and a shoehorn to get from Haunted Mansion to Pirates of the Caribbean. They improved the look, they freshened up some attractions, they attracted a few thousand more guests and NOBODY KNEW HOW TO HANDLE A FEW THOUSAND MORE GUESTS. The Magic shop holds 4 people safely, but they will consistently have hundreds, during a night with Fantasmic in the middle of September, you can't approach New Orleans Square, why? Oh, they don't have fireworks every night, do they? Fantasmic? Catch it Friday, you won't see it again.
Walked in the footsteps of Walt, indeed. No saint has ever been canonized more than that man, but he was a mere bumblebee who knew how to hire the right people. He would pollinate ideas, but never create any of his own, even Mickey Mouse is a direct rip-off of Oswald, who was primarily created by Ub. I respect the man for letting others work, and I do have to admit I choked up a bit inside his apartment. But I don't fool myself when I know the history. Disneyland is great, Walt Disney World is great, but to say that DL is whole heartedely better is a slap in the face to the hundreds of thousands of CM's and former CM's like myself who literally killed themselves each and every day to bring the magic to the millions of guests that visited WDW, which, for a long period of time, was the only Disney-owned, profitting theme park... Meaning DL would have went bankrupt years ago if it wasn't for WDW.


You can't see the Ihop from Tarzan's treehouse. You're just making these things up :lol: Who cares if you're able to see the Matterhorn from the Marriott? It's a big mountain, get over it. and yes, you can catch the fireworks every night at 7:45, and weekends at 9:25. Fantasmic plays every night during the summer, and every weekend during the off-season. And yes, WDW is steadily declining when it comes to broken rides (Haunted mansion) cheap shows (High school musical :hurl:) and overall decay :wave:


Well-Known Member

You can't see the Ihop from Tarzan's treehouse. You're just making these things up :lol: Who cares if you're able to see the Matterhorn from the Marriott? It's a big mountain, get over it. and yes, you can catch the fireworks every night at 7:45, and weekends at 9:25. Fantasmic plays every night during the summer, and every weekend during the off-season. And yes, WDW is steadily declining when it comes to broken rides (Haunted mansion) cheap shows (High school musical :hurl:) and overall decay :wave:

Alright child, this will be my last post concerning you. You can see Harbor Boulevard from the treehouse, and the fireworks only play daily during the peak season, in September, it was only on the weekends. They close attractions for months at a time on a regular basis, and can't keep cast members working longer than 6 months. DLR has it's fair share of cheap attractions (Golden Dreams? Boudin Bakery Tour? Broken down Star Tours visible from the entrance to Adventureland?) The best you can come up with for examples of cheap shows is High School Musical Pep Rally? Its obvious what age group you are, I would guess their target audience.
You have no concept of history, and no appreciation for WDW, so your opinion, while loud, is only meaningful to you. If that is your opinion, then by all means, boycott Walt Disney World... It will be a better place for it


Well-Known Member
Because WDW has grown too big for its own good! Too many parks, too many things to take care of.. And because tourists will come no matter what the parks look like :wave: if the rides are broken, they can always go spend the day at the golf course :rolleyes:

I'm getting the feeling you are a DL advocate and have either very rarely or ever visited WDW to either understand the granduer of the place or the state the resort truly is currently in. I have never understood this competition that builds up between DL fans and WDW fans. This thread is going beyond what could WDW do better, to look how great DL is and how crappy MK is. I am a pure Disney nut that loves nearly every park they have built, even the often criticized DCA which I believe is a great park on the upswing (I haven't visited WDSP though, which I heard is the most troubled Disney park, but also is currently seeing some nice expansion).

IMHO, DL is better than the MK, no doubt. It crams more attractions into a smaller place and has a quaint, old-school feel to many parts of it that I truly love. However, it only appears much better maintained because of the resurgence it had for its 50th just 2 or so years ago. It looks like they are still maintaining that level of care and I hope it never falls to the state it was in 3 yrs ago (see my previous post for some pictures pre-rehab), but unfortuantely you never know.

I'm surprised how quickly people forget that it was less than 3 years ago that everyone was saying how great WDW was, how Disney didn't care about DL and that all of its attention went to its biggest money maker in Orlando and DL was left to rot (and pictures from that time showed it did). In just a short span of time, the rants have switched to a current trend to trash the MK and WDW. I'm just grateful DL got the attention it deserved and I hope the MK soon sees some of the recent upgrades.

