Fantasmic gets cut to just 2 shows per week


Well-Known Member
Bookings for early next year must look really really bad. That show is one of the only reason people stay in the Studios later at night. Without that...will DHS be a 9-5 park like AK? I sure hope not. This is disappointing news to say the least. Let's hope it isn't permanenet

Well, this just continues to confirm that bookings are way down. They didn't cut Fantasmic back after 911. I am amazed at the number of cutbacks. We may be headed for some scary times here in central florida.


Well-Known Member
I really don't think the majority of guests are going to be nearly as upset as some of you think they will be. In a place the size of Manhattan, with 4 theme parks, two water parks, two mini-golf courses and numerous dining venues and other activities, I don't think the cutback of one nightime finale show is going to have that much of an effect on WDW. Like I said, they'll just find something else to do and have just as much fun.

But maybe there's more regulars and die hards than I'm assumming. :shrug:

Or maybe you're just not seeing the big picture. I completely understand the move, but it still troubles me. Sure, Fantasmic! is just one thing, but Pleasure Island will be gone also (that's 2 things). Now, what's next? Illuminations? Wishes? EPCOT, DHS, and DAK closing all day once a week? Or, what about Wishes once a week, and the rest of the week have hard ticket event? I'm thinking Spectro won't even come back. Also, taking away things that the regulars and die hards enjoy makes them less likely to come back or buy Annual Passes.

Also, with PI closing and Fantasmic! performances cut back, many people are losing their jobs. What about the people that have worked in the Adventurers Club nightly for years and years? What about the bartenders around PI trying to find openings at other bars in a slumping Orlando tourism economy? What about the talented performers that give their all at Fantasmic! nightly?

Like I said earlier, things are only going to get worse before they get better.

*wears tinfoil hat with pride*


Well-Known Member
Or maybe you're just not seeing the big picture. I completely understand the move, but it still troubles me. Sure, Fantasmic! is just one thing, but Pleasure Island will be gone also (that's 2 things). Now, what's next? Illuminations? Wishes? EPCOT, DHS, and DAK closing all day once a week? Or, what about Wishes once a week, and the rest of the week have hard ticket event? I'm thinking Spectro won't even come back. Also, taking away things that the regulars and die hards enjoy makes them less likely to come back or buy Annual Passes.

Also, with PI closing and Fantasmic! performances cut back, many people are losing their jobs. What about the people that have worked in the Adventurers Club nightly for years and years? What about the bartenders around PI trying to find openings at other bars in a slumping Orlando tourism economy? What about the talented performers that give their all at Fantasmic! nightly?

Like I said earlier, things are only going to get worse before they get better.

*wears tinfoil hat with pride*

I understand where you're coming from, although in the case of PI, I'm personally glad to see it go. I think WDW is no place for the bar scene and I wish the company would have never tried to go there. So I shed no tears at all to see PI go in favor of more wholesome family attractions, whether shopping, restaraunts, etc.

Now as far as the reasons for this change with Fantasmic, I'll wait and see what happens. Hopefully everyone is freaking out over nothing, and this move has nothing to do with economic woes or the perception of economic woes. But we'll just wait and see.


Well-Known Member
This is somewhat puzzling as popular opinion was that Disney is trying to make DHS back into a full day park again, Fantasmic is a big part of that park, and although it's my least favorite of the three night time shows, it seems counterintuitive to what we all thought their objective was for that park. Combine that with the now seemingly dead plans for Rivers of Light and it gets confusing as to whether or not they really want to have two 1/2 day parks.

I can't imagine this is all for American Idol, as I don't believe that theater can accommodate anywhere near the number of guests that Fantasmic can. This has to be for cost cutting purposes, which is unfortunate, but such is the reality that is the business world.


Well-Known Member
Once again. People here THINK fantasmic draws huge crowds to DHS, unfortunately the Walt Disney Co. obviously disagrees with that being as they have closed it for 5 nights a week.

I do not see in any way how this is spells doom for their efforts to build up the park and in reality it very well could be part of the plan.


