Is it the fact that these aren't really eco friendly bothering everyone or the fact that they are coke cups? Does it matter? LOL Just asking! If it is the eco thing I totally get it...other than that...really?
Each is an un eco friendly as the other. Both use dies, waxy coating that makes it harder to recycle, and PAPER. Heck, only a small step above plastic. If WDW truly wanted to push eco friendly, they would simply switch to the refillable cups/mugs/gallon jugs that are refillable property wide. Better yet, switch to a system that lets you refill any container you brought with you, but you need to scan a barcode/swipe card/RFID whatnot.
The bothering is the un branded aspect of the cups. I have no problems with Coke logos if they were hand in hand with Disney theming. See the recent Starbucks cups at DCA for an example of how this can be done, and done well. And I believe that some of the cups/mugs in the past did have the Coke logo worked into the design. I guarantee you that Disney didn't pay full price for those.
The fact that people are reporting it is still only at one location seems odd. Is the cost accounting/procurement structure that convoluted that one CS location cannot cross charge/cross ship more branded cups? Based on sheer volume if it was a 2 week changeover period, I would expect other locations to be switching over any second.
And for everyone who says that the cups/napkins just get thrown out when you are done, think about all the other little things that add up to a memorable Disney trip that seem inconsequential.
Mickey Bars! Lets just change em to a generic Dove bar on a stick, and save 30 cents in the production cost, but still charge the same price for them at the ice cream carts. You just eat them in 2 minutes, so who cares what it looks like.
Mickey Confetti! Lets just switch back to plan old confetti to use during any confetti blast. They just get swept up in 10 minutes, so who will notice.
Mickey Stickers from CMs! Lets change to a generic smiley face sticker. Who will notice that it has the Wal-Mart logo on them. They just get thrown out at the end of the day or when you change your clothes.
Mickey Branded Soap! You just use it to wash, it goes down the drain almost immediately after you use it. Lets switch to a plain bar that says "Soap" on it like at the no-tell motel on I-4.
All of the above are things that you may or may not think of being as a big deal, but the Disney experience is the sum of the whole. Losing one or two may not seem like a big deal. But if you lose 1 every 3-4 months, or even each year, 5-10 years you go back to WDW and think "I miss X. Wasn't it cool how they had Y?" or "Gee, why are we paying $115 per day to come here again? Junior just hops on the WiFi all day, it's nothing like when we were kids." And in this case it would be an instance of the old time really being better than how it is now.