WDW as a whole is spectacular. Its size is its biggest downfall in that they have four parks to spread new attractions and rolling rehabs among. Are there paint chips or fading facades around, sure there is. Is that the norm for most WDW buildings and facades, absolutely not. Unlike the trap DL got itself into earlier this decade, WDW continues to invest in periodioc rehabs of all their buildings in all their parks to keep them fresh. While true the attractions in the MK are now in need of the attention DL's rides have gotten, their updates are relatively very recent. To say that either the MK won't or can't provide that level of attention over the next few years is foolish. If in 5 years there have been no upgrades to the HM or Space Mountain or any evidence it is still in the works, then its time to complain.

BTW, your photo comparisons show off some of the obvious pluses DL has over the MK. How about compare MK's TL to DL's TL, or the two Main Streets or castles or the two Frontierlands, all of which I believe the MK does a better job with. If we made it a comparison of DLR to WDW, I think the WDW would come out on top in a number of categories (Matterhorn vs Everest, MGM TOT to DCA TOT, ITTBAB theater in AK vs DCA, the muppet theaters, Soarin's queue, WDW's newest park (AK) in general to DLR's newest park (DCA), etc)


Well-Known Member
Alright child, this will be my last post concerning you. You can see Harbor Boulevard from the treehouse, and the fireworks only play daily during the peak season, in September, it was only on the weekends. They close attractions for months at a time on a regular basis, and can't keep cast members working longer than 6 months. DLR has it's fair share of cheap attractions (Golden Dreams? Boudin Bakery Tour? Broken down Star Tours visible from the entrance to Adventureland?) The best you can come up with for examples of cheap shows is High School Musical Pep Rally? Its obvious what age group you are, I would guess their target audience.
You have no concept of history, and no appreciation for WDW, so your opinion, while loud, is only meaningful to you. If that is your opinion, then by all means, boycott Walt Disney World... It will be a better place for it

Aw thanks for calling me a child? I guess you can see Harbor blvd if you look hard enough.. Who really goes up to the treehouse to look at Ihop? :lol:

And yes, you have to admit HSM is a cheap show. It's much better done at DCA. Golden Dreams is not a cheap attraction. It actually delivers a message and it symbolizes the entire park. and what are you talking about when you mention the broken down star tours? :veryconfu I've never seen this before.

Attractions have to close in order to repair them and fix them up, something that MK needs to do with SM and HM!


Well-Known Member
BTW, your photo comparisons show off some of the obvious pluses DL has over the MK. How about compare MK's TL to DL's TL, or the two Main Streets or castles or the two Frontierlands, all of which I believe the MK does a better job with. If we made it a comparison of DLR to WDW, I think the WDW would come out on top in a number of categories (Matterhorn vs Everest, MGM TOT to DCA TOT, ITTBAB theater in AK vs DCA, the muppet theaters, Soarin's queue, WDW's newest park (AK) in general to DLR's newest park (DCA), etc)

In the end, it's all just a matter of opinion. I think the DCA Soarin' queue is better, but you don't seem to think so. Who cares? :D It's just my opinion. And I happen to think DL's TL is better. Why? Because of the new submarines, better space mountain, better BLAB :) Why are you comparing Matterhorn to Everest? :lol: And yes, I have been to WDW, thank you very much. I never said I hated the place. I just think WDW needs tlc! The end :wave:


Well-Known Member
And yes, WDW is steadily declining when it comes to broken rides (Haunted mansion) cheap shows (High school musical :hurl:) and overall decay

WDW is not declining on a whole in the aspects you speak of. It is not "decaying" and I have not noticed a general lack of basic upkeep allowing buildings to rot or rides to reach a level of unsafety that they require emergency closures, all of which DL had experienced not that long ago, don't forget. DL has a new sparkle to it right now, but the question is will it last? I hope so.

As for broken rides, I surely wouldn't say HM is "broken". I last rode in November, but everything appeared to be working and the audio worked fine and the ride vehicles themselves continued to move throughout the show building with no problem. Could it use a rehab? Absolutely. Does it feel neglected (beyond the fact that it is supposed to in some areas), no.

HSM recently received a makeover within the past few weeks with a more substantial stage and show more similar to the DCA version. It is even possible it will move to what many say is the better location for it at the Studios. That said, cheap shows is not the name of the game at WDW. Expensive and well executed shows that debuted in just the last year and half included Lights Motors Action Extreme Stunt show at MGM and the brand new Finding Nemo show at AK, along with other well executed productions including the long running Indiana Jones Spectacular and The Festival of the Lion King.