Well-Known Member
This is alarming, but I am going to wait until we see the February hours before making any judgement. January is the lowest of the low season, but if we see similar cuts still in place for Presidents Week and Spring Break in March, then that will be a real reason to be troubled. One thing that surprises me though is that it doesn't seem that they are aligning the Fantasmic! schedule with the EMH schedule. I would think Disney would want to promote guests staying at the resorts more by having one of the Fantasmic! evenings each week be the same night as the EMH night.


Well-Known Member
I heard about some injuries, but I know there are a lot of Entertainment CM's still cast at Block Party into Fant! All I'm saying is the way Disney Casting handled everything involved with Block Party/Fant wasn't right. They sent people out of Fantasmic that had given so much to that stage without a care in the world. Now I'm wondering how everyone at Fant! will get their hours once this change starts. Hopefully they'll still be able to.

Totally agreed. From what i heard it was a pretty bad deal all around.

Heck, i still dont like them giving FT shifts to CPs when PT-ers have to fight to get FT hours. But thats Disney-drama most people probably dont need to hear about....


Well-Known Member
This is alarming, but I am going to wait until we see the February hours before making any judgement. January is the lowest of the low season, but if we see similar cuts still in place for Presidents Week and Spring Break in March, then that will be a real reason to be troubled. One thing that surprises me though is that it doesn't seem that they are aligning the Fantasmic! schedule with the EMH schedule. I would think Disney would want to promote guests staying at the resorts more by having one of the Fantasmic! evenings each week be the same night as the EMH night.

When we went in April of last year and this year, each year, Monday was the day for evening EMH at the Studios. So if Monday is one of the nights for Fantasmic, then it seems that it WILL be aligned with the EMH schedule. Of course, I realize that sometimes the EMH schedule shifts around, but it seems to me that more often than not, the EMH schedule for the studios is Monday for PM and Saturday for AM.


New Member
I'm really disappointed to hear this, I was really looking forward to seeing Fantasmic on my next trip down. When I went in 2006 to The World we had dinner at the Studios & headed over right after to get seats for the show & to my surprise it was already filled up! So needless to say we never got to see Fantasmic & to this day I still haven't. I am going to The World in January & now still may not get to see it because of this change.

With the January hours not being posted on time I had to book my ADR's this week and basically do it blind, not knowing when to book anything because I had no hours. I made the best schedule I could & have now booked all of my ADR's & the day we plan to be at DHS is not one of the days Fantasmic is showing. So now do I rearrange our days & change some ADR's, and mind you I got all of the places & times we wanted to eat at, so we can hope to see the show, or just say forget it! I mean if I go to all of this trouble there is no guarantee we are going to get to see the show with only 2 a week everyone will be heading to DHS for Fantasmic. It is very frustating...I have been trying to book everything and plan a vacation, but nothing on Disney's end has been "on time" in order for me to do that easily. I changed our dinner plans around first because of the news on Liberty Tree Tavern, I don't want to eat there with no characters & now this news of is making things very difficult to plan without having to change things around constantly. I'm just really disappointed by this decision & because of it when I go down in January I still may not get to see Fantasmic again!!! :mad::mad::mad:


This could just be the beginning. Perhaps in the days or weeks to come we'll hear of another schedule change to a nighttime show in a different park that coincidentally enough will involve that show not being shown the 2 nights of the week that Fantasmic is shown.

Working in an industry that has cut and cut and cut since deregulation more than 20 years ago, this is not the end of the world (no pun intended) by ANY means. Right now, they are most likely just looking for the easiest simplest ways to cut while at the same time causing what they perceive as a minimal impact to its customers.


Well-Known Member
That isnt really a fair comparison though is it. July 4 is a special event day, and cant be used as a comparison to day in January. Using that argument, any day in a peak period the guest isnt going to see as many special events as they do on July 4.

If you attend the park on any given day in July, you get 3 night shows. Up until this announcement, that was also true for January. Yes the hours are shorter in January, and always have been, but in recent years, the actual offerings on any given day are just as extensive as those at any other time of the year.

