I hate that people keep throwing this statement around as if its fact.
Sorry you hate it...but it is a fact.
That is not what they're thinking.
The way they see it is that they are continuing to be the most visited park in the world without any major capital spending.
It's more like, "HEY, LOOK AT US! OUR ATTENDANCE IS STEADY AND WE HAVEN'T SPENT ANY MONEY! Now...where's my bonus check."
Sadly, that's how they operate.:shrug:
And don't give me the excuse that they just want to look good for the higher ups by not spending cash, cause thats ridiculous as well. New attractions bring people back who will thus spend money, and the idea is to always make more than last year. If TDO was trying to impress their bosses, they would want new stuff in the parks to drive business to continually beat the previous years income..
The problem is, they ARE making more money each year. Or at least they're holding steady. Unfortunately, the way they have chosen to do it is by heavily discounting rooms and food, rather than spending money on new attractions.
Also, I dont know why people keep complaining that the FLE is too princess driven. Why does it matter?
'Cause it kinda sucks that the first major addition to MK in almost 20 years is aimed squarely at pre-teen girls.
Like it or not, that is the demographic they are targeting with the FLE in order to not only ease the capacity issues at MK, but also to sell a butt-load of merchandise.
Those classic movies are unisex. I am a 31 yr old male, and I prefer Beauty & the Beast over say Monsters Inc or the Incredibles.
Then you are quite in the minority among males of any age. Nothing wrong with that.
I dont know why some keep thinking about the FLE expansion in terms of "its too girly". It just means that you don't like those franchises, but those movies that are being portrayed in this expansion are enjoyed by guys and girls alike.
Thinking the expansion is "too girly" has nothing to do with not liking the franchises. I like them all fine.
I just don't want to see hundreds of millions of dollars spent on over-glorified meet and greets pertaining to those franchises. Nor do I want to spend any time at all watching Cinderella magically change clothes, or helping Aurora color in her cottage. Simply put, and many (including some very highly placed Disney officials) agree, there is very little in FLE to attract adults without children or little boys.
To quote a Disney suit from Burbank:
We're spending all this money on an expansion that will, at best, help MK's capacity, but do nothing for it's turnstile count."
I don't believe that anyone on these message boards is deep enough within the company to get any sort of info like that.
Oh...you'd be surprised.
And if it was forced, it wasn't because TDO doesn't want to do anything, it was because Universal was getting an expansion in Harry Potter and the execs at Disney wanted to also tout the fact that they are expanding as well. Im just sick of this whole "TDO was forced to do this expansion because they refuse to do anything and just dont care about the parks" attitude.
Again, no.
FLE has nothing to do with Potter. It is not, and was never meant to be, an "answer" for HP. The Potter countermeasures were all cancelled.
FLE was...ummm..."strongly reccomended" by Burbank to help with MK's capacity issues. Issues that TDO has been well aware of for years, but has only recently reached the point where Burbank has finally said "Fix it."
If the mandate had never come from Burbank...I can assure you FLE would not be happening.
Same for Star Tours. TDO had originally budgeted only enough money to do a "cliff notes" version of ST2. Once again, Burbank vetoed that, and instructed that all installations of ST2 be the same.