Well-Known Member
And I happen to think DL's TL is better. Why? Because of the new submarines, better space mountain, better BLAB :) Why are you comparing Matterhorn to Everest? :lol: And yes, I have been to WDW, thank you very much. I never said I hated the place. I just think WDW needs tlc! The end :wave:

I was simply commenting on your photo comparisons. Your photos did not show the attractions themselves but the general "look" of the place. Even with the paint job to brighten it up from its days of brown glory, Dl's TL's themeatic presence has nothing on the Avenue of the Planets in the MK imo. My comparisons of Matterhorn to Everest, simple, the comparison is made by many and Everest is considered by many to be the 21st century version of the Matterhorn. It obviously has 40+ yrs of innovation on top of the Matterhorn, but its a fair comparison. I never said you hated the place, nor do I disagree that WDW could use some TLC, but your assumptions of the current state of WDW are far from the truth. How many times and when was your last visit to WDW? You can make it up and I wouldn't know, but I would hope you could be truthful so I know if your statements of WDW's condition are based on a few articles written by self-proclaimed Disney freaks or were made on your own. The place in general continues to look great imho particularly the oldest two resorts on property that are just finishing up their respective all-inclusive rehabs of the common guest areas and all guest rooms.


Well-Known Member
WDW is not declining on a whole in the aspects you speak of. It is not "decaying" and I have not noticed a general lack of basic upkeep allowing buildings to rot or rides to reach a level of unsafety that they require emergency closures, all of which DL had experienced not that long ago, don't forget. DL has a new sparkle to it right now, but the question is will it last? I hope so.

As for broken rides, I surely wouldn't say HM is "broken". I last rode in November, but everything appeared to be working and the audio worked fine and the ride vehicles themselves continued to move throughout the show building with no problem. Could it use a rehab? Absolutely. Does it feel neglected (beyond the fact that it is supposed to in some areas), no.

HSM recently received a makeover within the past few weeks with a more substantial stage and show more similar to the DCA version. It is even possible it will move to what many say is the better location for it at the Studios. That said, cheap shows is not the name of the game at WDW. Expensive and well executed shows that debuted in just the last year and half included Lights Motors Action Extreme Stunt show at MGM and the brand new Finding Nemo show at AK, along with other well executed productions including the long running Indiana Jones Spectacular and The Festival of the Lion King.

Um, yes. Haunted Mansion feels neglected. Unless they fixed it since I was last there. I guess it's part of the Disney magic when the Ghost host stops talking halfway through, or when the doom buggy makes screeching sounds. Not to mention the broken stretching portraits that someone posted a video of not too long ago. Embarrassing! This is getting kinda boring though. So this could possible be my last post in this thread :D


Well-Known Member
Um, yes. Haunted Mansion feels neglected. Unless they fixed it since I was last there. I guess it's part of the Disney magic when the Ghost host stops talking halfway through, or when the doom buggy makes screeching sounds. Not to mention the broken stretching portraits that someone posted a video of not too long ago. Embarrassing! This is getting kinda boring though. So this could possible be my last post in this thread :D

None of that I saw or experienced on my last ride-through last month, for what its worth. However, I have experienced the screeching at the bottom of the hill into the graveyard from time to time over the past several years and on occasion the ghost host cutting in and out. I don't know the reason for that or if it has been corrected or if I was just lucky on my last trip, but I agree it needs the rehab others have mentioned and those are some of the things that need to be fixed completely once and for all. However, I still disagree the HM is, on a whole, a "broken" ride.


Well-Known Member
I guess you could say that. But Walt's been dead for decades now.. and now his 'park' (he wasn't even there to see it in person) is deteriorating. It has become a cheesy tourist trap :slurp: and Disneyland has blossomed into his ideal park. It's clean, well-maintained, and it pleases its guests. Case closed :wave:..............