I dont think people are blaming Disney for the decision, they have to do what they have to do. I think the concern is more for that fact that this is showing that they are forecasting rough times ahead. Those of us that were following things in 2001/2002 remember all to well what happens during those times, and how many things go byebye. Some never to return.

I used 4th of July to represent the summer, as I'm sure you are aware. Certainly there aren't as many events in January as on 4th of July, and I don't think as in most summer days, as I said regarding water parks, minor refurbs, etc.

I wholeheartedly agree that this is a concern in terms of forcasting rough times ahead. I fear that is coming.

And I fully agree about the things that go away and don't come back. When Epcot first opened, it was regularly open after 9 p.m. World Showcase and Future World opened at the same time, allowing for a delight breakfast at the bakery in France at breakfast time, rather than brunch. There are numerous examples, some justified, others regrettable.

Again, I do fear that we are in for rough times. But I'm not so worried about losing Fantasmic in January as I am if we are still without it from President's Day into Spring Break. That will truly indicate troubled waters ahead.


Active Member
Maybe they have it scheduled 2 nights a week with one of them being an evening extra Magic for Disney's Hollywood Studios. It would give those guests staying on property a reason to head to the park earlier to Catch Fantasmic and stay for the rest of the night


Active Member
I think this is horrible news. Admitted, I'm not a local, so I don't go to DHS on an extremely regular basis. But I have been there dozens of times, and at all times of the year over the last 7-8 years... and I have NEVER seen anything less than a mob at F! Therefore I discount failing attendance for the show itself as a reason for the cut. Overall reservations way down? May be... can't discount that given the economy.

Whatever the reason, I'm an optimist. :ROFLOL: Tuesdays and Fridays ought to be schweeeet for touring at DHS! DHS will be the lamest park ever if they cut F! Personally, I can catch that show once every few years and I'm OK with that. So I'll get in there on a Tuesday or Friday and hit the highlights, and be be gone long before the wretched AI finale shows on the Chumpo... errr, Jumbotron.

Speaking of the AI show... why on God's green earth would I spend my time standing in front of the hatstrosity gazing up at other guests warbling on a ginormous TV? Ummmm... no thanks; I'll just go back to the resort for a swim. :brick::brick:


New Member
Natural gas actually isn't that expensive and quite plentiful in the U.S. However, this is definitely related to petrol prices and a dreadful economy. I imagine that the inferno barge will be cut from Illuminations if it hasn't already...big waste of ga$.

Natural gas prices are on their way up significantly as well. The "acquisition" cost on my gas bill (the amount the utility had to pay for the gas) went up 20% last month alone - and that's just comparing it to the previous month. Compared to the same month last year, I'm sure it's much more than 20%. And this is the low demand season...

Most utilities are predicting anywhere from a 30% to 50% increase in natural gas prices this winter compared to last winter. It should be a rough winter for many folks financially - right now, I'm thankful I live in a "moderate" climate, where we don't usually go below freezing, even during the night!


New Member
1.)January is dead

2.)Disney can probably tell you by now what their winter and spring are going to look like based on their bookings right now. I worked in a call center and they had staffing set perfectly..hardly ever a call in queue hardly half a second between calls to catch a breath....I'm sure Disney tracks bookings and can project as well.

3.)Some people are tightening their belts here in the states. Some people are also doing stupid things like buying fuel efficient cars in addition to their SUVs adding additional car and insurance payments to their budgets in order to save money on gas..i.e. 2 car payments to 4 car payments(I took the calls ..I know) I also had a call where a woman bought a 2nd and 3rd car to have 3 tanks full of gas so she wouldn't have to fill up as often:hammer:people are panicked and doing silly ...sometimes expensive things.

4.)From what I understand people are feeling the pinch in the UK too.

5.) We have a presidential election coming some minds a scary one..I am terrified of being taxed silly no matter who wins.

