Mstr Gra-c
Active Member
The new Dumbo area is just fine. It is on the edge and will fit perfectly fine with everything else being done.
You have to remember that the original Dumbo was done in the past, and it doesn't really seem that a very good job was made of it back then. The new version will be a considerable improvement.
And what is going on with your new attitude? When you constantly argued with Epcot Explorer and co you would take the positive outlook on everything, and now they are gone you take the negative on everything. Are you just looking for an argument and to flamebait?
I seem to remember JT being referred to as a fanboi or a TDO slappy for those positive remarks. Maybe he agrees with some things and disagrees with others...crazy I know.
My two pennies...I am liking the FLE less every day. There is so much wasted potential and way too many M&Gs...yes I know they are very where as I understand why, I dont have to like it. And yes, I think dumbo seems out of place...and yes thematically speaking and historically speaking Dumbo would fit as an off branch of homage to turn of the century Americana...I get it, but again i really dont like that either.