Because WDW has grown too big for its own good! Too many parks, too many things to take care of.. And because tourists will come no matter what the parks look like :wave: if the rides are broken, they can always go spend the day at the golf course :rolleyes:

First, I'll address the top comment. WDW is not deteriorating. It is not a cheesy tourist trap, and it is clean, well-maintained, and pleasing to our guests. WDW is as clean, well-maintained, and pleasing as it's West coast counterpart. As far as the second comment, that WDW is 'too big for it's own good', I'd like to see how you figure that is accurate. While DLR in CA has two parks, three hotels, and the Downtown Disney district, it employs less than 20,000 people at any given time (that number may just hit 20,000 during peak summer months). WDW, with it's four parks, 18 resorts, and Downtown Disney area, employs well over 57,000 people year round. Plenty of people to get the jobs done. WDW makes sure to employ enough people to take care of what has been built.

I understand that you may have a favorite park or ride or whatever, but that doesn't make another park less or worse. They all have a different thing to offer, but they all have the same goal: to create magic. I have been to DLR numerous times over the last 20 odd years, and have been to WDW a lot in the last two years. Both parks have their own specialties; both have their own shows; both have their differences. If all the parks were the same, it would suck and we'd all be complaining about that. If you don't like WDW, don't come here, and that's fine. But don't try to convince people it is some horrid heckhole not worth visiting. Because that's not true.


Well-Known Member
the problem with DL is that they have this crap called the california adeventure. I love all 4 WDW parks.
I don't think DCA is crap at all. I love this park, not as much as I love DL, but I still have a lot of fun when I go.
Have you even been to it? It's a beautiful park, especially at night! I think some people hear bad stuff about it and just assume it's a bad park. Sure it needs some help and doesn't draw in a lot of people...but hey, shorter lines for me.
And for the rest of this thread: DL>MK, WDW>DLR


New Member
I understand that you may have a favorite park or ride or whatever, but that doesn't make another park less or worse. They all have a different thing to offer, but they all have the same goal: to create magic. I have been to DLR numerous times over the last 20 odd years, and have been to WDW a lot in the last two years. Both parks have their own specialties; both have their own shows; both have their differences. If all the parks were the same, it would suck and we'd all be complaining about that. If you don't like WDW, don't come here, and that's fine. But don't try to convince people it is some horrid heckhole not worth visiting. Because that's not true.

I agree, very true

Nicole220 said:
I don't think DCA is crap at all. I love this park, not as much as I love DL, but I still have a lot of fun when I go.
Have you even been to it? It's a beautiful park, especially at night! I think some people hear bad stuff about it and just assume it's a bad park. Sure it needs some help and doesn't draw in a lot of people...but hey, shorter lines for me.

I like DCA as well, it have improved a lot since it first opened, but there is still room for improvements, and like any new park, it takes a while for it to become popular, and for people to understand what it is, becasue Californians didn't get it when it opened, becasue those that only knew DL only knew DL and for them DCA was completly out of the box for them. One could argue that it was the same when EPCOT opend. Not everyone understood what EPCOT was trying to do when it first opened, the same is true now for DCA. Some don't get it becasue when they think Disney they immediatly jump to images of DL and MK, not, for example, EPCOT and everything it is. The same with DCA. At first look it seems strange, but over the years people begin to understand it and come to apprechiate it, the same way EPCOT is now treasured. Granted DCA still has a long way to go before it has the status of any of the other parks at WDW, but it is still a great park.


Active Member
Buzz Lightyear and Pooh are not placeholder attractions to fill in space of former attractions that got gutted (namely Take Flight and Mr. Toad) as is the case in Florida, but these attractions at DL were built on new ride systems designed for those rides, not built over the ride systems of closed rides.

Actually, one of my favorite rides, Rocket Rods, was built on an old track system, which my have led to its demise. :(

And I believe that the new Nemo Submarine Voyage was built on the same tracks and subs, although, they could be new.

Well, one of the reasons Disneyland was spruced up was becuase of their monumentous celebration of their 50th Anniversary. When WDW gets theirs in less than 15 short years, I'm sure they'll do a number on the park.

Sometimes, just because the Disneyland does something, doesn't mean WDW will follow suit, even though they are all part of the same company. They are run by different management.

I was watching the "Dead Man Tell New Tales: Re-Imagineering the Ride" the documentary on the new Pirates DVD, and they said that it wasn't until WDW heard what Disneyland had set out to do that they wanted to do something like that for the Pirates ride.

But, I would like some of the special effects that they put into the Disneyland rides in WDW. I really enjoyed them! :)


New Member
To Original Poster:

Your Loss. Your Boycott is nothing to Walt Disney World. Maybe instead of pointing out the 6 negatives you came up with, you should look for the countless positives.

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