6.)The last few times I went to F! it was a steady flow into the theater...but we were able to get seats waiting until 30-40 minutes prior to the show.


Well-Known Member
1.)January is dead
What do you do with the performers during this time? 2 performances a week won't cut it.

2.)Disney can probably tell you by now what their winter and spring are going to look like based on their bookings right now. I worked in a call center and they had staffing set perfectly..hardly ever a call in queue hardly half a second between calls to catch a breath....I'm sure Disney tracks bookings and can project as well.
Which is obviously why they're cutting back on costs.

3.)Some people are tightening their belts here in the states. Some people are also doing stupid things like buying fuel efficient cars in addition to their SUVs adding additional car and insurance payments to their budgets in order to save money on gas..i.e. 2 car payments to 4 car payments(I took the calls ..I know) I also had a call where a woman bought a 2nd and 3rd car to have 3 tanks full of gas so she wouldn't have to fill up as often:hammer:people are panicked and doing silly ...sometimes expensive things.

4.)From what I understand people are feeling the pinch in the UK too.
Yes, but at least they have the advantage of a stronger currency.

5.) We have a presidential election coming some minds a scary one..I am terrified of being taxed silly no matter who wins.
It really can't get any worse than it is now IMO, but that's a topic for a different website.

6.)The last few times I went to F! it was a steady flow into the theater...but we were able to get seats waiting until 30-40 minutes prior to the show.
I understand that costs need to be cut, but I would rather they be from different things (stunt show, backlot, etc.) I don't understand cutting a main draw for that park


It seems to me quite likely that the opening of AI is a pretty big factor in all of this.

The American Idol Experience is a big part of Disney's strategy for the future of DHS. They want it to be a major draw, something that guests will be willing to spend an entire day auditioning for in order to make it into the evening finale.

For that to happen, the finale is going to have to be a must-see event. Didn't I read that there was a plan to broadcast the finale on a giant screen outside of the theater? If so, that means Disney is hoping to have the AI theater packed and crowds of people watching outside. The bigger the crowds, the more of a "must-see" event it becomes, and therefore the more interest people will have in spending a day auditioning to perform for these massive crowds.

For Disney's plan to succeed, then, it's vital that they have big crowds for AI each night when it opens in January. If the initial crowds are low and there doesn't appear to be much interest in the finale, then the whole thing turns into an overblown karaoke show and it's a lot of money down the drain. January already has low crowds, so Disney's stacking the deck in their favor, getting rid of AI's chief nighttime competition most nights of the week.

With F! gone most nights, and if the AI finale plays late enough, the crowds will have nowhere to go except AI, and voila! Suddenly the chance to be on that stage each night is a valuable opportunity.

I'm sure cost-cutting and expected attendance are big factors as well, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if Disney made this decision in large part to ensure the success of AI. Then they can re-evaluate Fantasmic's role in the future of DHS once they've seen how it all pans out.

Just a guess on my part.

-p.b. :cool:


Active Member
Whilst I'm saddened by this annoucement, I can see the resons as to why disney are doing this. I was a F!/PAC CM between Oct and Apr just been and during January WDW is really quiet and i can see why disney wants to save money. I am however suprised hey are cutting F! to twice a week, as i feel this will go to standing room every performance even if numbers on last year are reduced and this just means fustrated and annoyed guests (I would have said three a week at a minuimum is needed.) F! is a very expensive show to produce as the also employ around 100 CM per show to keep it running across merch/ents/ F&B and ops, and that is costs before the daily cost of the fireworks, and just like the rest of us, disney are feeling the pinch and need to keep prices down so people still even consider visiting, and this move will save millions of dollars, which will help disney keep park admission prices at a resonable (4 Disney) price during the current economic slowdown.

I will however be concerned if they do not make it daily over peak times especially Easter where this year the 1st show filled to capacity on most nights.


Well-Known Member
Has this been confirmed?? As in, has Disney released schedules or anything? I'm going in January, but this thread is the first I've heard of F! going to just two nights a week.

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